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  1. You're more tenacious than I am Teabone3. I hope you figure it out.
  2. Updated original post with some info on heightmap importing and asking for advice on importing a pipboy map.
  3. I like your story so far and I'd be interested in playing it. I think the plains commonwealth area as it was known pre-war is a great setting for a fallout game and I'd be glad to see it come alive. The story I have isn't much and shouldn't conflict with anything I'm hearing. My antagonist is new and doesn't belong to any pre-existing factions. I wanted an antagonist like the Master in the original Fallout and that is who I based him on. My backstory so far: An army general is abducted by aliens and is experimented on and tortured. They return him to earth and he is a changed man. He has visions of the world being destroyed in nuclear fire. He forms a hatred for aliens. He tries to get the army to help deal with this malevolent alien threat but they do not believe him. Vault Tec does. Vault Tec has a captured alien and they wish to conduct a vault experiment with the general as the overseer. The experiment is that the alien is exposed to a strain of FEV that is designed to combine human and alien DNA to create a hybrid. The results are to be monitored and if hybridization is successful the alien will be mentally broken and conditioned to be loyal to Vault Tec by mental manipulation experts in the vault. The bombs fall and the experiment is conducted and hybridization is successful. The Hybrid is conditioned to think it is human and his brain is wiped of all memories that he ever was an alien. The general, in his hatred, mistreats the hybrid. The general, after a long time in the vault with no word from the outside world, grows sick of the experiment and shows the hybrid the FEV that changed him from an alien and explains what they did to him. The general, wearing power armor, attempts to kill the hybrid but the hybrid resists and shoves the general into the vat of FEV. The Hybrid escapes the vault. The general, after a long time in the vat emerges a hybrid himself. The General leaves the vault and begins hunting for the hybrid. The Hybrid, seeking to understand himself attempts to contact the aliens but they are hostile to him. Finding acceptance neither in humankind nor alienkind the Hybrid returns to the vault and begins making more Hybrids, starting with the mental manipulation experts that were staffed there. The General returns to the vault and is captured by the Hybrid's growing army of super mutant hybrids. He is imprisoned. The Hybrid begins to run out of the modified FEV and his army stops growing. They Hybrid begins researching how to recreate the modified FEV to create more hybrids with his end goal being to convert all humans (and aliens if he can find them) into hybrid super mutants. His research continues...
  4. Thank you, I might take you up on that. I haven't fleshed out a story yet but I plan on the Brotherhood of Steel having at least a small presence in the area. I haven't played Fallout Tactics where a lot of the lore for that area comes from but from reading the wiki I've learned a little bit. The Midwest brotherhood of Steel seems to have been the major power in the area after defeating (and maybe assimilating?) an army of super mutants and then gaining control of some advanced super computer army. I'm not sure how much of that is canon but I'll try to work with the lore whenever possible. Fallout Tactics ends in 2198 AD and my mod will be set in the same time frame as Fallout 4, 2287 AD, so that gives me 89 years between the two games for me to rewrite the balance of power in the area. Reading the wiki also gave me ideas for some other factions in the area: Reaver remnants and the Ghouls of Gravestone. Here is the old elevation map that I'm using as inspiration for my world space. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/topo/kansas/txu-pclmaps-topo-ks-kansas_city-1887.jpg This area will allow me to include notable locations such as: Leavenworth Prison Fort Leavenworth Multiple industrial cave systems which were used as fallout shelters that were owned and operated by a competing company of Vault-Tec Gravestone, ghoul town which I'll probably put a little east of the ruins of downtown KC World War 1 memorial (maybe, depends how difficult it will be to replicate the architecture) Crossroads, a town south of the ruins of downtown KC Stockyards and Union Station KCI airport Qualtiy Hill, settlement on the west edge of downtown KC The northeast and southwest areas will be small settlements, raider camps and wilderness. Brotherhood of Steel could have a presence in the northeast and another faction, maybe Legion remnants, Reavers or a completely new faction could have a presence in the southwest area. I'm open to ideas for quests and other story elements by the way. I have a rough idea of where I'm going with this but I'm still a loooong way from implementing anything. :)
  5. I've begun working on a mod that recreates the Kansas City area post apocalypse. I've finished turning an old elevation map I found of the area into a height map with photoshop that after many trials and errors I managed to implement into a suitable terrain in the creation kit. My worldspace goes from -40,-40 to 40, 40 so it has 6561 total cells and the playable space is from cell -34, -35 to 25, 27 with a total of 3780 playable cells. I just thought I'd ask before I waded any further into this process if any veteran modders have any tips or tricks to speed up their workflow process or are aware of any hurdles I might be facing down the road. Some big things I am aware of: Heightmap: I thought I would share a bit on this stage for others who might find this because it gave me some trouble. After a lot of head scratching I was able to import my heightmap to create a world space. The major hangups I had for this process were saving my image file in the proper dds format for which I used https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-texture-tools-adobe-photoshop and realizing that when setting the world boundary in the heightmap import window you need to have