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Everything posted by corrado33

  1. Wonderful, thanks! I think I can mess with this enough to fix everything.
  2. Ice spells in my game are WAY..... WAY... too blinding. My brightness is already all of the way down, my monitor brightness is most of the way down. Ice spells that leave ice crystals around (specifically from apocalypse magic mod) are just freaking blinding. I tried the "no bloom" mods on the nexus and those didn't help. Any other mods that help with this? I don't run an ENB preset, but I do run enboost.
  3. Annnnndddddd now I see why no one has really ever done this. :smile: I briefly thought maybe you could write a script (outside the game) that noticed when the mesh file was about to be accessed and give the game a random one... then I realized that the file is probably in memory and that would never work. :)
  4. You know there are mods that make the sun damage go away with hoods right? (That's what I do.) As to the OP: There are mods that reverse the feeding strength (stronger when fed instead of weaker.) And there are mods that change the spells/skills.
  5. Meh, I'm not that good with meshes. I just wanted to create something that could perhaps randomly (or not so randomly) load various body mods on the nexus. Actually I guess it'd more be loading various armor meshes rather than body mods...
  6. I'm not entirely sure, but why not just look at "bound arrows" (used with the bound bow) script to see if any hints are there?
  7. I always thought it'd be interesting to be able to give people different body models in the game. So you could have "fat" npcs while other's were "skinny", instead of every NPC having roughly the same body type. I figured this would probably result form editing the game code that loads models. I'm guessing it's not possible, as it hasn't been done yet. :)
  8. The problem is once I set up a function for an alias, the script then tells me "[whatever command I'm using] is not a function or does not exist". I think it's expecting an object reference, but surely it's possible to use a reference alias there? ReferenceAliases and ObjectReferences are distinct things. Reference aliases will usually inherit events from the object filling them (so, e.g., an Actor filling an alias will have ReferenceAlias scripts receive events like OnEquip), but they do not have the same functions that ObjectReferences or Actors have. To access those you need to use GetReference() to obtain the ObjectReference filling the alias, and from there you can call functions on that variable as per normal. Likewise if you need to pass what's in the alias into some other function that expects an ObjectReference; you'll need to pull the reference with GetReference() and then pass that. In layman's terms..... a reference alias won't act like the thing you think it is until you do a "aliasName.GetReference().functionYouWantToUse()". The "GetReference()" gets the object that the reference points at. If you try to do functions on the alias itself, (for example "GetName()") you'll just get the properties of the ALIAS, not the thing that the alias points at. An example. If you have "Iron Armor" filling an alias called "ArmorAlias", this is what you'd get from the "GetName()" function. ArmorAlias.GetName() would result in "ArmorAlias" (Assuming that that's the name you gave it in the quest.) ArmorAlias.GetReference().GetName() would result in "Iron Armor"
  9. EDIT: I went to the wrong creation kit wiki.... and I think fallout4 handles onhit differently. I will tell you this. OnHit is run on the thing that IS hit, not on the spell or the player. So the script has to be attached to that... somehow? I think.
  10. True enough. I was just wondering if I was doing something wrong! I suppose not! :)
  11. In the end I just used MO2s "preview" feature which would show me both textures (albeit not on a model) at the same time, and I'd pick the "best looking" one. This only works for textures that are overwriting each other though. I just looked through the "conflicts" tab and moved mods around to get the best textures for everything.
  12. Thanks, I tried to do what you said but I've failed miserably at applying a texture to the body model :sad: EDIT: Nevermind, the details part of the window was hidden....
  13. Hm, unfortunate. I'm not willing to put in that much work because I want to compare armor/clothing textures across a dozen or so mods. (Which would require hundreds... if not thousands of edits.) TESVEdit can't rename all or anything?
  14. I want a way to load two mods that overwrite the same textures so I can compare in game without having to take screenshots. Is this.... possible without a ton of work?
  15. So I added a "doorway" to QASmoke so I can add an adjacent room to the main long hallway with all the crafting stations in it. I used "NorRmSmWallFrontExSm01". But I can't... see through the doorway. It just shows the default background color (even after I already put a room on the other side), but I can walk through it just fine (and then the adjacent room "spawns in" just fine, and I can see everything, but then I can't see back through the other way. I'd imagine it's because this doorway is supposed to be used for a loading zone? Or what am I doing wrong?
  16. I thought about calling the function from another script, but wasn't sure it would work. Thanks both of you! :)
  17. Ahhhh, that seems like a good idea but I'm not entirely sure how I'd implement it. If I had a script on a player alias, how would I access the state within that script... I could set a global variable... but that'd involve checking that global variable occasionally and that's stupid. Something needs to fire to change the states. I don't... think you can change a script's state from another script.... if you could then it'd be easy.
  18. Yeah... I've been meaning to implement what you speak of. Right now the player obviously get EVERYTHING at ANY crafting station. I mean, it wouldn't be hard for me, just a check of the crafting station's keywords that would populate a formlist of chests to transfer. Eh, I'll try my way first, then, when it fails, I'll likely be back. :smile: OH EDIT: I figured out the duplication glitch! My script doesn't play well with ordinator's "Recycle Material" perk. :smile: (Which, I'm assuming, monitors items removed from your inventory while crafting and "additem"'s them back after you stop. Since I remove EVERYTHING, it just duplicates everything.
