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Static, jarring, rigid, awkward. A few words for me that sum up skyrim horses, specifically their controls and animations. Would love their controls to be overhauled so they behave like The Witcher 3 Roach, or say, Zelda: Breathe of the wild. So press a button to initiate a walk (rather than holding an analogue stick), then press it again to trot, again to run, again to sprint. Holding back on the analogue stick to pull them hard to stop. The downside of this is ideally, you want the horses to be able to navigate the environment autopilot style -- like Witcher/Zelda games do. At the very least automatically follow footpaths. Combine this change with "Horse riding hazards" mod and "Immersive horses" and you've got a gigantic improvement over vanilla.
Hey all. I've been using a variety of different power armor overhaul mods to enhance my game, from "Assembly required" to a variety of others, alongside my own little tweaks and changes. Ive gotten so used to these mods that they are now a necessity - after all, in vanilla, power armor is so readily available it makes "Raider" variations redundant, alongside all the other cool "Regular" light, meduim and heavy sets you can get in the game. Bethesda really need to work on their pacing/balancing if they're going to create such a diverse open world. Thankfully, with great mods such as this, raider power armor is now easily available and repaired, with the more sophisticated variants a rarity. There is something else power armor lacks too (At least as a panalty) - power armor malfunction. Let me elaborate on what i mean: It would be pretty good if there was a higher penalty for badly damaged or neglected armor, from periodically letting off steam (Like those sentry bots do) That cloud the users vision, to outright disobeying the user such as movements the player/npc didn't command, or firing off rounds because an arm segment went into red territory. picture this scenario: Player/NPC has a damaged torso, in red status. The power armor then starts to signify a fault through steam let off and engaging jetbacks or swinging the user from side to side at random intivals. Or a leg segment gets damaged, causing the npc/player to move backwards or forwards without command. Or an arm segment goes red, randomly letting off rounds without prompting. Now this may all sound like an annoyance to you, and thats the point - i feel as though something mechanical and complex like power armor aught to come with more penalties should it get significantly harmed or neglected. Enhancing the appeal of non-power armor alternatives such as the combat/raider armor, etc. because right now, in vanilla, you literally leave the vault and get a fully kitted power armor setup, making everything else utterly pointless. Well done Bethesda. Another big demand that hasn't been satisfied yet is the ability to have a "Night vision" mod in the light segment of modding power armor. why on earth this hasn't been requested before is beyond me.
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
Thingamajig replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
It's clear to me that these companies should be encouraging donations, openly making it easy to do and in turn taking a small percentage for their efforts. This would be justifable and doesn't act as a "pay wall" to access mods, but it at least potentially rewards good modders by those kind enough to donate (And i'm certain great mods would certainly get donations). Donations - fantastic, bring it on, but pay walls? No. Not right, not on. It's absolutely awesome that Bethesda recognize the importance of mod communities though. After all, the blessing it's had on TES is huge and it's in large part why they have such a long lifespan. A perfect example of this simple truth is the popularity of mod reviewers and how many mods go viral and boost sales/popularity of their games. Skyrim was no exception, in fact it probably made this ever more apparent for many people. This is a concept many other game developers simply can't get their head around. They want strict, tight control of their titles but this stifles their games and reduces their shelf life in the long run. Nonetheless, I sincerely hope Bethesda can learn from this steam "pay" mod fiasco and learn that the only right way to involve money in these free, open and sharing communities is to promote an easy means of donating. -
An idea i'm throwing out there because this truely bugs me: Wonderin' away outdoors, find a horse overlooking it's dead owner - lovely, i think, i'll take that. Grow fond of my newly found companion, only to find that his "stolen" flag never erodes, never goes away, and he forever wonders. It would be nice to see a mod that removes the "Stolen" flag from horses (as well as items) over time. So, in the case of a horse, a horse should remain "stolen" until you've ridden it for say, 1 in game hour. The vanilla way just seems ridiculous. Perhaps making it apply to horses and items is asking too much, but surely just horses isn't too much to ask? And yes, i'm aware there's a horse "Branding" mod but personally i don't like the idea of it being item based. Something like this should be automatic and not have dependencies on loose items/clutter to accomplish. Also, for those of us who play with immersion style encumbrance, clutter in our inventories is room we're unable to spare.
