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  1. In response to post #9030501. #9030907, #9031358, #9033330, #9033413, #9033613, #9033675, #9033804, #9033956 are all replies on the same post. I am not a expert on these things but I think that these Nexus-sites have more than few thousand visitors per second and I think that I saw a statistic somewhere saying that the Skyrim-Nexus site alone had over 1 million unique visitors daily at some point. This kind of network usage requires very large pool of resources to be used. I mean that even my country's main mobile-phone network/Internet providers have big down times + lag while they have similar kind of (possibly even larger) bandwidth usage and with much much more funds and resources at their disposal so I am very happy that the Nexus sites work as they do. I don't know what kind of a Internet connection you are running but I can open any nexus page in 2-3 seconds normally and in 10 seconds if the sites are under heavy load. I will see if I can transfer some funds to my PayPal account and buy the premium so I can support this wonderful site that has been the source of joy to me for all these years. Thank you Robin and rest of your crew keeping this up and working as you have done so far and I hope that this site continues to exist as long as there are games out there ready to be modded :D
  2. Great idea! And definitely going to get this mod when it comes out. If I may request that when you able to get the sound effects to all races + female/male version you might want to make different version for each race... For example Male Dark Elf mage with hunger for power and being evil character probably wouldn't sound like Male Dark Elf mage that solely uses magic for greater good and helping others if you catch my idea.
  3. What I have gathered by experiecing with the Auriel's Bow and Bloodcursed Arrows is that the effect replaces any weathers in any region thus meaning that if you use the spell and it goes on forever you won't get rain/snowstorms anymore + special weathers like in the Soul Cairn and Sovngarde are replaced too... Also I have this mod that changes the effect to last for full day ending at nightfall and this gives me enough time to do what I have to do in daytime. Also as I use Brehanin's Better Vampires mod that allows me to add damage to vampires while in sunlight ( I use slight option as if some npc forces the talk screen to pop while in sunlight I might still have enough time to save my character from burning into ash as at even 1.8k healthpool that sun damage will take me down 15 secs while slight (not tested the hardcore on the new 6.31 version)).
  4. Funny thing is that while my sneak is above 100 and I can be in plain sight of NPC casting fireballs I they will not notice me there unless they come closer than 5m :D And I know by experience that once you get sneak above 200 (with enchantments or mods) enemies will only notice you when you bump into them...
  5. Thanks insanityman! K ENB is definetly one that I might try, but as for now its quite hectic at work and such so I can't really enjoy playing skyrim (takes a while to install/sort all those mods I downloaded) so I'll wait for a bit and search myself too for the ENB of my preference. As for that Wintertide: looks damn good to me and I would have probably missed that If I'd done the searching the old-fashioned way (look for the most downloads/endorsement files). These kinds of jewels I am looking for. And no need for any kind of long speeches or something to describe why you like those ENB's. In fact I chose that Project Matso ENB while back cause of the colors really nice and it didn't have much impact on performance. One thing I noticed when I switched from Sharpshooter's (which is quite outdated) to Project Matso was that I was able to see Supreme and Volumetric Fog which didn't appear at all with sharpshooter's. Other thing was the minor thing that enabled me to use Brehanin's Better Vampire's vampiric night eye which didn't work with sharpshooters. To me little details matter as much as the big picture. Feel free to describe your ENB pick with any words you might find appropriate.
  6. Heya! I reinstalled my PC last week (got some hardware updates) and decided to completely get rid off my mod folder (needed cleaning up) and now I have been downloading the essential mods/mods that I really liked. But now I am in a tight spot so to speak: I have run few ENB setups with my older hardware where I had to keep in mind that performance might become an issue. I don't think that I need to take that account this time (at least not so much). This instant I can think of few ENB setups that I ran before more than just few moments/days are Sharpshooter's ENB, Project ENB and Project Matso ENB. The thing is I have not a single clue which I should use really and I don't really want to go and check each and every one of them out especially as I would probably need to test them personally to see what they look like. As there are 378 files that has ENB in it's name it would be painful to do it with each of them. So the task is that you tell me what ENB you are using and why (some little details and why it seems better to you than ENB X) This way I think I will get some feedback on those ENB setups (there are so much of them and preview pics really show that they all look great). Thanks for your help! P.S. My computer specs as of now are: CPU: IntelĀ® Core i7-2600K CPU @ 3,40 GHz GPU: XFX Radeon 7970 Black Edition RAM: 16 GB DDR3 OS: W7 64bit And the rest of them probably don't matter much on visual side :D
