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Everything posted by kealoz

  1. As always thanks for the tireless work and dedication of you and the entire Nexus staff. With any luck this will help foster better communication and clear up matters on many fronts.
  2. Back in the golden days when the modding community invigorated the mood (regardless of aggravations back then too), nowadays it just seems every time I check back in with the community it just makes me more tired. There's always been dark spots, blame and theft and tension but lately it just seems to have been taken to extreme levels. Idiots blaming all console users for theft clearly not their fault, Bethesda doing little about it, wars being fought in mod comment sections. Kind of depressing to see how far we've devolved. Hope there's a light at the end of the tunnel and we can get back to the days paranoia free modding. P.S. Violent discussion doesn't solve the problem, it exacerbates it. If you have a point to say keep it calm and rational. We're civilized, not dark age savages.
  3. "The best way to keep users from getting viruses: Keep them from downloading anything with never ending scans." Seems to be the Nexus' plan...
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