Facebook wants to charge to make announcements? Thats madness. Facebook is such trash.
Hi guys. So i was wondering, considering the Dragonborn DLC allows us to use dragons as mounts, why didn't they incorporate a new "killcam" move where the player mounts the dragon, and finishes them off in the sky? The dragon could come crashing down to the ground in the usual fashion (obviously in some random area) with the player being "thrown off" to collect their soul after. Heck, if you're a really talented modder, you could probably make the entire thing interact-able - as in, pressing keys to dish out hits like in those intereactive cutscenes in so many other titles. Upon thought i'm actually surprised this wasn't already implemented, but there you go. Obviously this would require some animation skills but i figure some modder out there might find inspiration in what i describe here.
Hi all. I'm sick of combat music playing when i'm not in any real danger. An example of this: Was in riften, a thief stole something, ran off, and because i was in the general proximity, combat music played even though i didn't actually participate in stopping him. just witnessed the fight between the thief and general populace/guards of the town. So this gave me the idea: Skyrim needs a mod that makes Combat music play not only based on aggro/threat level (as it does now) but it also needs to check if the player takes damage. This should in theory, make Combat music play ONLY after two steps (rather than 1, as it does in the original game): 1. the hostile NPC is of a respectable threat - as it does in vanilla 2. Player loses health - how much isn't important, 1 HP is enough. Once these two steps are confirmed, battle music plays. This should get rid of those moments where combat music starts when you're not doing anything of any real danger, or even worse when combat music plays and refuses to stop even though no enemy has harmed you. This should be pretty easy to mod in from my experience. Alas, i don't have the scripting know how nor time to properly make it and test it out. So it would be cool if someone with a little time made this mod.
DDoS season begins, sites a little bit unstable
Thingamajig replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #8472887. The question that begs asking is: How did you know, in those 6 years of being Anti-Virus free, that you weren't infected? You claim to not have a virus, because you lacked the very means of detecting one if such a thing had took root. You're obviously rather versed in PC's, as am I and some of my friends make careers out of it - I can tell you that Anti-virus is a PC necessity. There's far more ways of obtaining a virus then simply just bad browsing habits. This somewhat reminds me of the bold claims Apple would make about their OS's being "virus free". Anyone with an ounce of PC knowledge knows if it has software, it can get malicious code. Apple literally were just baiting the inevitable - one of the many reasons i dislike them and their overpriced products. They're just sheer arrogance. -
Currently, i think Skyrims map system, although adequet - is too good. It takes away that sense of adenture and in place of it, gives us a hand-holding experience that allows us to quickly breeze through quests and questlines in hours. leaving us unsatisfied. What i want to see in Skyrim is a purchasable compass. The original skyrim compass HUD should only show up if the player is carrying this item in their inventory. Additionally the compass could come in tiers, or different "brands" that dictate what they display. For example: Base level compass could simply just bring up the compass bar, show map/quest markers and thats it. The second one up from this could display discovered area's. Such as ruins, towns, etc. The third one up could display both discovered AND undiscovered area's. This is my idea how a compass would work. Again this is to enhance immersion, to encourage players to go out and go off the beaten track. As for maps, this is my idea: The main map should be shrouded entirely in cloud. The player, in order to "expose" area's of the map have to purchase specific hold maps to unfog that region (Obtainable from any general goods store). Additionally, the player will need a map for any map markers of KNOWN locations to display. Maps should have no influence or bearing over quest markers or player placed markers. Anywhoo, this is my idea. I'd love to make it myself -- especially as a lot of the idea's i suggest seem to so easily be ignored here -- but with all considered, i don't quite have the knowledge to do it. I certainly believe the compass idea is definitely plausable, but the map, not so much; as far as i'm aware, the main map cloud thing is only changable through ini tweaks. But i could be wrong.
