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Everything posted by RGMage2

  1. You could leave a message a the mod's comment thread asking for permission. The author might still be looking in from time to time. It happens. :)
  2. If moderators feel that my post was particularly egregious then I am sure they will act on it. For the record, if they banned me I would accept it, not ask to be reinstated, not ask for a refund, and not remove my mods. I might choose to update them somewhere else, but even then I think I would continue to recommend Nexus Premium Membership to anyone who was spending a lot of time here.
  3. I'm not sure if you are pointing that at me directly of just speaking generally, but as a Premium Member I obviously have no reason to use a script like that. This change has no effect on me and I wouldn't even be aware of it if people weren't speaking out about it. I just brought it to the attention of yourself and others because of the inevitability of such a thing happening - action and reaction. The internet can be a tough place to do business. In the old days an irate person might have thrown a rock through the window of a brick and mortar store, now they have other options. As a Premium Member I have no regrets about my purchase and I highly recommend going Premium to anyone who wants to spend significant time here, as it will enhance your experience. On the other hand, it is up to each individual to decide how they spend their money and no one should give in to pressure to go Premium if they do not see the value in it.
  4. Method of payment might be a bigger deal to some people than the actual amount. I myself delayed going premium for a couple of years because of not wanting to use my card online again. It's not that I don't do online payments, but it isn't something I do casually and I didn't think a membership was a necessity considering it was already free. If I could have mailed in a check I would have been a member a few years earlier. I know that may sound really stupid to anyone who grew up in this era, but I grew up in a different era.
  5. Well I tried with a few objects, some structure and furniture ones and everytime I got this message. And since there's only one version working with nif scripts, I need to know how these workarounds work.. Thank you for your reply :smile: I can tell you how it was done in Skyrim. We opened the nif in nifskope and changed the version numbers to Fallout 3 version numbers. In Nifskope the version numbers are in the Header. There are 2 that needed to be changed, 'User Version" and "User Version 2". After that we stripped out everything from the nif that wasn't compatible with Fallout 3 - things like the BSLightingShaderProperty. Anything that isn't compatible will show in the error message when you try to import. The export procedure was more or less the reverse - export for Fallout 3 and in Nifskope change the version numbers back and paste in anything else it needed. This was done using Blender 2.49b. I have no idea if something similar would work with FO4. Good luck in your quest. :)
  6. "String too long" usually indicates that the nif version you are trying to import is unsupported (too new) by your version of blender. Some work-arounds are known for some games, but since I have not used blender with FO4 I'm not familiar with the process.
  7. I've got a 4k TV and I also run DAW software, but I don't use the 4k in the studio with the DAW. I've thought about it and I can see the advantages of it, but I'm operating under the theory that the TV has the potential to add interference in the audio signal, so a really bad idea. I could have it wrong, but as long as the 2 LED monitors I'm using with the DAW are giving me what I want then I don't see the point in swapping them with the 4K. I do have an old desktop hooked up to the 4k in the living room and it's really nice for watching music videos and some gaming, I would recommend that. If money is an issue you could take a look at RCA. It's not as good a picture quality as the higher end makes, but looked at simply on a bang per buck it might be the best deal. I noticed that Walmart had a 60 inch RCA 4k on Black Friday for under $300. At that price, even if it only lasted a couple of years, it wouldn't be much different than swapping out a video card. On the other hand, the higher end 4k's can be major investments.
  8. I was working in a record store when John Denver was at his peak. He was unbelievably popular. When he came out with Sunshine On My Shoulder a lot of people found that to be very uplifting.
  9. I've got an elliptical trainer in my living room. I used to have it in an empty small bedroom next to the living room and I almost never looked at it - out of sight out of mind. Now it's in the living room I use it all the time. it's great, I can watch music videos on the big screen and crank up the home theater and get some exercise at the same time. I don't know if it makes me more creative, but it does make me feel more energetic.
