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  1. Do you have another sample? There is nothing on that TT.
  2. Hello! I have decided to work on some of my mods again. How to I go about retrieving them from the Caretaker? I tried the link to request stuff from it but it says I do not have permission to view that topic. thanks!
  3. Working all day on my quest mod Escape the Cell. I made several steps for one of the quests, and suddenly no dialogue for that quest will appear. It all worked, I added a stage, now it doesn't work. I have created a new SEQ, I have deleted and recreated (and filled) the actor properties, i have banged my head on the table till it bleeds. I cannot find the problem. Has anyone run into this before? thanks. :)
  4. That's weird. I added actor aliases so I could set quest markers. It never occurred to me that they might be the problem. I'll check those, thank you very much.
  5. Hi everyone. I got back to modding after a bit of a hiatus. I made a new part of one of my mods, and it worked. So I started another new scenario. I had a ton of stuff done. When I went in to test it, the dialogue wouldn't show up. So I tried again. Deleted everything I had done, redownloaded the latest version of my mod, tested it - everything worked. So I made some new characters for the next scenario, made aliases for them, and added one quest stage.There's nothing on the quest stage. There's no dialogue, I didn't even put one of the new characters into the game. Made a new seq. Even tried cleaning it, although there was nothing to clean. Now none of the previous scenarios work. I tested the one I made a couple days ago. Worked fine before I added the new characters. Now, the dialogue doesn't show up. Neither the new stage nor the new characters have anything at all to do with any of the older scenarios. Why why why did all the dialogue go away? Any ideas? Thanks.
  6. Ah, someone to blame all our troubles on. ;) Congrats!
  7. If you have permission from the person who played the music, you're fine.
  8. I have received both of those messages. I put in a ticket with the admins. Glad it's not just me. :)
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