Hi all. One of a number of problems with skyrim is the persistent hand-holding that goes on in the game, and one place where this is visible the most is how the game presents the map we all so conveniently have unlocked from the start of the game. Lets also not forget map/quest markers either. Nothing kills immersion and a sense of exploration more than the way it is now. Now as usuful as this all is; it should be optional, but not through some toggle option in the games settings, but through findable/purchasable objects within the game. Such as maps and a compass. What i want to see is a mod which covers the main map in a complete cloud using the existing cloud/fog effects, with the only region visible being "The Pale" (where Helgen and Riverwood are - where you start) http://i.imgur.com/Hp7k6.png In order to unlock other regions/holds in the main map view (ie, remove the fog), the player should either Buy (or find on NPC's or as usual loot) other "Hold" specific maps within the game. In addition, in order to use/view the HUD based compass (and view quest arrows - both on HUD compass and map) the player should be carrying a compass, either found or bought. As for places marked on the map - this feature should remain untouched. So regardless if a player has a Hold map or not, if they discover (or are told of) a place of interest and it's marked on the map, it's marked as usual. Anywhoo, this is just my idea. This would help significantly in giving the game world that extra sense of depth and exploration it so desperately needs. Instead of it being a case of "Ok, i just follow the quest marker on my map". The hand holding must stop if we're to truely have an immersive gaming experience.
I can suggest the following mods: Vurts Skyrim Flora Overhaul Pure Waters Climates of tamriel (would replace that realistic lighting of yours) Crimson Tide (If you want some improved gore) Claralux (for more street lights) Footprints (For...footprints :D) SkyUI (For an improved User Interface) IHud (For a dynamic hud that appears/disappears as and when you need it) These are a few off the top of my head. A quick nexus search should find them for you. As for ENB - i used to run ENB myself but graphical glitches such as grass shadows and underwater problems put me off. I havn't gone back since but i hear newer ENB versions have fully sorted this issue. If true, i may go back to it.
Title pretty much sums it up. I'm looking for a bit of guidance on how to accomplish this mod. Right now i'm sitting in the CK wondering how to proceed with this. I made mods in the past for Fallout 3, and that was pretty sketchy as i had little experience then. Now playing with Skyrims CK i feel like i'm starting all over again. This is what i hope to achieve with this mod: 1. in order for the player to fast travel, they must seek out a horse and mount it. Otherwise, they'll be prompted via a message that they can't fast travel unless they're on a horse 2. Fast travel will also have a restriction when on a horse. The player will only be able to fast travel only twice PER day, this i may tweak depending on how the default timescale reacts to Fast Traveling to various locations in the game. The purpose of this is to restrict Fast Travels use for the player, encouraging exploration but not outright disabling the feature altogether. It'll also give those fast travel cart services more of a purpose - as well as horses. So, as for implementing this, would i be right in thinking i need to make a quest (a hidden one so it doesn't appear in the log) so that the game can detect (i assume via a script) whether or not the player is mounted on a steed? This is as far as i've taken the mod right now and would really appreciate some guidance on the matter. (Writing said script will also be a problem, as rarely scripted before and definitely know nothing about papyrus - all i know is it'll involve the IsRidingHorse function. LOL) Thanks for any help, it's appreciated.
