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Posts posted by WoogieMonster

  1. I gave up trying to play after a couple of days. It crashes hard, taking my GPU with it (something I've never seen a game do before), which I'm sure is unhealthy for my rig.
  2. Mods may contain different things, such as weapon mods containing sound files and pipboy icons, but they all install the same way. Just take your time and do it the same way you did the house. If your Data Folder does not yet have the Meshes, Textures, and Sound folders, just copy them from the mod.


    If the mod needs archive invalidation, it should mention it in the ReadMe or in the description page (if it came from Nexus). You can activate that in Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM).

  3. Yeah there's an issue with Bethesda games dropping the cursor, especially for people who have items on their desktop. There doesn't seem to be much that can be done about it other than watching out for it, learning to recognize situations that make it more likely to appear and just moving it out of the way with the pipboy screen open. BTW the purpose of opening the pipboy is so that your character does not move. As far as I know there is no permanent fix, so eventually the cursor will drop again and make its way back into an area of the screen that it can pop through, usually around your start button even if you move the taskbar.


    But yours is the first case I've heard about that it can be seen on the entire side of the screen from top to bottom. I am glad to see you got it sorted out.


    IRT the tweak guide, a lot of people here use it, so hopefully your thread will help others as well.

  4. Obviously, the Oblivion tools are not my thing, but there are some gurus hanging around here, so someone will know how to help you. Sorry I'm not one of them since I do have the time, and I'm bored out of my mind :wacko:



    I started looking through the CS wiki to see if I could help find something to help you.... I see why it's giving you a hard time.

  5. I only mention this because the games are so similar: In Fallout 3, all of those things are done with the GECK and are very clearly labeled and easy to find. If you have the Oblivion Construction Set and are comfortable using it, you should play around with it, you might surprise yourself.
  6. You could just do that with the console if you want, there are a few different ways. One way would be to give yourself the Educated perk and then spawn yourself a bunch of the skill books. That way you get your stats up and you get the credit for reading the books and also you're not adding unnecessary mods to your game.



    All the console codes for the perk and the skill books an be found on the wiki http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_Wiki but if you can't track them down, I'll list them for you.

  7. There are a couple of ways to get rid of Alistair: if you take Loghain as a party member, Alistair will refuse to accompany you any further. And before that, if you "defile" the Sacred Ashes so that you can become a Reaver, Wynne, Leliana and Alistair will attack you immediately.


    Wynne WILL leave you for being a bloodmage if she sees you use your power before you see her use hers.

  8. Do you need these to play the mods you download for Fallout 3?


    Oh and what does WIP mean?


    Because of limitations within the base game, many mods (especially the bigger more elaborate mods) do require FOSE and they almost always warn you about it in the file description and in the ReadMe.


    FOMM is not really a requirement in the strictest sense of the word. You can install and play mods without it, but when you have several mods they often need to be loaded into the game in a certain order ( load order ) and this is what makes you need FOMM. It shows the load order of your mods and allows you to rearrange them properly to avoid conflicts that could crash your game or maybe even damage your saves. FOMM also contains other tools that will be helpful when/if you decide to start editing mods yourself or correcting certain small problems with other mods.

    WIP stands for Work in Progress. It means that the mod is still considered to be incomplete by it's owner although they may still make it available to the public. This is often done so people can help them find bugs, conflicts or other errors within the mod, or sometimes to just get suggestions from other people.


    Another term you might see a lot is Vanilla, which is a way of referring to some that has NOT been modded. For example: "This armor uses the vanilla body" to let you know that you do not need a body-mod to use that item.


    ArchiveInvalidation is used when a mod adds a new version of something to the game that needs to replace the vanilla version. This is a feature of FOMM and can also be done manually with a .txt file. Once activated in FOMM it remains active even when new mods are installed.

  9. I don't think you have to buy it, it installs as a mod-tool when you install just about any THQ/Relic game. Search your game directory if you have any of their games, and if not then check their forums/site to make sure it's not a free download like the rest of their tools. I'm just saying check before you pay someone for nothing.
  10. Is this allowed?


    Judging from the results of the last public-supported request for un-banning*, the answer to your question would appear to be "no." I believe it was Buddah who stated [paraphrased] "reasons for banning are stated in the rules/strikes area and are locked because these issues are not open for public debate/petition/opinion."


    IRT this thread, the banned person has since rejoined the Nexus network with a new name and was informed to contact the staff. If his original account remains banned, either he abandoned it in favor of his new account or he was unsuccessful in convincing the staff of his innocence, either way, as we've seen in the past this is not an issue for public discussion.


    * reference thread: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=44784&hl=

  11. Try to teleport / fast-travel somewhere instead of walking out the front gate. This might help determine if there's something at the gate that is crashing the game or if it is the act of leaving the cell or maybe even the auto-save that happens when you walk through a door. The more stuff you can narrow down, the easier it will be for someone to help pin-point what the problem might be.
  12. I think the OP is referring to the difficulty of creating your good-looking character while using the ingame interface, because it's cloudy, you can't see your whole head and the lighting is very bad which is made even worse by the flickering and dimming.

    You put in all that time and effort, then an hour later when you finally get your adult character into a well-lit area and CRAP! THAT DOESN'T LOOK ANYTHING LIKE I THOUGHT IT DID !!! Start over.


    Am I right?


    What I do, is use the GECK to create a face and then set that face as an ingame preset. Then at the creation screen just pick the face you made in GECK. The GECK face creator has a lot more details and options than the ingame menu and most importantly it's well-lit and you can actually see what you are doing.

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