  7. And I thought the problem was on my end... Glad that you are working on it and good luck with it!
  8. Heya once again! This time I have managed to overcome my problems for CTDs at launch or loading saves/starting new games (have no idea how I did do it though...). But I have encountered a problem that is not so usual or I think so: First of all I started to notice not too long ago that "purple textures" were appearing randomly all over Skyrim and when I restarted the game it fixed the last texture errors, but created new ones. Thus I decided to search for fixes and found some and of course I did reinstall Skyrim HD 2K Textures couple of times (this time I become wiser and started using NMM which helps a lot). The problem persisted but in much smaller scale and much more seldom than before so I didn't share much thoughts to it until these few days. Then suddenly I encountered a problem that disallowed me to go even near Riften, sunlight or indoors and by removing mods and loading a save game much before this problem I was able to solve this and now everything else works fine, but the textures have become again buggy. It seems to trigger when I enter indoors where most of textures are missing completely or they are black and much more. When I go back outside the problem occurs there too thus making playing the game impossible. I thought that this is a conflict between Skyrim HD 2K and Official high-res texture-pack, but then the real problem occured: It seems that I can't disable a single mod right now as it causes instant crashes when loading saves so I can't really confirm is this is the cause. Here are some images of the texture problems: http://i694.photobucket.com/albums/vv310/Riisio/TESV2012-07-2023-44-12-51.jpg http://i694.photobucket.com/albums/vv310/Riisio/TESV2012-07-2023-44-18-48.jpg http://i694.photobucket.com/albums/vv310/Riisio/TESV2012-07-2023-47-27-99.jpg http://i694.photobucket.com/albums/vv310/Riisio/TESV2012-07-2023-47-33-51.jpg Too bad there is no event log or crash log when Skyrim crashes so I can't figure out what is causing the problem with disabling mods myself it would make things much easier
  9. I have the same problem 3 months ago and as I have been in military I haven't had the time nor the interest to find a fix to this problem. Of course I have done the usual tricks (disabling mods, clean installs, removing INI. files etc.) but with no avail. Yesterday I started to search and fix this problem completely. I removed all the mods and everything else than Bethesda made files from data folder and got the NMM and installed the mods I wanted with it thinking that it would fix the problem but it had no effect (or so I thought). At first the I couldn't get farther than the Bethesda logo when I started the game, but after I eliminated mods 1 at a time I found a mod that caused the problem and thus I rejoiced but too early. When I loaded up and save game or started a new game it took around 3-5 mins to loading screen to fade off and then CTD with no error messages or anything. After this I started to eliminate mods 1 at a time again and in the end ran the game with no mods active at all and still CTD after loading screen fades. Then I deleted ini. files and removed all of my save games and tried again and now I could start a new game and got to the point where the opening credits say "Skyrim" and then again CTD... 1. I have changed my sound settings to 16b 44100 Hz and 24b 44100 Hz with no effect 2. I have removed ini. files and such with no effect 3. I have updated my drivers with no effect 4. No mods are currently active so I think the problem isn't mod related 5. I have tried to run the game as administrator and in different kinds of compatibility modes with no effect 6. Disabled AA and FXAA and forced them from AMD control suite with no effect 7. I see no reason to do another (6 done during these 3 months) clean install as the last one was done 3 weeks ago and nothing has changed from that (didn't help then either). I am starting to get so frustrated with this problem that I am starting to consider making the Skyrim CD a sand art :mad: :mad: :mad: Oh and my computer specs are below: Processor:IntelĀ® Core2 Quad CPU Q9400 @ 2.66GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.7GHz Memory:6144MB RAM DDR2 Hard Drive:3,8TB (3 1TB external HDDs and one contains Steam and the Skyrim ofc) Video Card:ATI Radeon HD 7900 Series Sound Card:Realtek HDMI Output (Realtek High Definition Audio) (Integrated to motherboard) Operation System:Windows 7 Professional 32-bit (6.1, Build 7600) (7600.win7_gdr_staging.090720-1852) (Kernel patched to support more than 3 GB of RAM) Motherboard:ASUS P5QL Pro P.S. Hopefully I can find a fix to this soon...
