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About prez4prez

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  1. I see some of the servers must be back up and running, because I was able to download my first mod of the day a few minutes ago... Just wanted to say, THANK YOU for all the hard work you all are putting into this site. I'm gonna have to get me a premium membership soon, it looks like, in order to support yall.
  2. Okay, I've been trying to get SkyRe working for my setup too, but unfortunately I can't download the proper patches for it right now (now that I've finally discovered what needs to be patched...) That being said, I'm not sure how much help I can be, but I can spitball with ya a bit, try to figure it out. First, did you have the ReProccer checked when you ran your Bashed Patch? I notice it's checked in the screen shot while the Bashed Patch is not. That's a no-no, from what I understand. Everything below the Bashed Patch should be unchecked while you rebuild it. THEN you can check the ReProccer and run it. Also, I don't think (and correct me if I'm wrong please) that ThunderChild is compatible with SkyRe because it alters the Shouts and so does SkyRe. Unless there's yet another patch somewhere that I haven't seen for it. The other orange mods on your list (in your screen shot) looks like they are marked to be merged with the Bashed Patch, which (I believe) is entirely okay. I usually just lurk on these forums to solve my probs, but I didn't want your petition for aid to go unanswered...
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