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Everything posted by BrumMatheus99

  1. How sad, strange for Bethesda to do this... since they know the community they have, in their other games they gave the possibility to change this... And even more so because they rely on mods to fix and improve their own game ...
  2. Hello everyone, I'm new here on the Forum and I also started editing files and making some ''mods'' recently, as I'm really enjoying Starfield. (I'm from Brazil so excuse the English in Google Translate) I was editing the character's eyes, when I had the idea of ​​creating the Rinnegan Eye from ''Naruto'', but this Eye changes the entire Eyeball, not just the Cornea, and I realized that all published mods only change the cornea. So I looked in the game files to see if it was possible to change the rest of the Eyeball, and I discovered that it is possible by editing the ''sclerablank_sk1_color'' file. But here comes the problem, changing it ends up changing the eyes of ALL NPCs in the game... This ends up limiting the editing and creation of different eyes... As I'm very new to editing and creating Mods, maybe you know something way to get around this problem and be able to change only the Eyeball of our main Character. I would like tips from more experienced Modders and whether or not it is possible to make this change. Thanks.
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