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Posts posted by WoogieMonster

  1. I give up, what am I missing: NMM shows my "profile 1" at the top and the mods all have the green checkmark, but none of them are actually activated.


    Clicking "profile" at the top does not show an option that says "import load order" but i do see that option in the plugin window. However, clicking it prompts for me to manually locate the text file and when I found one (with yesterdays date on it) NMM gives an error saying the file is missing mode type.


    I'm lost.

  2. You could do this yourself in maybe two hours, including learning time, with the GECK and a copy of GIMP to do the image editing. Anyone who already knows what they're doing could whip this up less than half an hour.


    E: I mean, what's worst about this request is you clearly haven't even *looked* at the GECK, as sans texture changes this is about 50 mouseclicks worth of work. The reason there's a million cheat mods putting mininuke explosions on everything is because it is so mind-blowingly trivial to do. Offering compensation for this is almost demeaning, like saying you'll pays someone if they tie your shoes for you.


    I hope this is not an indication of what the Nexus has become during my time away. I don't believe in getting something for nothing, so I saw no harm in offering a friendly exchange of favors. If that's such a bad thing to you, would it have hurt to simply move on to the next thread rather than taking the time to be an a**hole about something that would affected you in no way what-so-ever?


    With so many people struggling with budgets these days, maybe this would have been a nice deal for a modder who hasn't had a new game in a while and would have appreciated the gesture. Offer withdrawn, thank the dbag.

  3. The GECK EULA states that you can only use it for non-profit.

    So it's not compensation or commision or any other sort of contract that you're talking about is it? :)


    I'm sure Woogie will be grateful thouh and may offer a gift of grattitude after the fact.

    No, nothing so complicated. Just a small token of thanks for the use of your time. No more than giving your neighbor a six-pack in exchange for helping to move a sofa upstairs. It's not paying him to imitate a furniture mover, it's just a a motivational gift for taking time from his busy day. Six-pack sitting in my cooler with no one to drink it, 9-dollar gift game that's just sitting in my Library never being played... same thing.

  4. Do you say that because there is potential for someone to copy work from the other nuclear missile launcher mods? Both those other mods seem to fall more into the category of "joke mods" rather than useful weapons, so I don't think someone would copy anything from them.

    Also, I should have clarified that I need these weapons as a single mod, I am not offering two separate commissions.

  5. Straight to the point: I have a request for two weapons and am willing to offer compensation in the form of a Steam game-gift.


    Weapon 1: A mine that can be remotely triggered with the Detonator. Appearance based on the Plasma Mine, but textured such that the casing / outer shell of the mine is very dark grey in color instead of rusty green, and the lights should be neon blue instead of neon green. Upon detonation, it must use the nuke (Fatman) explosion.


    Weapon 2: A Rocket Launcher with the areas that are by default colored green, be black instead. Must not replace the default launchers in the game. Ammo for the weapon should be a rocket that explodes as a nuke (Fatman). If possible, I would like the rockets to have a blue tip instead of the default red.


    If you are interested, we can discuss any details needed. Thank you for your time.

  6. Does xfire save the videos to your hard drive in a useful format?

    When you record a video it is initially saved as an insanely large AVI and if you upload it to your xfire profile it gets compressed / reformatted into a much much much smaller MPEG-4 and a copy of the MPEG-4 is also saved onto your drive.

  7. You need bigger opponents, spawn a behemoth and slug it out :yes:


    Anyway, if you're going to use xfire to store the videos you make, you should know a couple things:

    - your profile has a time limit of 10 minutes per video, anything longer than 10 minutes will not upload

    - there are embed codes for your videos just like youtube

    - people can and will write comments on your videos, so just keep in mind that not everyone on the internet is nice... or sane. But you can delete comments that bother you.


    If you need any help with the xfire client itself, feel free to add me to your friends list, I'm no expert but I've used it long enough that I can help with most problems.

  8. A few spliced 30 second clips might work, but something longer would be better...


    Xfire will record video as long as you need for free. But like FRAPS the files are huge and need to be edited. Clicking my name in my sig will take you to xfire and you can see examples of videos on my profile.

  9. The message board has functioned properly without a sword hanging over our heads. We have never had a problem, as all of the moderators (emphasis on Vagrant) has done a superb job of stopping it before it ever became a problem. Discussions get heated, and this is true with any debate.


    Perhaps a more appropriate task is to ask bben what is the maximum level of a personal attack that is accepted by this new addendum?


    The following sentences are examples of different levels of attacking. Please list whether you think each breaks the rules...


    How about just NOT attacking people at all? This is a forum, not a chatroom and not a live discussion, you do not have to respond the instant you see something, so if something excites you to the point that you feel the need to retaliate with an attack, you have absolutely no excuse for not simply closing the browser/tab and returning later after you've cooled down. As far as "what is the maximum level of a personal attack that is accepted" there is no possible way to judge that. What you might consider a mild jab, might be interpreted by someone else as intense insult, prodding them to respond the same, resulting in you both being banned. Anybody who needs to attack someone as their response probably has nothing of value to contribute to the debate and trying to see how close you can get to the line without crossing it is asking for trouble.

  10. I was on watch one night back in '99 and my sponsor came bursting through the door, she was furious. She slammed a newspaper on my desk and demanded to know "what the **** is this" and me being the clown I am and quite terrified at the moment responded "a 3-week old newspaper?" The noise brought our watch-chief around and examining the paper (which was from her hometown) showed that her transfer orders had been published in the local news.