it start in the southwest corner (like -32, -32) and go to the northeast corner (example 32, 32). I was trying to get it to go from the northwest to southeast for the longest time and couldn't grasp why this was an invalid cell range. I didn't find this written anywhere else and it seemed counter intuitive so I thought I'd share it here. The creation kit currently has a bug where you cannot sprint in a custom worldspace unless you generate precombined geometry and then precombined visibility and this must be done before adding any objects to the worldspace for some reason: https://community.bethesda.net/thread/8561 I've tried pecombining geometry and visual data (is there an option to precombine visual data for an entire worldspace? All I could find was the option to precombine for loaded cells) and the sprint bug still persists so this is for bethesda to fix. I've learned a little about the importance of precombining thanks to this bug: http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Precombined_References I'm not sure what this is, if they are referring to precomputing occlusion in the World LOD tab then the creation kit estimates it will take me 3.8 days which isn't something I'm in a hurry to do if it isn't necessary. I'm also not sure what this exactly does other than remove the bug that prevents characters from sprinting. If anyone has any advice regarding this I'm all ears. I can create OPALs (object pallets) to speed up the landscaping process which I learned in this topic: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4162450-ck-tips-for-landscaping-faster/?hl=%2Btips&do=findComment&comment=38112455 I will need to generate LOD for my world but it sounds like I should wait until I have all objects and landscaping placed and the worldspace mostly finished first: I can use regions to generate clutter like trees, rocks and terrain textures in my world space. I'm going to try to learn this next and I'm counting on it to greatly reduce my workload. If anyone has any tips for this process or give me an example of some of the settings they used that gave them good results I would find it very helpful. I will need to create a usable pipboy map image for my world. I'm having a lot of trouble with this. Some people don't seem to have any problems with this process but myself and others over at the bethesda.net forums have been having a hell of a time getting it to work. I wonder if someone who has been successful with creating a pipboy map for a worldspace could share a little of their knowledge. What dds file type did you use and what settings? (image type, mip map, etc). Did you use the Nvidia or Intel photoshop plugin to save it? What are your world dimensions? I've been scratching my head over what I'm doing wrong and can't figure it out. I imported my heightmap using the creation kit. Because the cell dimensions are always odd ( 32 pixels per cell +1) I can't make a dds file of the same dimensions as my map if I use one the DXT1-5 dds file types because they must be divisible by 4. But I haven't even had luck replacing the default commonwealth map with one of the DXT dds files though so I'm not sure that is the problem. I've been able to get a few of the dds file types that don't have dimension restrictions to appear in the creation kit, just not in game. So, any words of advice for someone whose ambitions are greater than their abilities?
  6. I personally am not interested in a voice over replacement of all the existing dialogue but what I would LOVE to see are low intelligence dialogue optuons like the older fallout games provided.
  7. Create your object and check 'initially disabled' on it. Find the quest that gives the player that faction rank. Go to the quest alias tab and create a quest alias for your object. Make sure the 'allow disabled' box is checked. Type this line in the same quest stage that raises that factions rank: Alias_nameofalias.GetReference().Enable() At least that is how I do it. There is probably an easier way. Edit: Actually I just tried doing something like this myself and it didn't seem to work. I haven't played with the creation kit in a long time though, I may have forgotten a step. The papyrus fragment is the same structure as all the others I have made and those work and I think I created the alias for the object correctly.
  8. Necro bump. If anyone knows how to make a papyrus fragment that can do this I would be grateful.
  9. I found SetCrimeGold - Faction but if this is the right thing then I just don't know how to apply it correctly. I have tried putting this line in my papyrus fragments for one of my quest stages to no effect: CrimeFactionXenosJailHostile.SetCrimeGold(1000) If someone could tell me how I can do this I would appreciate it.
  10. I have some jailors in this player home I am working on. I want them to try to arrest the player on sight, the player can refuse and fight or be arrested and thrown in jail. I have played with the guards' crime faction and tried setting them to guard and sandbox in their AI package but I can't seem to make them do this. It would be great if, instead of warning and attacking the player for trespassing they would try to arrest the player instead. Perhaps there is a way to add a really high bounty to the player without them committing a crime? If so I'm not savvy enough to figure out how to do that.
  11. I had a similar problem with one of my custom made lights but my light which pulsed would pulse from their regular shade to black. I think the problem was some of my settings for it like intensity amplitude were set too high. Look at the settings for other lights to get a feel for what your settings should be. I think it is either that or you have it set to detect the number of lights hitting a surface. Does it look like this picture? http://www.creationkit.com/images/9/9e/OptimizationFig3.jpg If so then all you need to do is disable that. Take a look at this tutorial to learn how: http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Optimization
  12. Look under Architecture - Solitude - Interiors. I see many arched frames that I think would fit that secret door.
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