  19. Good to know. Unfortunately I think the newest (unreleased) version of script does exactly what you described. So I suppose I shall ask this. What's the best way to enable an "onItemAdded() event" once the player begins crafting. I mean... the base question is "how do I enable an event based on another thing in game?" I don't know how to enable/disable events at all, other than an IF statement INSIDE the event. (Which is what I currently have, a simple "Is player sitting && aksourcecontainer = None") If you must know, the reason for this is simple. Say I have some grilled leeks in my "food" container. Therefore it's on the "Food" formlist. If I'm out in the middle of nowhere and enable my crafting auto retrieve on a cooking pot, then make some grilled leeks, when I leave the cooking pot my newly made grilled leeks will be transferred away from me, because they're on the formlist. This is SUPER annoying because it essentially prevents you from making some things when you're away from home, and I don't currently have any way to retrieve things from the storage chests. So what I'm currently doing in the unreleased version is checking for items added to the player's inventory when crafting. If an item is added, it is removed from all formlists, therefore it won't be transferred away from the player when they finish crafting. I suppose I could have ANOTHER quest alias with a script attached with an onitemadded event but the quest alias is only filled with the player when the player begins crafting (and more specifically, after I transfer everything to them.). I'll try that. Is there an easier way?
  20. I've been wondering lately, is it bad if my mod places scripts on the player? Especially if those scripts have overarching conditions like "OnSpellCast" or "OnItemAdded"?
  21. It's funny you mention this. I know there is a bug with my script, and no one has gotten close to figuring out what it is yet except you. First off, we treat removed items a bit differently. For me, if the player MANUALLY removes all items from the chest (using the "GetOpenState" function (The container will only be "open" if the player is actually interacting with it.)), the item gets removed from the formlist. However, if the item is removed via a script, obviously it is NOT removed from the formlist. However, if the player were to say... use all the items while crafting, that item would STILL be on the formlist. I thought about running a script in the background that would run every X hours to "remake" the formlists, but I just thought that would get messy. I think now I may simply just recheck the chest after the items are transferred back. Anyway, in my script the way to duplicate the behavior you're talking about is to simply remove the full stack of items from the container. For example, using the "Collect Crimson Nirnroot" quest as an example. If I have Nirnroot in the "Ingredients" chest, it will be transferred to me when I activate a crafting station, and the "Collect Crimson Nirnroot" quest update will show up, then show up AGAIN when the items get transferred back. But if I go over to the chest, manually pull out the Crimson Nirnroot and put it in my inventory, it will NOT be transferred back to the chest when I activate then finish with a crafting station. So the solution to the "problem" is to simply remove the "problem" ingredients from the auto transfer chest. EDIT: Right now I'm fighting with a... bug that I can't duplicate. Occasionally when the items are transferred back and forth they'll get... duplicated. Funnily enough it was the quest notifications that led me to this bug. (Because I was like... "No I didn't have 22 Crimson Nirnroot, I only had 11") I don't know why this happens, and I have no idea how to fix it. But in the entire time I've been using my mod, it's only happened... twice. Better than making stuff DISAPPEAR I suppose. I don't even know HOW it could happen. I use "removeAllItems" to get stuff out of the chests, then removeitem(FormList,blah,10000) to transfer them back. Nowhere in that chain should there be a chance stuff will be duplicated. I don't even freaking deal with amounts.
  22. I did that, but how do you disable the initial activation without using "DisableActivation()"? My first working script used states. Then I was told using "DisableActivation()" was frowned upon.
  23. Oh yeah... I tried her. Was she the "fully" customization follower that you could pretty much adjust everything? I think she was just.... boring. (And too much of a pain to setup.)
  24. I've been trying out various healer followers. I've tried Cerwiden, I've tried Onean, I've tried Selene Kate and finally I've tried Celestine. Of all of those, Cerwiden didn't work super well for me. At some point she just... stopped healing me, even after turning off all of her other spells. Onean and Selene were both SUPER overpowered. It was like I get hurt and instantly I'm healed to full, regardless of how hurt I was. I could be down to 1 HP and both of them have super super overpowered healing spells. Selene also has slightly (in my opinion) annoying "shouts." Finally, Celestine has been my favorite. She heals me, she casts candlelight on me (super useful with dark dungeons, although sometimes she's a bit... overzealous with trying to cast it on me) She tries to cast fury or calm on opponents. She also buffs me and ISN'T overpowered. She uses the normal healing spells in the game (to my knowledge.) She has been the best scripted healer I've found, despite her having the default young female voice. (Super overused IMO) Are there any other decent healers/support followers that I've missed? Also, having another decent follower with you that actively tries to HELP you is WONDERFUL! You should really try it.
  25. Yeah I tried that one. It just leads me to an empty drop down list. I tried adding it then exiting the entry type screen, all of the way back to the perk, but nothing. Nothing in the drop down list. I tried "Use Aliases" as well. :sad: It just says "Quest alias: " "INVALID ALIAS" with absolutely nothing in the drop down list. It seems that one is only valid when the condition is on something owned by a quest. Since this is a perk... it's not owned by a quest.
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