  10. After few hours of scouring the forums for request like this I found nothing (or I missed it and someone could direct me to the right path :D ) so I am posting this request here. I noticed after I created my High Elf Battlemage/Spellsword combo (Conjuration, Alteration, Restoration, Blocking, One-handed, Smithing, Enchanting, Destruction and now Light Armor has proven to be quite deadly combo as I was lvl 3 when I went to Bleak Falls Barrow and was lvl 11 when I got out) that mage armor spell effects don't look nice (it did till I started wearing glass armor). So request is this: to alter the color/effect of the armor to be more visually appealing and suitable for different armors/clothing. Or just simply remove the effect so that it doesn't bother at all. Best solution would be Bound weapons fire effect to engulf the armor you are using but with in reason of course (don't want to be flaming man with all characters as it would look rather odd to be stealthy assassin mage and remain unnoticed while flaming like the biggest bonfire in Skyrim in the dark dungeon :P) Here is my character for show how awful that vanilla effect looks: http://i694.photobucket.com/albums/vv310/Riisio/TESV2011-12-3100-24-32-34.jpg http://i694.photobucket.com/albums/vv310/Riisio/TESV2011-12-3100-28-12-56.jpg
  11. Well for logically thinking Heavy armor would make dual wielding harder (as it is heavier, but this has no effect (?) in skyrim yet, but when CK is out it will be done for sure).
  12. 1st. Archery in Skyrim differs greatly from what it was in Oblivion. In Oblivion the bows were short and cause of that used in short-mid range shooting, one could shoot arrows in fast rate as the damage of bows were not that great. In Skyrim archery was meant to be long range and powerful ranged weapon capable to go toe-to-toe with powerful mages. One takes time to fully draw the bow for full damage and range and the bows tend to be long ones thus being harder to pull. Of course the damage is not even near to a powerful mage as it should be: (with Marked for Death, poisons, legendary status bow with high damage enchant and best arrows around, apparel designed to increase bow damage, perks that improve archery, potions that improve archery I can shoot those dragons down with 3-4 arrows (master difficulty and not using enchant/alchemy exploit to make god weapons) if I hit and that takes around 10-20 secs to do while my mage using enchanted apparel to reduce destruction spell cost to 0 and using lighting storm can take that dragon down in less than for 7 secs and the probability to hit that dragon with spell is greater as it is channeled). 2nd. Alchemy is clearly a rogue/thief/assasin type skill as stated above magic can do everything that potions/poisons can and thus lore wise mages wouldn't waste time creating potions. 3rd. Shouts are as you said another way of magic, but different kind as it requires no magicka thus giving the magicka to something more important. And what mage wouldn't want 3rd way to cast spells (1 Expert Fire mage vs. 3 bandits = Fire mage uses Incineration on first 2 guys with his/her hands and finishes the battle using Yol-Toor-Shul for the last one and turning everything near to ash :) ). And as stated above it gives a melee fighter a way (ineffective but still...) to combat dragons up in the sky even though dragons are stupid to land wend guy is using swords :D
  13. Hmm what about recreating the famous Sixth Element mod for Oblivion in Skyrim as part of your lichification idea.
  14. Heya! Found this kind of bug with GRA katana (fully modified) and was wondering if it is something that others have and if it is caused by conflict with mod. http://i694.photobucket.com/albums/vv310/Riisio/FalloutNV2011-10-1612-29-11-30.jpg As you can see the katana is not in sheath at all and there is second sheath floating there and sometimes there are more of these floating sheaths and sometimes duplicate sheaths attached to my character. Otherwise the katana works just fine and all of this happened after I attached the authentic blade mod and the protective sheath mod, before all this it worked without flaws. I know this can be fixed by save and reload, but can it be fixed so that it won't happen again?
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