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  1. This sucks go play LoL for that bro
  2. How can I remove the enchantment? I really want to use this axe in game ;(
  3. I don't know about modding but making this armor (plus the axes) would be amazing for orcs! (: http://gamediplomat.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/header.jpg http://www.wowmogging.com/plate/warrior/warlord/image.jpg http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070426121032/wowwiki/images/a/ac/Battlegear_Orc_Female.jpg http://www.wowhead.com/itemset=383/warlords-battlegear#. (View in 3D for more info)
  4. Hello! So there's this cool mod that adds Grommash Hellscream's axe Gorehowl to the game, however the axe comes with an enchantment that makes it REALLY op and therefore unfunny to play. I was wondering if someone could remove the enchantment from the weapon. The rest of the mod its fine. Here's the link to the mod. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50123/?
  5. I started playing World of Warcraft again and I absolutely love playing as an Orsimer in Skyrim. So my request is Garrosh Hellscream's Armor and Weapon (2h axe) Here's some pics :smile: http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/slzQOyS5TqQ/maxresdefault.jpg http://wac.7725.edgecastcdn.net/807725/website/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Garrosh-Hellscream-by-sujingxin.jpg http://cdn.mmocover.com/wow/mop/WarchiefGarroshHellscream.jpg http://wow.warcmaps.com/wow/artwork/done/440.jpg http://s.cghub.com/files/Image/226001-227000/226721/927_max.jpg Hopefully more people want this so it can get done. Because if not I hardly believe some one will :tongue:
  6. Hello! I was wondering if anyone can make a remake of this mod (since the original is so old that can make your Skyrim crash sometimes) Here's the mod I'm talking about !! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2770/ There's a All in one version and another one with 4 separates books. I'd LOVE to have the 4 books version working without making my Skyrim crash. Now I know Alchemy is not a popular skill but MY GOD this mod is so useful for people who enjoy Alchemy (like me!) anyone that's it :)
  7. Hello everyone! I just downloaded Skyrim Redone and I gotta say it is an amazing mod, its everything you need and more. However there's this one little problem. The sneak tree doesn't have the Shadow Warrior perk and I absolutely LOVE that perk. Is there a way that I can add that perk myself. Either with console commands or something? I really really like that perk and I want it back :(
  8. I would like SO very much if I had this armor in the game!! It would fit perfectly for my new character (which is Sylvanas ;P) and its a perfect armor for dark females :laugh: Anyway I'm not sure if anyone would like this idea and make a mod out of it. Im not even sure how hard is to make a mod !! I'm just putting this idea out there to see if maybe someone would make it real! http://fc03.devianta...ekb-d34ngdk.jpg http://th01.devianta...sux-d57juvu.png http://fc02.devianta...ept-d4ydc19.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot... Windrunner.png http://24.media.tumb...6q29o1_1280.jpg http://25.media.tumb...2b58zo1_500.jpg There are tons of pictures of her and I'd be happy to provide more if someone would to make this! Anyway maybe there's some armor that looks like it in the Nexus and I havent find it yet :sleep:
  9. Guess I'll have to learn how to mod !! I dont know even know where to being lol >-<
  10. Hey so I recently watched a video and saw this cool character of a game called "League of Legends" his name is Garen. The first thing I notice was how cool was his armor and blade (2h) were. Here's the video that made me think this would be an awesome armor + blade to put into Skyrim! There are some pics here: http://www.wallsave.com/wallpapers/800x600/lol-ahri/118188/lol-ahri-garen-league-of-legends-picture-118188.jpg http://images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/archive/3/3a/20110812072806!Garen_DesertTrooperSkin_Ch.jpg http://s.sk-gaming.com/image/image/1908f0a6b1be22abx.jpg http://lady-yuna7.deviantart.com/art/Demacian-Justice-Garen-s-Sword-284996897 http://www.you-q.net/images/201212/goods_img/B135487223681521.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/043/f/b/league_of_legends_garen_season_three_contest_by_go_maxpower-d5uoiiv.jpg http://hannah515.deviantart.com/art/Commission-Garena-female-Garen-320801793 (How female version could look like)
  11. Yeah Im not sure which mod was causing it but its was annoying! Im using "Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition -CBBE-" perhaps I should be using another one (?) I have little knowlegde about mods and how they work. I just download stuff that I like :P maybe Im mixing stuff up. Anyway, thanks for the fast reply! :happy:
  12. So I started looking on the Nexus for any mods that could help and I downloaded this one http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22239/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D22239&pUp=1 (Dawnguard Vampire Armors CBBEv3 Echo by Echo 1162) and it got fixed :)
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