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Everything posted by corrado33
Ahhhhhh that sounds awful. Yeah I'm definitely going to look into the perk method. Although it seems... unfriendly. :wink: I'll probably make another dozen posts about it before I understand it. :smile: Thanks again for the help. EDIT: For the record, my idea with the "onLoad" above didn't work. Even if I wasn't in the cell when I disabled the mod, the chest still wouldn't activate. (Although other identical chests (I used a wardrobe) still worked fine. For reference, I used one of the wardrobes on the sides of the entry door in Hjerim. The one with the script attached wouldn't activate, but the other one worked fine.) If I could find a way to disable the... disabling when leaving the cell, I think it'd be fine. I'll look into it if I can't figure out the perk stuff. EDIT2: However, the "OnCellAttach" and "OnCellDetach" seem to work fine. I can use OnCellDetach to run a getref().disableactivation(false) to return the ref to normal activation. Then the player simply has to leave the cell that contains that chest then uninstall. I'd still prefer a perk though. EDIT3: Ok, I got the perk method to work, so long as there is a specific item IN the chest. I'm looking through the conditions now to see if I can remove that. I'd like a condition that says "IsQuestRef" but those don't seem to work right. I can see the "IsQuestVariable" but it doesn't... work. EDIT4: Yeah I can't find a working condition. There are a few conditions that deal with quest aliases and variables, but none of them let me select my quest... just an empty pull down menu.
Ah, sad day. However, if it was scripted to "OnLoad" then it would only block activation if the person was currently IN that cell when they removed the mod, right? EDIT: Obviously I'm going to try to use the perk entry point method, however creation kit is... once again... not being useful. Literally no useful links on that page you linked. Ah ok. So what you're saying is that I could give the player a perk that would let them access a menu when they activate a "special" chest if I set up the conditions right. Ok... I'll try that.
Oh my goodness. Ok that mod was an absolute shitshow, please excuse my language. It just had me freaking out for the last hour that my mod was bugged and randomly taking my items that I would craft. That's..... probably why it didn't have many downloads. The way I did it was to place an load a container into a quest alias. In that script immediately "DisableActivation" of that chest. (I used OnItemContainerChanged. Alternatively, you could do it "OnLoad". Then in the quest alias script in "OnActivate" I immediately have an if statement (if activator is player) then if yes, call a new state (GoToState). I'm not... entirely sure this is necessary, but it works. In that state I do whatever I want, then return, and at the end of that state I call "Activate(containerref, true). The "True" bypasses the "disableActivation" from before. Basically, the entire reason I did this was so I could "double click" a chest to set the formlist of what the player has equipped. I'll post it later, I'm playing now. :smile: EDIT: And I'm well aware this is very similar to your script. I'm stubborn and don't like using other people's code unless I'm absolutely stumped or if replicating it would take way... way too much time. (Libraries, for example.)
I want to be able to run a script between the point when the player activates something (say, a chest that's attached to a quest alias) and when the object activates. So essentially.... Scriptname AliasScript extends ReferenceAlias Event OnActivate() ;Do stuff I want here before the alias is activated ;Wait an unspecified amount of time here . . . ;Actually activate the alias (chest) here. self.getref().activate(Game.GetPlayer()) endevent If I run the following event OnActivate() debug.messagebox("Before Wait") utility.wait(5) debug.messagebox("After Wait") self.getref().activate(Game.Getplayer()) endevent The chest will activate, then wait 5 seconds, then activate again. I want to... get rid of the first activate. Believe it or not, I did try to figure this one out. I opened a script from another mod that essentially does the same thing, and they used "GoToState", which I tried, but still failed. EDIT: So I figured out how to do this, and I'll post it in a bit... but I'm not continuing this line of programming anyway. I found a mod that does essentially what I was programming. (Auto stash of loot into a dynamic container.) Called "Quick Stash."
As I understand things, carrado is working on a sorting mod that manipulates the player inventory, and as such their scripts trigger other collection-quest updates when the relevant items are removed from the player. You got it, I think I may give up on this idea though. It's just easy enough to either A. complete the quest or B. remove the items from the "auto transfer" chests and put it into another chest.
