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About BrothaDesmund

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  1. Has there been a lot of conflicts with mods for people who've bought this already? Sorry if this has already been answered, but I don't really want to read the entire thread to find out, it seems like there are some crashing and incompatability issues? I run with about 70~ mods and ENB, and while I'd love to play this DLC, I don't really want to sacrifice mods for it...
  2. Or stuff like sleeping, I would like to see my character perhaps climb into a bed, or maybe wake up without all my armor on or something. Who wants to sleep with a great sword strapped to their back in full steel plate?
  3. Nice, thanks for this. It's pretty annoying how Steam puts the option there to disable automatic updates, but it just re-enables itself after you set it. ;-;
  4. The scout armor mod includes a dagger which acts like a shield, if that's basically what you're looking for. But it doesn't allow you to use a different dagger, and it just looks like a steel dagger.
  5. Hey, as you can see, this is probably my first post on the forums, and yeah, I've been on here a while just kind of downloading mods and I've started to mess a bit with the creation kit and create some new stuff based on existing mods and I've been wondering about some stuff that I'm sure is already posted somewhere, but I just failed to find. So here goes: 1) If I make a mod based on meshes or textures from another game, is it still cool to upload on here? 2) If I make a mod based on another mod, but the original mod post is nowhere to be found and there is no way to contact the author? 3) How much effort would it take to learn to edit meshes? I'm half decent with computers and I've done a BIT of 3D modeling before, just not with anything of Bethesdas, about how many hours would I have to put in to learning this to do something relatively simple, for example fit an armor to a new body or something of the sort? 4) Is papyrus script similar to any programming language? And how long would it take to become fairly proficient in this? Because basically, I want to learn to mod small things to enhance the game and maybe share them with other people if I think it's good enough, but I don't want to waste a lot of time on it as I'm pretty busy.... Basically, for number 2 in specific, one of the mods I modified was an armor mod by someone called "lordofwar", who I'm pretty sure is a foreign guy who ported various armors from other games to Skyrim. One that I really liked from his pack, was Ezio's armor from Assassin's creed (but with no cape, which I plan to fix). This mod though, was made before the creation kit and was a simple replacer for the DB robes and offered no weight slider or female support. So basically, it was a straight port and replacer. So far, I've made it instead, into a stand light armor, that's it. What I want to do, is add female and weight slider support, which requires that I learn how to edit meshes. And I also want to find a way to somehow integrate it into the game besides crafting, it would be probably impossible to make it lore-friendly, as it is from another game......but I think it would be cool to try that too if I could somehow do it without making it retarded.
  6. It's not always necessary, just make sure to backup your save file before deactivating or activating new mods and you should be fine to revert if some mod you added/removed corrupts your save file.
  7. The best one of the faction quests was probably the DB. But even still, I find it retarded that you can be the guild master, listener, harbinger, and arch mage at the same time, I mean really? And Vex couldn't get into Goldenglow but she's supposed to be their best infiltrator? Really? Killing the emperor requires barging into his ship and killing a couple agents on levels far below the average bandit, that's how well the emperor of Tamriel is guarded? Are you kidding me? Calcemo's stupid museum was better guarded than that... I wish they made longer, more intricate questlines with harder quests. And also confined you to only doing certain quests, like I could see doing Thieves Guild and the Brotherhood at the same time, or the Mage's guild and the brotherhood at the same time, or even the companions and the brotherhood, but it should never really allow you to do something like the college of winterhold when you have like 20 destruction skill, or the companions if you exclusively use magic, or the dark brotherhood if you never sneak, or the thieves guild if you can't pickpocket.
  8. Yeah lockpicking is pretty useless as a skill, especially when lockpicks are pretty easy to buy once you join the thieve's guild and everything.
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