Hi guys. It sucks that i don't have the modding ability to make my idea's into reality, hence me being here sharing my idea with (hopefully) experienced modders who see the potential in what i think about. Anywhoo, i've got an idea for a mod for Skyrim to overhaul Enchanting. What it consists of is: Allow court wizards from each city to enchant items for the player at a price, which would be determined by the power (And type) of enchantment required. Most of these wizards you can trade with no problem - why can't you also pay them to enchant items for you? Not every character i've made has been skilled in enchanting, and frankly, i have no interest in the arts of magic. Aside from court wizards, it would also be nice if certain companions also had this ability to enchant items for the player, for example, the dark elf at Azura's shrine. Companions should enchant items for free, but for the sake of balance, not be as powerful as court wizard counterparts. Also, an Enchanting table would have to be nearby & the player would have to supply any required soul gem. It's not a hugely complex mod, but i think it enhances realism just a tad. I also have no reason to think why this kind of thing would require new dialogue - just a new topic for the wizards (and companions) and a simple generic response that i'm sure would already exist in the game. So using preexisting voice should be fine. Once a player clicks on a "Can you enchant something for me?" topic, the enchanter replies with a generic response and the enchanting menu appears - with the additional view of the players septims in the bottom right corner, obviously indicating how much it would cost. And as i previously stated, cost would include the power of the enchantment, the type (and complexity) as well as any item that may be required ie; lesser soul gem, greater, grand, etc (Supplied by the wizard) If it's a companion who's enchanting, it would be down to the player to supply the required soul gem. Oh and speaking of soul gems, it would be good if, once used (either to charge or enchant) instead of them simply "disappearing" from the game world, the common game item "Sould gem fragments" is replaced with them instead. I always found it odd that i never got this in my players inventory whenever i used a gem to charge a weapon/item. Anyway, just my 2 cents.
Hi all. Well really, the topic explained it; any modder with script experience fancy taking this on? I'd love to see a mod which limits the player to fast travel to 1 times per day, this will encourage exploration and, hopefully, help lengthen quests by (potentially) sidetracking the player, making the game feel much less short and overall enhancing the experience. I figured limiting the player to 1 fast travel per day would suffice, and if the player owned a mount, doubling it to twice per day. This would also be dependant on the players current timescale, as i do know it could probably take over a day to fast travel from one side of the map to the other, but really, i don't think this'll be a huge problem. I did try and mod this myself, but i have little to no knowledge of scripting, nevermind papyrus. So i figured i'd throw this idea out there for anyone who would be prepared to give it a go. It shouldn't take too much effort as all it would require is a simple script (Afaik). and perhaps seperate ESP's for different limits to suit varying tastes. So, any thoughts?
I was reading an interesting article a moment ago here To quote a small portion of it: Now i feel this is something that wasn't fully addressed in Skyrim. NPC's are far too trusting -- all too willing to share their troubles and secrets with a complete stranger (whome is probably the worst one, given how some of us play ;) Brotherhood member maybe?) Such quests should only start if the player proves to be trustworthy - say, buys a house in town, is made "Thane" and/or has proven to the Jarl they can be trusted, etc. Then it's citizens should open up to the player more. Just walk down the street in a newly discovered town. You soon get bombarded with requests, regardless of your past. Hell even the Winterhold College seems to trust me far too much. Granting me access with a simple Ward spell. Then all of a sudden, referring to me as an apprentice and giving me permission to meddle in with very delicate and sensitive affairs that could have major consequences. It's all very silly. To top it off, I'm a Nord Warrior. I hate magic, and i hate Mages. Figure that one out. So what am i asking for here? Well as i said previously, having citizens less trustworthy is a good start. Perhaps having their quests only start if the player has proven to be trustworthy in that particular town (again, has done a few quests for the Jarl -- or definitely when they've secured a home, etc) Now this sounds like an ambitious request (and, well, it is) but i feel that this is really required to make Skyrim what it should've been. This is a massive immersion breaker for me (just as it was In Oblivion) and i assume it is for many others. It really needs to be changed/fixed. something i may even attempt myself once we get our hands on mod tools. A few other things that troubled me in Skyrim: Lack of any negative effects on the player in harsh environments (Diving into freezing water, climbing high peaks). Doesn't need to be a massive penalty, a mild stamina drain, etc would suffice. No item durability. Even I must admit it was annoying repairing things all the time. Having it completely removed wasn't a good idea though. They should've just reduced it much more. It would also make Smithing a more rewarding/deeper skill. Horse riding is disappointingly slow. Different breeds of Horses have no different traits. (that i've noticed) Unable to lead horses on foot via tack/reins (Would make engaging potential targets easier as you don't need to dismount to do so, and no have to worry about leaving your horse alone open to attack) No first person view while riding (What were they thinking? Apologies for the long post.