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Everything posted by RGMage2

  1. I thought they were going to do something like that, I seem to remember reading about it being a planned feature on the someday list. Something like the Steam collections, which aren't really collections, just lists that auto download.
  2. The tri can be exported as a nif. What you would need to do is remove all the shape keys except for what you want and then scale down the size in edit mode and realign it with the normal mouth position. I believe you would scale it down to .1 to match the normal size of the mouth nif. After that you might have to remove some extra data in nifskope. Whether or not the new nif would still be compatible with the tri I'm not sure about, it's all about the vertices order, if you scale it in edit mode it might work. Blender changes the vertices order when importing a nif, and that's why we import the object, but as far as I know it doesn't change the order on export. If you're going to create a new tri file that will mean recreating 32 shape keys for expressions, and possibly you might need a new chargen tri as well. If the tri files really isn't an issue, then what I would do is separate the upper and lower mouth into 2 separate parts. In edit mode "p" key and separate loose parts. That will leave you with the teeth all separate and the tung separate while the upper and lower shell is still one piece like a clam. In edit mode face select and select all the upper mouth faces and then "p" key separate selected. At that point rejoin all the upper parts into one piece and all the lower parts into another piece and from there you can easily do your manipulations.
  3. You could try importing the .tri files to Blender 2.49b and then open the mouth with one of the expressions.
  4. An honorable course of action by Nexus.
  5. Do not post the mod without permission. Try asking for permission on the original mod's comment thread, if the guy is still around he should see it.
  6. You need to remove some things from the skeleton. I don't remember what they all are but there are several things that need to be removed. If you look at the error message you get when you try to import, it will tell you what they are, though it might just tell one at a time so it's a slow process. Open the skeleton in nifskope and find and remove the items from the error message. It wont work just from removing the first item from the first error message, you need to repeat the process until you don't get any more error messages. It's a slow process and frustrating but it will eventually work. edit: I tried adding the skeleton to this post as an attachment but it wont let me do that.
  7. Similar story here, and kind of fits with the wish theme. I had a favorite mod I made for Oblivion and never released. I thought of it as the best work I ever did, and then I lost it with a corrupted hard drive. I wished for that mod back so badly, and promised that if I ever got it back I would release it right away and share it with everyone. I tried all the free data recovery software I could find, and some of them could recover the files but they always came back corrupted and wouldn't load. :( Eventually I broke down and spent $99 on software that looked promising. I didn't know that it would work, I just took a chance and it did. Oh happy day, I had it back. Well... sort of. I had all the models textures and scripts and the esp as loose files and had to rebuild the mod. I spent a couple of days doing that and got it back to working exactly like it did before I lost it. But did I release it like I had promised myself to do? Nope. I couldn't be bothered, it didn't seem important anymore. Wishes are often like that. You wish for something so badly, and then when the wish is finally granted you realize it wasn't such a big deal and would rather have had something else instead, and this is why I don't need someone else to corrupt my wishes, because I can usually do that on my own.
  8. Granted. All the worker rights have been eliminated, giving them all the same rights, and the slaver bosses have been converted to workers. Now meet the new boss... same as the old boss. I wish no one ever needed to wish for anything I had a Gibson es175.
  9. Bethesda makes games that people love to play. If something ever did happen that caused Bethesda to go under, it would be a great loss for almost everyone here. I've played Oblivion and Skyrim extensively on PC, modded and un-moded, and IMO the main cause of instability in those games are the mods that people use. In Skyrim I only recall one bugged quest that was actually un-finishable, Blood On The Ice, and Bethesda did fix that. Fallout 3 I played on PC mostly un-modded, just the few mods I made for myself, and there were absolutely no issues. Fallout 4 I've only played on xbox with no mods, and no problems other than an occasional freeze and re-boot. I love the game and I'll probably play it a little tonight. As for the game engine and Bethesda's slow march forward, As a mod maker I think they've made good decisions. I like the continuity with the editor from one game to the next. Changes and improvements are made, yet still there is enough that is familiar so that even though each game is a little more complex, the learning curve isn't so great that I'm overwhelmed by it. I'll happily continue spending some money with Bethesda, because IMO they've got the recipe for what I want. If life's a box of chocolates, Bethesda is a darned good chocolatier.
