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Nexus Mods Profile


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  1. Yup, have that mod installed. Ill go try the fix and next time I see a wall terminal I'll let you know if it happened. Thank you for your help
  2. Sorry should have been more clear. I do not have the mod in the video, I just couldn't find a good example of one these wall mounted terminals elsewhere. All wall mounted terminals like the one in the video do not work for me
  3. Hey folks. For some reason I can't use wall mounted terminals like the one at 0:40. No prompt appears to activate them, and pressing e on them does nothing . Anyone know why?
  4. Yeah after exams next week i should have time to screw around with it. Been ages since ive done flash s#*! though lol. Ah well.
  5. So I was thinking, Why are all the workshop menus restricted to the x axis. Why can't we have options on the Y axis as well? and use a cursor instead of scrolling left and right. I was wondering if someone could make a UI mod that splays the workshop menu out sort of like the toybox/spawn menu in the old garrysmod. Like so. I'm more of a programmer, UI stuff really isn't my thing. But if someone knows more about this topic, is it possible? Thanks,
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