I found... an annoying thing... with my script. If you currently have a script that is dependent on collecting ingredients, when the ingredients transfer in and out of your inventory the quest updates will flash "Completed".... then slowly go back to "Find XXXXX". Every.... single.... time..... you activate the script. I'd like to disable quest updates temporarily. I don't think it'd be... worth it... to go through all of the player's quests and find the ones that depend on items. It seems you can use "SetObjectiveDisplayed" to hide objectives... and I suppose I could go through all the player's quests and do that for each, but then I'd... have to remember what it was before I changed it. Is there a better way?
i dont, not anymore. but thats not the reason im here. when i said feedback, i meant the helpful kind, not the belittling kind. but thank you for your "troubleshooting feedback" I didn't mean to be mean. I was simply wondering why you had both installed, and that they may be conflicting with each other. Apologies for any perceived hostility friend. :)
I have a spell that I've made that I ONLY want to work if it hits a crafting station, so I... well... I cheated and copied the fury spell effect (InfluenceAggUp or whatever it is) and deleted all of the conditions. Then I added my own conditions. You can see them here. However, the spell works regardless of what I cast it on. Works on any containers, which is NOT what I want. Other spells that I have that select the nearest X references to the player using the exact same keywords work properly. (I literally copied and pasted the conditions.) I also tried adding the conditions to the spell itself. That also did not work. Am I doing something wrong? Everything else works here, I just want to limit what the spell can be cast on. EDIT: I wonder if it's because the spell is hitting the activator and not the station. But that doesn't seem to be right, the selected station glows correctly, and I'd imagine the activator isn't the same shape as the station itself. But I will check regardless. EDIT2: I think I'm an idiot. To get the reference I used the 'GetCurrentMousePositionRef()" or whatever it is, not whatever the function is to get the spell target... I'll.... uh.... be right back. EDIT3: I have no idea what the command is for getting what a projectile.... hits. Unsure if there is one... searching. EDIT4: I think the original game just did it with scripts on the spell effect itself using "akTarget". Since the code would be the same there or in my script.... I'll just keep it in my script and not have another one. It's an ugly if statement, but it'll work. EDIT5: Ok it wasn't an ugly if statement, I just used a formlist, a loop, and a bool.
Is there a master list of all dialog text for each voice type that I can search through? I know I can open it up in creation kit and look at lines... individually, but... what if I wanted to search through and see what was there in a more... timely fashion? Yes, I've extracted the skyrim voices file, and unfuzed the voice files, but listening to the hundreds of hundreds of files one by one is... tedious. I'd like to read through the lines to make things quicker.
Havok fix ini skyrim ini settings? (Fmaxtime value?)
corrado33 replied to corrado33's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Perfect, thanks! -
Yeah I tried that before. It doesn't work. Any combination of the above doesn't work. If I use sounddescriptor property I can't select ANYTHING in the pull down menu. (When filling the script property.) (Can you?) I also tried casting the result of the GetAt() as a sound descriptor and that still resulted in a "none". EDIT: Oh you used "GetSound" instead of "GetUseSound". I didn't try that, but that was never the problem. That part worked! At this point I don't care though cause I'm just using my way haha. Still don't know why the formlist wasn't working.
I've literally just copied most of this example script into my script. FoodIs = akBaseObject as Potion Int Index = FoodFormList.GetSize() Int IsMeat=0 Int IsLiquid=0 Int IsSoup=0 While Index Index-=1 if FoodIs.GetUseSound()==FoodFormList.GetAt(2) && IsMeat!=1 Debug.Messagebox("IsMeat") IsMeat=1 elseif FoodIs.GetUseSound()==FoodFormList.GetAt(1) && IsLiquid!=1 Debug.Messagebox("IsLiquid") IsLiquid=1 elseif FoodIs.GetUseSound()==FoodFormList.GetAt(0) && IsSoup!=1 IsSoup=1 Debug.Messagebox("IsSoup") endif endwhile A snippit of my script. (Literally the only difference is the first 2 lines and the name of the FoodFormList) tempForm = RASFormList.GetAt(toSortList) potion FoodIs = tempForm as Potion Int Index = RASFoodFormList.GetSize() Int IsMeat=0 Int IsLiquid=0 Int IsSoup=0 While Index Index-=1 if FoodIs.GetUseSound()==RASFoodFormList.GetAt(2) && IsMeat!=1 Debug.Messagebox("IsMeat") IsMeat=1 elseif FoodIs.GetUseSound()==RASFoodFormList.GetAt(1) && IsLiquid!=1 Debug.Messagebox("IsLiquid") IsLiquid=1 elseif FoodIs.GetUseSound()==RASFoodFormList.GetAt(0) && IsSoup!