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  1. Scripting might still be limited, just like for Fallout 4, but we'll be able to push the game to support 4k parralaxed textures everywhere with high poly mesh and add a lot of NPC/ structures.
  2. So, I think a good way to update mods for which the author is no longer active, or doesn't wan't to update to Special Edition, would be to make automated tools for people to convert old mods to the Special Edition themselves. Would any of the kind modders of TES5Edit, or these type of programs, be interested in that? And would it be an easy task to do?
  3. There is a difference between NMM or MO numbers of active files and ESP active. You can only have 255 ESP plugins active, but you can have more mods. For example: a texture mod will not have an ESP, so it will not add to the 255 Plugins limit.
  4. Might want to check these, I don't think they are compatible. I had several compatibility problems with Immersive Sounds compedium, which is a sad thing since it's an awesome mod.
  5. So looks like I was right about the remaster. At least for the 64 bits and DX11 upgrade. But I wonder if Bethesda actually did take some things from modders, we can't know it yet from the trailer and the little info we have right now, but it would interesting to see if some modders or some guy who know basic stuff about the engine and mods could dig into the files of the special edition in order to see if it there is some straight port of Skyrim mods. Judging by the trailer, it seems that the meshes and textures are the same as the HD DLC pack, however, the visuals look very similar to a SweetFX mod. Water look like new, snow shaders too and so does the godrays. I wonder if some people with more expertise on visual stuff could identify some mod feature in the trailer. The Steam page also offers several visual pics without video compression.
  6. BUMP So Skyrim remaster is basically a thing now, would be cool if my idea was implemented.
  7. I play the game with a set of personnalised music and it makes the experience a hundred times better. I once tried to play without music, and the experience was totally good. So I had this idea, why not have the best of both worlds? and randomly disable music for a few minutes, and reenabling it automatically from time to time. I think the game would be much more immersive that way.
  8. First off, I'm no mod author at all, but I'l leave this detailed suggestion in case a genius from the Nexus Community want to take a shot at this idea. So I was kinda impressed by the addiction system in Fallout 4, and thought that the idea could be implemented in Skyrim. I mean, in the vanilla skyrim, the only available source of thirst quenching is alcohol, so alcoholism should be one of the main threat to the well being of the citizens of Skyrim if we want to get immersived. So the basic idea would be a system of addiction based on different types of stuff available in the base game. Skooma will get you addicted, but so will alcohol; with debuff effect based on your addiction level. The mechanics are already here with vampirism, so I think my request is not too much unrealistic, even though I don't know jack about modding.
  9. So with the recent trend of remasters and remakes of old-gen games, it seem that Bethesda is a bit behind everyone else in the market. But I figured out something that they could do with Skyrim, and their games in general, in order to make unique remasters. So they have this big modding community, with lots of additional content created by modders. The thing for a truely unique remaster of Skyrim, besides 64 bits and Directx11 or 12, would be that Bethesda will take a big list of mods that improve the game (Frostfall, Immersive Creatures, Wet and Cold, ENBs, Footprints, SMIM and even perhaps USKPL or additional content like 3DNPC...) and put it in their next-gen remaster. Of course they will not take the mod as they are now, they may tweak it, and will make sure that compatiblity is fine, and they will perhaps unify everything in a new Big ESM. I'm not sure about what Bethesda's policy is about reusing content from mods, perhaps they can do it for free, or they might have to ask for the permission or credit modders. They could also make contracts with modders (I know it's a sensitive subject with all the bulls*** there was about paid mods, but this is nothing like paid mods). So just imagine an Ultra Legendary version of Skyrim with ENBs, fixes, Highres meshes and additional content that will be sold on both PCs and consoles. Of course you could argue that you can already do it on PC if you mod your game; but the thing is that modding is a small niche and the process to learn how to correctly mod your game take a long time. You have to learn a lot of things just in order to have a functionnal modded Skyrim, and the process is very frustrating, but strangely addicting (for me anyways). Here we would have a 64 bits DX11/12 stable Skyrim with an insane amount of additional contents (That thing would be the biggest remaster ever made in term of new content) easy to install for non modders on both PC and Consoles. Of course this version will still be moddable, and since it would be the same engine I think ports will be easy. Besides, modders will be credited if there is some kind of contract, so they will have more business oportunities. I mean to have Skyrim and Bethesda on your résumé is both awesome and useful in my opinion. I think that would be a big revolution in gaming and modding, and it seem more convincing than the clusterf*#@ that was the paid mods. So sorry if it's already been suggested, or if this thread doesn't make any sense, it's my first time posting. So the idea now, is to tell what you think, and propose ideas of mods that could make the Ultra Legendary Remaster list. I already gave a few, but there might be more, and you could make categories like: Likely (Pretty but boring remaster): -Frostfall -Wet and Cold -ENB -SMIM -Immersive Creatures/Armors/Weapons(+ individual weapons/armors/creatures mods) -Footprints -Dyndolod -Needs mod... -Pure weathers or COT Less likely (Holy s*** that's a lot of new content!): -USKP -3DNPC (That would be tough with all the voice acting) -Populated series and Inconsequential NPCs... Unlikely but it would be awesome (Holy s*** it's a new game with an insane amount of content!): -Combat mods -Perks mods -SOT -ASIS -DLC sized mods (Falskaar...)... Insanity (WTF Bethesda!): -SOS/UNP/CBBE -Really useful Dragons... Of course Bethesda will be the one considering which mod or not to add on the list, but I think a modder's generated list that will be checked by them could be useful if they ever make it. I don't know if some people on this forum that would be interested by the idea could tell Bethesda about it.
  10. In response to post #24599274. If you read carefully, a lot of comments are "OMG, Valve and Beth are so wrong, I'm gonna buy a premium membership and donate a lot of money to the Nexus..." You could understand why the Nexus would have supported such a crappy idea by being being the third party who is able to get a little cut, just like how the Thalmor are supporting the Stormcloaks.
  11. Found out that realistic loot list is the culprit since it conflict with any mods that add loot to dragons, simply put it as high as possible in your load order and desactivate the file while using wyre bash to create a bashed patch.
  12. I spent 3 days checking everything, from GPU drivers to cache files... And I finally found out that in my case, this problem was related to the batched patch from Wyre Bash, somehow there is a conflict when some mods are bashed together, I haven't checked which one is it, but I may come back if I find out the incompatibility.
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