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  1. In Skyrim? Kinda. You could use the opposite arrow key to the direction you were facing to cancel out the turn. So for example if using a bow on a horse and you're shooting to the left, you could press forward and right (W and D) at the same time and your horse would continue to go straight ahead because your keyboard's right input cancelled out the mouse's left input. That said, Starfield already has an Auto Recenter mod for flight. I imagine whatever code is needed to enable that could also be used to decouple the mouse from steering a ground vehicle. Honestly with the stock REV-8 this isn't even needed, but the REV-9 mod (which I already love) makes the rover so responsive that it's constantly swerving left and right even when my hand is totally off the mouse, due to the simple fact that terrain isn't flat. I don't normally get motion sickness in games but this is pretty close.
  2. Is there a way to do this? I don't want to disable mouse aiming, only mouse steering (to steer exclusively with keyboard instead) and only for the new ground vehicles. This would allow for strafing targets and generally be more stable than the mouse. And of course, if not, could someone make a mod for it? I suspect this will require SFSE, of which I know absolutely nothing.
  3. Yep, I'm using both his revolver and the heavy shotgun. I especially like the revolver because it's one of the tiny, tiny handful of weapons with a Railroad decal available. (Basically it and the LAER and I don't even know of another one, kinda sad.) Oh well, guess I'll just have to keep scrolling.
  4. Title, basically. Is there a tag I can block or some other means to hide all the "modern" weapons for Fallout 4 so I don't see them? I'm fine with things like the Service Rifle that are a lore-friendly take on a real life weapon (M16A2), as well as scifi or other wacky guns, I'm just tired of browsing the Weapons category and 90% of what I see is stuff I'd expect to see on a real life modern battlefield that has never existed in Fallout lore and more importantly, never could because even the materials used to manufacture it don't exist in the Fallout universe. I tried loading several modern weapons and none had any tags set at all, but they were all pretty new mods so perhaps that will work after some time. I don't want to block authors because many of them make other mods I really like, I just don't want to see this specific subcategory of mod because I'm never going to use them.
  5. There are multiple mods now that add buildable outpost objects, yet apparently none currently add lamps, ceiling lights, etc. Do any of the amazing modders currently making these object packs have plans to add light fixtures soon? Asking because I absolutely adore DerreTech but I literally can't see to get to the cockpit at night, and the 4 (yes, a total of FOUR) vanilla lights don't work.
  6. So first of all, obviously, spoilers for the game's endings. There, you're warned. For Fallout: New Vegas we have mods like Continue After Game Ending (CAGE) and Functional Post Game Ending (FPGE). These mods add a LOT of replayability and flexibility to FONV, because they eliminate the constant tension between completing the narratively time-sensitive main quest and doing potentially time-wasting side quests. By allowing you to complete any side quests at your leisure, after the main quest is finished, then you simply eliminate this whole problem and the whole game makes much better sense. However, there's a critical difference between a game like FONV and CP2077. Specifically, the Courier survives in every ending FONV has to offer. In CP2077, V doesn't technically survive any of them. We are told V dies in six months in every "good" ending and in the "bad" endings she dies before the credits roll. (I play female V always but insert he or they or whatever works for you.) Thus, there's not really any ending where something like CAGE or FPGE works because V is either dead or very quickly dying. The solution, I think, is something akin to the Citadel Epilogue Mod for Mass Effect 3. Essentially, remove all the options in favor of a single ending, and rewrite it slightly to remove any indication that V doesn't live happily ever after. (Or at least, until she catches another bullet. V is a merc in Night City, after all. There's no way she's gonna live to see her 50th birthday regardless.) And I think the best option for this is actually the "secret" ending - the one where V and Johnny solo Arasaka Tower. Why? Because both V and Johnny need to survive for this to work. You see, a post-ending mod wouldn't be able to strip Johnny out of all the side quests where he makes an appearance. A quest like Space Oddity doesn't work without Johnny still hitching a ride in V's head, and there's literally over a hundred little quests just like it. It would simply be too hard to strip Johnny out of the game. As such, our new single ending has to be a scenario where both Johnny and V survive so that both can be always present for the side quests. With that established, here's my suggestion. The fight to Mikoshi proceeds as normal, then when V and Johnny arrive, the mod kicks in. Alt suggests that rather than trying to choose, V and Johnny can continue to cohabitate in V's head. How you ask? By using the relic to their advantage. Rather than trying to override V's mind with Johnny's engram, Alt makes a new engram. A new engram that's a perfect copy of V's current mental state - half V, half Johnny. Alt then places this new engram on the relic, and "reboots" V's body (essentially defibrillates her) causing the relic to begin the process of overwriting V's mind with the new hybrid engram. The screen fades to black, and then we get a "6 months later" screen while V is placed in an artificial coma to allow the relic to finish overwriting her organic brain with the new hybrid engram. V wakes up in Viktor's shop, good as new, ready to continue her adventure. So that's my suggestion. I have literally zero of the skills required to do any of this, but I think it's a clean solution to the irrational tension between the urgency of the main quest and the side quests, and it also gives us a genuinely good ending where V actually survives, and she doesn't even have to kick Johnny out to do it. Thoughts? Volunteers?