  10. The error message says "not found or not supported" and since we know that blender does support dds textures, it's most likely it is not finding them in the location where they are supposed to be. Sorry I can't be of more help than that.
  11. No it wasn't. It was at the human race... you, me, everyone.
  12. We'll never surpass the ultimate level of stupidity. There will always be more stupidity ahead. Just when you think you've seen it all... stupid gets stupider.
  13. I see it basically as an expression of prejudice against people who are perceived to be in the mainstream by those who, for various reasons - age, education, ethnicity, sexual orientation, see themselves as being on the fringe. Like most prejudices, it paints with a very broad brush, and feeds into the common human desire to pull oneself up by pulling someone else down. If you are heterosexual you are in the vast majority and swimming with the current, thus the mainstream. But because it is the vast majority there is no perceptible advantage when comparing your prospects with those of most of the people you will deal with in your lifetime. If you are not heterosexual you are disadvantaged, but it isn't anyone's fault. You are what you are, deal with it. No one owes you anything. If being middle aged is an advantage, it isn't the age itself but rather the number of years you've spent in the work force fighting to better your position in life that is the advantage. By middle age you should have earned some privilege, however not everyone has, and the privilege is measured in degrees with a lot more people at the bottom of the scale than the top. Is being white an advantage? Probably. People are tribal, and more accepting of other people they believe to be like themselves. My skin is white, I wont apologize for it. It's the only skin I've got, I was born with it. I'm fortunate my parents chose to immigrate to a country where my skin color is in the majority. Even so, they faced prejudice when they arrived here from Scotland. My mother tells me they they were referred (sneered) to as DPs (displaced people) by native born Canadians, and it was meant in a derogatory way. But prejudice is everywhere. One of the reasons my parents were happy to leave Scotland behind was to escape the religious prejudice. My mother's family being Roman Catholic and my father's being Scottish Presbyterian, well... from what I'm told the hatred in those years was extreme. The advantage of being male? I'm not sure about that. Politically and financially it is easy to say that men hold the power, and yet I as a white heterosexual middle aged male have no political power and limited financial resources. I think it is safe to say that most men in this world have no political or financial power. On the other hand, in interpersonal relationships, the power that a woman holds is at least equal to the power that men have, and perhaps the power balance in those relationships is the most meaningful indicator of true power. Bottom line, when I hear or read the phrase "white male privilege" it goes in one ear and out the other. We are all born with varying degrees of advantage and disadvantage, and it is up to each of us to make the most with what we have, though most of us will fail to do that. Those who, for whatever reason do well in life, will be resented by those who don't for whatever reason do well in life. I have a theory that the human race first invented language for the purpose of complaining. Complaining about many things, the weather, food, the smell, but mostly complaining about other people.
  14. Here is something you can try, I'm not promising it will work but it often does. - split your screen between 3D View and UV Image Editor. - in 3D view use edit mode and select all vertices. - in the UV window you will see the UV map, select all vertices and faces in the UV map. - in the UV window menu select Image and Reload, and if that doesn't work try Replace or Open. Doing this will usually make the texture visible in the 3D view. Also, saving your file and closing Blender and rebooting it and reloading the file will often solve the problem as well, assuming there is nothing wrong with the texture file.
  15. Each body part in Skyrim has two versions, the _0.nif and the _1.nif which are required to work with the weight slider. Is it possible that you are using the _0.nif body with the _1.nif hands?
  16. I didn't mean to imply a shared set of values or rules to live by, only that we share the belief that there is such a thing as right and wrong. What each of us believe to be right or wrong is of course a whole other matter. We could have polar opposite views on what might be right or wrong, and still share a belief that right and wrong exists. Even those who would say there is no right or wrong, are making a statement they believe to be right while correcting a way of thinking they believe to be wrong.
