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Everything posted by Zeemis

  1. I do not speak for them or represent them in any manner, but I have made them aware of this topic so they should reach out to you. I am merely exploring options for them, but do not represent them; I hope I was not intrusive. I had a question that turned into an idea that a lot of people liked on their sub-reddit, and I began doing some research. First with reading the Terms of Service here on Nexus, and then asking directly here.
  2. Thank you both for your responses. I was unclear about about the rules or laws in regards to mod content; however, don't take that as me not respecting the rights of mod authors. I myself, while not a modder, am a 3d game artist and run my own professional art studio, so I completely sympathize with mod owners and them using your content, both legally and illegally. In regards to your response, does this mean there isn't an API for developers to use as SirSalami implied? What options do the Skyrim Together development team have in regards to the utilizing Nexus as the host for forwarding mods to connecting clients to Skyrim Together servers/shards? Correct me if I'm wrong; however, from what I'm interpreting, Dark0ne, is that it sounds like the only option is for manual downloading instead of automatically downloading directly from the host: Nexus. If that is the case, is there a mutual grounds both Nexus and Skyrim Together could meet that'd benefit the community as a whole?
  3. no Forgive me if I'd like to hear the official verdict from staff whom gave it some thought and deliberation. This idea wasn't half-assed thought up and written, it directly affects how hosts and clients distribute and downloads mods. I only ask that the "staff" give it thought and consideration, whether requesting permission (which would ultimately mean that automatic-downloading of mods from the server hosts would not be implemented more than likely), or allowing server hosts to set up mod links from Nexus. The latter would still be within the legal confines of terms of service as the client is still technically downloading nexus. Again, I'd like to hear from the staff in this regard.
  4. "In regards to what was suggested in part 1, is it possible to set up automatic mod distribution to a mod's page without doing anything manual for the connecting client? If so, that covers a lot of copyrights since all distribution is being handled straight from Nexus instead of providing a link to an unofficial external mirror, such as google drive."
  5. I did skim over the terms of service with search terms such as "Permission", "Share", and "Copyright" and couldn't find anything, so I took to the forums. So I'll outline the purpose of this quality of life feature that Skyrim Together would offer, and lets see if we can't find a mutual happy medium: 1. The server or shard host sets up a server and edits all the settings for that server or shard. In the server/shard settings, there are various options such as max server capacity, starting location, or more relevant "Allow Mod Downloads". The next line would allow the host to set up mod distribution to the connecting client, making everything automatic for him or her. How this is handled is where we work on coming to a mutual agreement. I figured the server host could allow local downloading for if it was a LAN only server, or more commonly, provide a mirror for downloading all mods required to play on the server before connection is fully established and the player can interact with others. 2. After downloading these mods from the host, a notification would be made to the connecting client stating that the server host has set up a recommended load order and inquire if he or she would like to use said load order. In regards to what was suggested in part 1, is it possible to set up automatic mod distribution to a mod's page without doing anything manual for the connecting client? If so, that covers a lot of copyrights since all distribution is being handled straight from Nexus instead of providing a link to an unofficial external mirror, such as google drive.
  6. Greetings Nexus community, first post here! (Guess not, don't remember posting the other 5 times! haha) There is a heated discussion going on over at the "Skyrim Together" reddit about allowing server/shard hosts the ability to set up mod packs via download mirrors set up via a server ini settings file, all of which will automatically download to the connecting client's mods folder for said server/shard. The server/shard host would also be able to "recommend" a load order to the connecting client; both ideas are purely quality of life for Skyrim Together. Everything would be secure, automatic, and efficient for connecting clients, and server/shard hosts. My question is, is there an officially written source detailing what is and isn't allowed for sharing mods either via individual mods or mod packs? Is it in the terms of service of Nexus? Are there official exceptions that can be made, such as simply crediting mod owners, or contacting mod owners with the permission to share his or her mod via a modpack for Skyrim Together? In regards to requesting permission, I feel that route would be the most legal; however, definitely be the most time consuming as if you had at least 40 mods, that's 40 people you reach out to, and if there are times when mod authors are simply not active in the modding community anymore. I am just curious about what legal rights Skyrim Together has in regards to offering mod packs via a secure mirror, all for the sake of benefiting the community via quality of life. Thanks for reading, Graham
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