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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. The defense gun mod is very similar to what you're asking for.
  2. I'll start working on a model to dump in resources. A junk version and a machined version. Not too complicated so I know I can get it done. I was working on one before with someone else, but the author I was working with hasn't contacted me. It would need new animations, but I think it's aesthetically pleasing.
  3. I can help out with mesh edits, but i cant do collisions. I use max 2018 and the earliest release i have access to is 2015
  4. Working on it to upload as modders resource.
  5. I can get the model done. If you want to see it in game I can give it to you to upload as a modder's resource.
  6. I'm proficient at hard surface modeling, and dabbling in organic stuff and pbr texturing. I currenly have no portfolio, hence the search for projects.
  7. I'm a student artist offering to make assets for anyone who needs them. Just looking for some experience working under others.
  8. I'm working on a mod that adds single action revolvers to the game. Right now i'm finishing the high poly models and am getting ready to import placeholders to test ingame. If anyone would like to help out i'd greatly appreciate it! Feel free to offer suggestions as well. Mods are included in the WIP picture. Calibers are .45, .45-70 Gov't, and .50 AE Current plans are to implement it with AWKCR. Perhaps make a unique variant for Kellogg to really cement his past coming from the west.
  9. Hey, I'm a somewhat experienced 3d artist, currently using Blender as main package. I'd love to find someone to work with regularly in order to learn the ins and outs of modding this game. I have some projects of my own that I need help with and I'd love to help out with anything. Attached is an image of a current project. I'd welcome collaborations with anyone, but I'd likely be a burden to veteran modders. This would likely only benefit beginners like me.
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