  17. Your experience had several cause and effects. Each influencing more than one person. The animosity of seeing a person shove his way into the line and take over the machine you felt was one effect, that caused you to feel an emotion. The fact the machine broke down at the moment the person started to use it was an effect that gave you another causing you to feel differently. And last you realized that no one was getting any use out of the machine which is another effect. Then finally a moment of reminiscent self adjustment to make the bleak result causing the unhappy effect to be reacted to with self gratification. I wasn't in the line myself. I was on the other side of the road just starting to cross as the light turns green, and the scene unfolds in front of me as I'm walking through the intersection and it's like I'm watching a little bit of theater. It's all over in a few seconds, but it is surprising how many thoughts can pass through your mind in a few seconds. First thought being that someone should do something, but then looking at the people in line you know that no one will, as the four or five people in line are young office girls and a pencilneck in a suit. The rude guy was a rough looking character who looked like he was living a little too close to the street. As I stepped off the road onto the sidewalk it is already over and I see the guy walking toward me and away from the ATM with a dumbfounded look on his face. As I pass by without breaking my stride I glance to my right and I see "Out Of Order" illuminated on the screen of the machine. The thought that pops into my head is "Instant Karma" and in my mind I can hear John Lennon singing... "Instant Karma's gonna get you Gonna knock you right on the head You better get yourself together Pretty soon you're gonna be dead What in the world you thinking of Laughing in the face of love What on earth you trying to do It's up to you, yeah you" To be honest, I didn't think about how everyone in line had been screwed until I wrote the post here, several years later. It wasn't important to me at the time. I just wandered off into the night feeling satisfied that the world was in balance. And therein lies the great mystery. Do our thoughts have the power to make things happen? Can we alter reality just by thinking about it? And if a single mind has the power to effect change, then what magnitude of power might the collective minds of the human race be capable of wielding? And if this be true, is that then the magic we seek... a magic within ourselves which we use every day to change the world without even knowing we are doing it. A magic that comes from the human mind that is itself a technology beyond our understanding. I believe that some concepts are born with us. The desire to see justice done seems to me to be a universal need hard wired into the human race. It has been with us for all of recorded history and probably a lot longer than that. Whenever it was that the human race first developed the concepts of "right and wrong", shortly after that we embraced the idea that "what is wrong must be made right" and now it is as if it is a genetic memory passed on at birth.
  18. First question first. Karma, when I see Karma in action it's magic to me. I once saw a guy push by everyone else in line at an ATM outside a bank after hours on a Friday night. It was one of the rudest things I've ever seen. Amazingly the ATM picked that moment to go out of order. The guy walks away with his card still in hand and no money and a totally stunned look on his face. Of course everyone else in line was screwed as well, but the timing couldn't have been more perfect... it was a magic moment. Where did magic come from? That's an easy one. It comes from our imagination.
  19. First of all, we don't all age at the same rate. There are people in their 20s who look like they're in their 40s and people in their 40s who look like they're in there 20s, and 60 year olds like me who got older but never grew up. But that said, if all the guy wants to do is hookup with younger women, he should stop lying about his age and start lying about his bank account.
  20. I'm actually more familiar with 2.49b and rarely use 2.78, but I don't think the basics of it and keyboard commands have changed that much so this will probably work for you. What you want to do is parent the armor to the skeleton: Right Click on the Armor Shift Right Click on the Skeleton Ctrl-P and select Make Parent Edit: just took a look at 2.78 and after Ctrl-P selecting armature deform seems to do the trick I'm assuming that armor is already weighted, so once you parent it then it should snap into position with the skeleton. If it isn't already weighted then the simplest thing to do would be to run the bone weight copy script and copy the weighting from the body. Good luck.
  21. The very idea of cultural appropriation is something that I simply don't accept as being a legitimate argument, at least not when being applied with such a broad brush as is being done by its most strident proponents. I see our divergent cultures as precious and to be cherished, but also to be shared. As long as the use of the cultural icon is done in a respectful way then I see nothing wrong with it. If on the other hand it were used in a way that mocked that culture, then that is a very different thing. Speaking as a mod author, if someone contacted me about something I included in one of my mods, and used the "Cultural Appropriation" argument, they would get absolutely nowhere with me. But, if they can make a well reasoned argument on why it shouldn't be used in the way I used it. example: treating a rarely used ceremonial or religious item as a common item and with a lack of appropriate reverence, then I might be inclined to make changes, but only if I accepted their argument. It's not for someone else to tell me how to think. You can make the argument, but it better be a good one if you expect me to accept it.
  22. Something you can try for the normals in blender that might work, in edit mode with all vertices selected, in the 3dview menu select mesh and normals and recalculate outside. Depending on the complexity of the mesh it might fix it, if it doesn't work then Crtl-z to undo.
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