=1 IsSoup=1 Debug.Messagebox("IsSoup") endif endwhile Yet mine doesn't work. However, if I print the name of the result of the "GetUseSound()" function, it'll print [sound Descriptor: 000CAF94] (or something similar, I forget the exact syntax). And 000CAF94 IS the 3rd entry in my formlist (entry #2). By all accounts...... this should work. What in the royal hell is going on? (Can you tell I'm frusterated?) So I've done a few... debugging steps. I added these lines to my code. debug.messagebox("Formlist sound 3: " + RASFoodFormList.GetAt(2)) debug.messagebox("Formlist length: " + RASFoodFormList.GetSize()) And the first results in "None" And the second results in 0. Yes, I made the formlist. Yes, I added the script property correctly. Yes, I'm using the most recent version of the .esp file. And I know you're not going to believe me.... because I had to check like 6 times... Therefore, proof. So, I said "Screw the formlist" and tried to add the sound descriptors manually as individual properties. I couldn't. Even if I had the following code: sound property mysound auto I could NOT select ITMFoodEat as the property in the script properties dialog. It just.... wasn't there. The same with ITMPotionUse. But ITMPotionUp was there. I don't understand. Both "ITMPotionUse" and "ITMPotionUp" are in the "Sound Descriptors" category in the creation kit. Literally right next to each other. Can I.... check numbers manually? Obviously GetUseSound() works because I see the result print, but it's just my comparison doesn't work. I tried doing if (tempForm as potion).GetUseSound() == 000CAF94 (and/or 0x000CAF94) but of course there are variable mismatches and yadda yadda yadda. EDIT: F-ing hell. I.... made it work, but it's not pretty. I have NO idea why the formlist wasn't working. I just ended up doing this. I may not have to cast to form since sound descriptor extends form, but I don't care, this works. if (((tempForm as potion).GetUseSound() as form).GetFormID() == 0x000CAF94)
If you are just doing a texture mod, replacing textures that are already in the game, you do NOT have to have a .esp file (the .esp file is what makes the mod show up in the plugin window.) Because your texture will literally just overwrite the vanilla texture. However, if you are adding NEW items/armor/weapons, you'll need a .esp file. Also, you should really consider using mod organizer (the newest version) and not nexus mod manager. (It's... much... better than nexus mod manager. Mainly because it keeps the skyrim directory relatively stock, and keeps the mod separate. So you don't have to reinstall skyrim if you screw something up.)
Why do you have both installed? Don't both mods do the same thing??? Enhanced camera shows first person body and allows first person vampire and wearwolf, what are you trying to accomplish with both?
To all who have helped me in these past few weeks. Thank you so much. Modding and programming has really helped me in the last few weeks in dealing with a few personal problems and to allow me to be creative in dark times. Anyway, here is my finished auto sorting mod. I've already updated it a few times to improve speed, fix bugs, and make it work with cloud chests, (thanks to all of you.) If you have the time, please take the opportunity to use this in your own games and report any bugs to me. Thank you so much! Here's the mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/93777
Sorry for bugging all of you, but I cannot, for the life of me, find a list of cast "types." If I want to cast a form as a weapon or armor, that's fine, but is there a list of what I can cast to? Obviously searching for this is difficult because you just get magic casting. I've discovered a lot of them simply by guessing. Weapon Armor Key Book Ingredient Ammo Soulgem Scroll Potion Are they simply the same as the "vendorItem" keywords? EDIT: They are not... EDIT2: Secondly, is there a list of things that are contained in each "type"? Like... does "book" contain spell tomes and recipes and journals? Or is it just.... books? Does ingredient contain cooking ingredients or just alchemical ones? Is "Clothing" contained under armor? So confused. Are liquid food contained under potions? Ugh? EDIT3: Are they simply the same as contained in creation kit under "items" aren't they? But they can't be because "potion" works and that's not under there.
There are also other programs you may find useful if you want to look into other people's mods. There's the Bethesda Archive Extractor (aka BAE). And there's Champollion, the papyrus decompilier.
Found a problem with a recent script of mine. Technically the script works fine if you run it with the alias filled with a container. BUT, if the alias is filled with an actor, it doesn't work. This sounds weird, but bear with me. The quest alias is filled upon transferring a special item into a container. However, if you place the special item in an NPC's inventory.... it doesn't work. Now, I know this sounds stupid, but what a lot of "cloud chest" mods do it simply make an NPC be the "chest." So if you wanted to use my mod with one of those mods, it wouldn't work. This annoys me... mainly because this was the main thing "I" wanted to do with the script. (Specifically, the "Dwarven Luggage" mod acts like this, and I've been... accustomed to using it.) Specifically, if you put the object in any chest that is called by casting a spell (whether it be the dwarven luggage spell or the "deep storage" spell from apokalypse (however you spell it.) The problem is that I call the "onClose" function to launch my script to prevent the sorting script from running until you close the chest/container. I don't... want it to run on the "onItemAdded" event because I think that'd be annoying. Although it may work. It's quite literally the only event I can get to fire when I put the special object in a "cloud" chest. I COULD run it X seconds after the last "onItemAdded" event, but I'm not a huge fan of arbitrary values/times like that. So the question is "Can I force a quest alias filled with an actor to behave as a container/object?" I tried LITERALLY every objectreference event (yes, I copied and pasted every single one from the wiki into my script), none of them fire when accessing the cloud inventory. (Although the "OnMagicEffectApplied" or whatever will fire, but then I'd have to know the specific magic effect.... which is... geeze....maybe possible, but not pretty.) I feel stupid coming here for every problem, but the reference for skyrim scripting is honestly... awful. Or I'm just dumb. :wink: