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About Rassiva

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    Skyrim The Elder Scrolls V

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  1. Thanks a million times I had to delete this script: ( "MT_Effect_WerewolfChangeFxScript.pex" ) so now it wont crash to desktop when I transform back to human form. :thumbsup:
  2. Have the exact same problem can't enter any Dwemer ruin at all. have no idea why I havn't installed any mod that I can think of that whuld make dwemer ruins no enter able and make the game crash. if any one know a fix for this please help us
  3. can't log into mod manager i get this error: cannot reach the nexus metadata server. I have the latest version. please help.
  4. yes disable AP fixed it for me guess I have to wait for a fix that fixes the shout problem.
  5. yeah now that you mention the AP I remember that I had a similar problem with AP before when updating it I will report back if it fixes for me. Thanks in advance.
  6. I have the same problem I can use powers with the Z key but I can't use any shout's at all all that happens is that my charter says the first word in lets say :unrelenting force all I hear is "fus" and nothing happens at all I can spam press the z key and all that happens is that I hear "fus" no effect or any thing i'm get frustrated. I'm not sure if it has any thing to do with any mods I have installed as I'm sure it worked before and i installed them with NMM and i have tried to deactivate those mods whit no luck the mods I have recently downloaded are Pretty Female Idles by Dualsun and Pretty_Combat_Idles by Dualsun. I have no idea if it was ansmall update that steam have downloaded or anything I have no idea why my shouts won't work any more. Please give us some help
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