  7. Literally has nothing to do with this. I have finished the entire main story once already and the ending was absolutely soul crushing. Then I find out that all 7 endings are the same. I simply want the map unlocked after the prologue so I can ignore the terrible, railroading main story and focus on the reason I bought the game - shooting bad guys in the face.
  8. Title. I want the Watson Lockdown ended BEFORE The Heist and Act 2 so that I can free roam the entire map without having to deal with the...um...consequences of The Heist, let's just say.
  9. Just a few things I'd like to add to this: 1) That consoles are inferior (they are) to PCs is indeed completely and totally irrelevant to the issue at hand. That does NOT make it an invalid issue, but it does mean that nobody should've brought that unrelated, even if valid, discussion into this one. As long as it's here, though, (yes I'm being hypocritical, but I'm sorry, this has to be said) I just want to say one simple thing: you can buy a gaming laptop that outperforms all 3 consoles combined for under $700. Just about the one and only reason, historically, to buy a console was that it was cheaper. Now they're not. (Both major controllers are Bluetooth so they work with PCs, obvious graphics superiority, etc. Not going to rehash everything else here.) In short, I'm not an advocate for PCs because they're better. I'm an advocate for PCs because consoles are ripping off consumers. People are paying more money for an inferior product. In other words, I'm trying to protect console players from themselves. You don't have to like the fact that I'm forcing you to wear a seatbelt right now - you'll like it when you aren't a grease spot on the pavement later. But, yes, that isn't relevant to the problem at hand. It's still a valid discussion, but ok, this really isn't the place. (I love you my console brothers and sisters! I'm only trying to help you!) 2) Mods make money. Not all mods, and not a lot of money, but Nexus has a donation feature. I haven't actually looked at Bethesda.net (I have no reason to) but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the donation feature isn't one they offer. And that's a problem. Credit and kudos and warm fuzzy feelings aside, I'm sure at least a dozen mod authors on the Nexus make enough money from their creations to fuel several late night coffee binges, and I've read enough mod descriptions (and written enough PHP in my youth) to know that's when the really awesome, creative stuff happens. In a very real, palpable sense, mod theft isn't just stealing the recognition these authors deserve, it's literally taking cold, hard cash out of their pockets. And who knows? Maybe that $10 or so is the difference between them being able to sink another 20 hours into an awesome armor or weapon, or having to go get a second job and not having the time. I'd hate to be deprived of the next Nuka Gear or Commonwealth Shorts because the author had to go get another job to pay the bills, when just 2 or 3 generous people who found their mods through Nexus could;ve made a difference. 3) This problem really began in April. I still don't have the CK, because I refuse to make yet another account on yet another web site, theft or not. The day we had to go create an account with Bethesda to download the CK, THAT'S then the uproar should've started. That's when this turned south. It was the red herring we all missed. And here's the scary part: now I'm probably going to have to find a way to pirate a copy of the CK just to make mods for a game I bought and paid good money for the season pass for. I mean, now that the true purpose of Bethesda.net has been revealed, I'm less annoyed at having to create yet another umpteenth login on yet another web site, and more straight up too mad at them to consider it...but those are my choices now. Either sign up for a site I hate on principal, or pirate a utility for a game I actually bought. How messed up is that?
  10. I just had a crazy thought...Yanno how the Platinum Chip is supposed to be an upgrade for House's securitrons? i.e. a data storage device? What if DoA could use it to upgrade herself INSTEAD?! This would give players an incentive to choose the Independent/Yes Man ending and destroy the securitrons (since AFAIK that's the only ending where you don't actually use the chip.) Not sure exactly what it would do, but perhaps it could simply mirror what it does to the securitrons? Like add +15 DT and...idk, some additional feature?
  11. Just in case anyone, like me is having this issue with WINE (i.e. running Skyrim in Linux) here's what I found. NOTE: This most likely will not work in Windows, but you can try it. You can always cancel it if it fails (see below.) The instructions are correct. You must add the bEnableFileSelection line under /home/<username>/.wine/drive_c/users/<username>/My Documents/My Games/Skyrim/ in the file SkyrimPrefs.ini under a section named [Launcher]. In my case, the section didn't exist at all (because after install I had never actually run the Launcher in the first place - I suspect using the normal setup.exe to install does this, but I copied my Skyrim installation from Windows.) However, for use in WINE, this is correct yet incomplete. When you run the Launcher again, it will still have "Data Files" grayed and also still have "Install" rather than "Play." As crazy as it sounds, click Install. Yes, even though it is ALREADY installed, click it anyway. In my case, all this did was trigger automatic video settings detection, and then reloaded the launcher, with both the "Play" and 'Data Files" options enabled. I'm not sure why this worked, but it did. If for some reason it DOES try to actually reinstall the game, just click Cancel and it shouldn't do any harm.
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