  10. Sometimes I wonder if we are living in the post-creative era. Specifically when it comes to traditional forms of entertainment, movies, TV, and music. A lot of rehash, not much new. All the franchise movies that keep repeating. Resurrected TV shows. Even music, they call it different names but it's fundamentally the same as what I was listening to 30 years ago, and some of it is outright plagiarized. There are reasons for it though. It's not necessarily because people are less creative today. I think it has more to do with corporate control over everything and their need for profit. In pursuing profit they play it safe and try to give us things they know we already like rather than risking production costs on new ideas.
  11. Maybe we're another planet's hell, and they say things like: "if you're really bad, when you die you'll go straight to earth."
  12. What if it's all a badly written recreational holo-novel, and the reason we're in it is because we couldn't afford to be in one of the better ones... where all the beautiful people are. So we're stuck in the muck and their ain't no refunds.
  13. I'll be buying a new rig for ES6... I hope I'm not disappointed.
  14. Levitation is not a "Skyrim built in", it's nothing but animations where the actor is moved up on the z-axis. With that in mind, could we not achieve the same thing with a modified skeleton to be used with a duplicate race that the player would be switched to with a scripted spell? I know the duplicate race switch is fairly easy to set up. Could we achieve levitation with a modified Skeleton? What do you think fore?
  15. ^^^I agree with the views expressed in the above post^^^
  16. I agree. But, so far, looking at the dem field, and the programs/platforms they are promoting, I don't see ANYONE there that I would be willing to vote for. I kind of like Tulsi Gabbard. Not saying I would vote for her, but I would like to hear more from her, maybe 2028? She'll be 46 then. Nope. Just another gun grabber. I like my 2nd amendment rights, and am not willing to give them up. I can't relate to that at all. Different culture.
  17. I agree. But, so far, looking at the dem field, and the programs/platforms they are promoting, I don't see ANYONE there that I would be willing to vote for. I kind of like Tulsi Gabbard. Not saying I would vote for her, but I would like to hear more from her, maybe 2028? She'll be 46 then.
  18. First off I don't have a vote since I'm not an American, but if I did have a vote, I think I would be more likely to vote for Trump now that the Dems are moving forward with impeachment. The more it appears Trump is under attack from the deep state, the more sympathetic I am toward him. The Dems should focus on trying to win an election by choosing a leader who gives them their best chance of winning, and by putting forward a platform with good ideas people might actually want to vote for, rather than trying to cheat their way in by disqualifying their opponent. Just my opinion.
  19. Not fair Moksha, that's fallout 4. It was a little bit tougher back in Oblivion days. Anyways, this feels very nostalgic, reliving my youth back in the old Pictures Of Oblivion Characters thread, or as we used to call it "POOC" on the old Beth forums. I may as well go for it, I don't often get a chance to relive the past. I always thought this girl had a nice face. She was my primary model for testing things I made near the end days. and then there was this girl, Cassiopeia my main character for many years in Oblivion. She was always kick ass to play An expert with a Katana And of course an Alchemist
  20. I think you need a thousand unique downloads in one game. 500 in Skyrim and 500 in FO4 wont do it.
  21. It's a combination of affluence, abundance, poor self control, and being too lazy to cook real food instead of eating processed garbage.
  22. RGMage2


    At this point, I haven't seen a dem candidate that has a chance in hell of winning. They keep talking up programs that have very little support from the american people..... and they have proposals that would absolutely destroy our economy. If they continue on their current course, I fully expect Trump to get his second term, and the dems to lose the house. The Dems have spent the last two years falsely demonizing Trump voters as uneducated racists and obsessing over Russian collusion which never happened, when what they should have been doing was to take a good look at themselves and figure out how they screwed up so badly.
  23. RGMage2


    A year ago I would have said Trump"s chances of re-election were slim and none, but in looking over the Democratic candidates I think Trump's stock might be going up. I still think it's the Dems election to lose, but the surest way for them to lose would be to put forward the wrong candidate and I've got a feeling they're going to do exactly that. :confused:
  24. RGMage2


    I wonder how the left will respond if Trump wins a second term. Riots in the streets?
  25. "Best beautiful" is totally subjective and also situational. If I'm driving down the highway at a good speed on a hot summer day with all the windows wide open and the radio blasting and this song starts playing... it's a beautiful thing. :cool:
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