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About River65

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  1. Thank you. I'll use the alternative for now.
  2. Thanks for the explanation. On a similar but different note, I have an actor alias set to the player in order to show the player's name in the letter, is the correct way to go about it?
  3. I went into the script and for some reason I had added completequest() , rather than stop(). So I changed that. Do I need to restart the game in order to test whether I can drop the note, or can I continue on (I'm at level 5 with the quest completed) and not worry about it being baked into my save? The only difference with this quest compared to the vanilla letter of inheritance, that I'm aware of, is that the vanilla quest starts on a kill event and ends with delivery of the letter. Mine starts on an increase level event and ends with entering a trigger box. Otherwise the set up is basically the same for the courier and the note.
  4. Thanks for the response and explanation. I already had Stop() by itself in the quest stages tab papyrus fragment, the quest is marked as an increase level event in the data tab and the quest script is just a series of fragments. Do I need to attach a second script to the quest just to stop it? Or could this be an issue with the letter reference alias, which brings me back to the issue of not being able to drop the letter from my inventory.....
  5. Thank you for responding. So, please forgive my ignorance, this is the first quest I've ever made and I'm terrible with scripting. Some questions I have are: 1. 'funquest' does that mean 'function quest'? 2. Do I just add funquest.stop() in the papyrus fragment box under the quest stages tab? 3. What is the point or purpose of checking the complete quest box in the last stage?
  6. I've made a simple quest that starts when the player reaches level 3 (story manager enabled). Courier runs up to the player and gives him/her a letter of inheritance (forced reference) and a key to a house. Next objective is for the Player to read the letter (uses stored text, player name and date). Last objective is to visit the house. Quest completes when player enters the trigger box surrounding the house. It all works well, except I can't drop the letter of inheritance from my inventory after the quest completes. Any help on what I can do to correct this would be appreciated.
  7. Thank-you - I hope you get a decent nights sleep. Hi Rasikko, thank you for responding. So sound.play() is the value that StopInstance() is expecting? (trying to wrap my head around this...as an integer of that sound) I can sort of grasp the logic, but the terminology is confusing. I've been watching a series I found on tesalliance about understanding papyrus, but I had to take a break. And since the sound is not a looping sound, it will automatically stop on it's own and I don't need to state the StopInstance() function in the script? Did I get that right?
  8. Thank you for taking the time to write this for me. The sound is attached to the script's property, it's one of the secret wall open sounds, so it doesn't loop. I'm still having issues with it compiling when I add StopInstance(SoundInstance) which I'm assuming (SoundInstance) would be (SFX.Play(Self)). I get an error stating that it's not a function.... But when I changed it to - Sound.StopInstance(SFX.Play(Self)) it compiled, even though it's not a looping sound. So the script is now as follows: I couldn't have done this without your help - again Thank-you Maxarturo.
  9. Me too. As I said I've been working on this one issue for weeks. I've been tinkering around in the Creation Kit for years, created numerous houses, followers, even a couple of islands, but everything just dies when it comes to scripting, so I scrap it, start a new game, get an idea and the cycle continues. I think the highest level I've ever gotten to is something like 72....anyway, scripting challenges my learning curve. I'm definitely appreciative of all of the talented mod authors who give freely of their time and knowledge.
  10. I've tried removing the calls on start over and it won't compile - I get these errors I've also tried various combinations of true/false on the start overs and the only one that works for both open and close is the way it's written. I think you may be right about the states. Thank you again for your feedback. This 'wrsecretwall' seems to be a well kept secret, there's very little information out there on how to use it, other than linking it up to a teleport door for a cut civil war quest. Hi Maxarturo, thank you for responding. When previewing the piece in the creation kit the animations of forward/backward are listed under gamebryo. I watched the following video to learn about how to set up gamebyro animations to an activator. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRz12_ykvf4 The sound marker I'm using doesn't play on a loop. So I tried your script but I removed StopInstance, it wouldn't compile with that line stating 'stop instance is not a function or does not exist'. However, I attached the script to the wall door (minus the stopinstance lines) and it worked!!!!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! :thumbsup: So the working script attached to the wall door is as follows:
  11. Thank you for responding. I've watched Darkfox's tutorial several times (my go to for tutorials) and changed the piece to a static, then to a moveable and I couldn't get it to work. Probably because I couldn't find the right path to change in nifskope for the collision, or possibly because the piece already has an animation attached to it. I'm not knowledgeable enough to say...but I appreciate the suggestion. I've changed the script as you suggested to: So I can get rid of the bool property abStartOver as well, since it's contained within the function? Thank you for explaining this to me. There was some progress - now it pops out on the forward movement and automatically switches to the backward animation which plays smoothly. (However it doesn't stay open - no break between forward/backward animation) Perhaps my abStartOver parameters are mixed up? It's my understanding that the abStartOver controls whether the animation starts over from the beginning - since I want it to open/"forward" on pulling the chain and then close/"backward" on pulling the chain again would my abstartover = false until after the second animation plays where I would then set it to true? Am I explaining/understanding this correctly?
  12. Thank you for responding. The preview states the animation takes 4.33 seconds from start to end so I added a float property and set an ease-in time of 4.33. It didn't seem to have any effect, still got the popping in and out. I'll try adding it in again and test it, in case I missed something the first few times around. I'm wondering if I need to add some sort of start/stop (function? property?) - my head is spinning with all of the papyrus information I've been looking up, which is why I'm hoping someone here can help me understand how I can make this work.
  13. I'm trying to script a secret wall door for a player home I'm creating. I'm trying to wrap my head around papyrus and have watched many tutorials regarding scripting and understanding papyrus, but I'm not a computer programmer, just a person who enjoys playing Skyrim and playing around with the Creation Kit to customize my game. The piece I'm using is the wrsecretwall door attached to a norpullchain. It plays a gamebyro based animation. I've been trying to get this to work for weeks and I've got it opening and closing, but it's not playing the smooth animation that shows in the preview window. It just pops in and out. This is the script I've been working on. I've looked up the Creation Kit Scripting reference for PlayGamebryoAnimation - ObjectReference, but I don't fully understand syntax (if I'm even saying that right). Anyway, I would greatly appreciate if anyone here could help me with this script.
  14. Thanks for the response. I'm new to F4, I'm used to Skyrim which I mod through Mod Organizer, but thought I'd go the Vortex route with F4. I was launching through vortex, and then tried sending a f4se launcher shortcut to my desktop. But I don't know if I did it right because now if I try to launch from my desktop I get a black screen....? No problems with launching through vortex, but I don't want Vortex running in the background because it seems to affect my game performance.
  15. I use MO for Skyrim, but just got Vortex for FO4. Is there a setting on Vortex that stops the program from running when you launch your game? If so....where?
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