    Hometown Navy News was nothing new, but the questions here were, 1. why is someone with our particular skill set being sent to "Area 51" and 2. why the heck was it in Hometown news? Our chief starts laughing and says that sometimes they do stuff like that just for publicity and he assured her she was not going to Area 51 because "it'd be like sending her on a year-long paid vacation."

  11. daily updates and patches...

    We're talking about EA here... they usually wait for an expansion or a addon pack that you have to buy for the game fixes to work. I think you might have been confused with some other company.


    Actually, you're almost wrong, there was that time that EA patched Command & Conquer with "minor fixes" which resulted in if you booted the game while you were listening to music with Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, or WinAmp, secuROM would abort the game and display a pop-up accusing you of running piracy / game hacking software. So there's not always an add-on before they patch, sometimes they do it just to piss people off.


    This actually does not surprise me. EA has a well-documented history of taking extremely retarded measures to punish their legitimate customers and damage PC-gaming as much as possible at every opportunity. They buy out small companies, gut the staff, use SecoROM to destroy the games that made the little companies famous, and then scream "everybody's stealing our game."


    EA has been on my no-buy list for a long time and they will stay on it. The next big videogame depression (look it up, younglings) will be a direct result of EA.

  13. The type of stone you receive when you take it from the sigil tower is random, but it's effects are listed in your inventory. The main idea of using them is that when you use the stones to enchant items the power of the enchantment is supposed to be greater than what you could accomplish with a soul gem at an alter. And you can use the sigil stones anywhere, no need for an alter.
  14. is that even a real gun?? or is it a paint ball or bb gun???

    No it's not a gun, it's a rifle. And yes it is a real-world weapon used by Marine Corps.



  15. hmmmm ramdom facts............ my IQ is 174 but this test was done over 4 years ago, also my brain works too fast for my fingers making it hard to type good....... lol :D


    *hard to type well


    And you've cast a shadow of doubt on your random fact.

  16. Random fact: I can sometimes be a real smartass, and have to catch myself sometimes and edit posts frequently.

    Related fact: I hold my tongue on this forum more than any other I've ever been a member of.

  17. check this mod out

    should be compatible with mmm and fook 2


    warhammer factions :thumbsup:



    That mod does something very different from the mod the OP is asking about; It converts the game into a Warhammer style overhaul. If you're going to take advantage of someone looking for help just to plug your own mod, you could at least have the decency to warn him that it will completely change his entire game.

  18. I have the Marines and MMM (full version) installed. I can safely say "those poor Space Marines" seem to enjoy being overwhelmed:



    (Highlight spoiler text to read it)


    - There is a lone Marine patrolling one of the campsites who routinely kills every super mutant in the area with just a chainsword.

    - There is a full squad of Marines at the Capital: 1 Devastator, 1 Grey Knight, 2 Marines and 1 Terminator. If you let them (as if you stand a chance of somehow stopping them), they will kill all the Overlords, Super Mutants, Talon Mercs, Robots in the area and take over the Enclave camp where they seem to spend most of their time trying to get into that deathclaw cage so they can kill it too. Maybe they're hungry after wiping out 3 armies all at once.

    - A lone Devastator patrols the Germantown police station. He will kill everything there and take a nap in the tent out of boredom.

    - There is another squad on guard duty outside Megaton. This is no doubt the most dangerous group in the game: 1 Devastator, Grey Knight Justicar, and 2 Terminators. When raiders start attacking the front gate, in the 2 seconds it takes you to un-holster your rifle they will have already killed everything. And should there be a "mysterious explosion" they don't even seem to notice.

    - In Old Olney, there is a squad of 1 Marine, 1 Devastator and 1 Terminator who are well fed on deathclaw meat.



    There are a few other lone Marines scattered around, one walks the roads, 1 is guarding a vault somewhere, 1 in the ruins... I've NEVER seen a dead one. In fact I honestly thought they were invincible until I saw a Devastator decide he didn't like the way a Behemoth was looking at him. He got his leg broken, I got the free loot, we were friends for life.


    There is a glitch that takes effect when you begin Broken Steel that makes the Marines see you as hostile, even the 3 Grey Knight Terminators guarding Rivet City, who seem able to detect you up to about a quarter mile away. Yes they're really slow and yes you'll see that bright white & gold armor coming in slow motion from pretty far off, but short of using the MIRV, there is little you can do to avoid a brutal death when they finally get to you. The glitch can be corrected with the console, which I'll gladly post if you want.


    I do not know how they react in FOOK because I do not use it, sorry.

  19. this island is part of the Mages Guild quest line

    and its hard to get to for a reason

    don't break a quest unless you mean to.


    Oh yeah, I forgot there was another one, thanks Fonger.

  20. This is in fact my 8th year without friends. I don't want friends anymore because it has been so long that I am now convinced no one wanted me as a friend to begin with. From here on I never will allow myself to communicate with the world outside my house. If i am in public, I will not allow myself to talk outside my body. I only love myself now and I hope that when I perish in bed one night, that the new world will give me a fresh start.


    It is ok to talk on the internet once in a while, but eventually I do need to die.

    I almost died once (or twice), it's not as glorious as it appears on tv. "Friends" on a site like this serve no practical purpose other than making your profile look pretty, which in itself also servers no practical purpose other than providing minor details about the user that in this age of identity theft is best left as vague as possible which renders it useless. This comes again back to my opinion of it all having no purpose.


    You as an individual however, may yet serve a purpose, if nothing else than to make a rambling bored guy on the internet ask, "who are you, and why do you want to have e-friends?" A small purpose, yes, but a purpose none-the-less and worth the effort to fend off death yet another day, as you would not want to leave with unfinished business.


    Or you can just add me to your friends list.

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