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Everything posted by DarkkDave

  1. Hey guys, i´ve been looking for some sort of Wolf/Werewolf Sword recently, but i can find anything. The reason is that my character is a dark themed Werewolf guy, who wears Wolf armor (with darker retex) and the shield of solitude. However, i just cant find a weapon that works for me. I actually really like the design of the nightingale blade, but the nightingle symbol doesnt fit with my character. So, heres my request: Could someone pls. Make a Wolf / Werewolf themed sword for me? It should be relatively dark themed, not super evil or daedric style but simply a bit darker, such as the nightingale blade. Also in the overall style it should look a bit like the nightingale blade or Dawnbreaker, that means a straight, sharp looking blade with medium sized blade (dont want a one handet greatsword, just a weapon with realistic size). What i could also imagine is just taking the Nightingale symbol of the NG Blade (pls. make this a new sword not a retex for the actual nightingale blade) and putting a wolf symbol on it (e.g. The one thats on the belt of the wolf armor). I hope someone finds time to do this, i would really appreciate it ^^ Regards, DarkkDave
  2. Thanks a lot, finaly the best Arrows in the game fit my Assassin opticaly again ^^ One last weird issue, but no need to fix it since i can well live with it: When picking u the Arrow from the ground (not sure how it is when retrieved from dead bodies) its name is daedric Arrow, even though once you pick it up it counts as Dragonbone Arrow again. Wrird. Anyway, as i said teheres no need to fix it since i can well live with that ^^ Thanks again :) Greetings, DarkkDave
  3. Well, normaly i could do it myself, but when triing to load Skyrim, Dawnguard and the Plugin (as active file) i get an Error message that says " Assert File: C:\_Skyrim\TESV\TES Shared\misc\BGSLocalizedString.cpp Line: 1566 LOCALIZATION: Error opening or readings strings file. " Anyway, it would be nice if you could make it once youre at home, isnt like its a hugely important thing that has to be done as soon as possible ^^ Greetings, DarkkDave
  4. Oh, just noticed a fail with it. When you draw your bow you have normal Daedric Arrows, no problem with that, but when you shoot the Arrow its turns to a normal Dragonbne Arrow again (as does it when it is stuck in something). No huge problem but is kind of weird, it would be realy nice if you could fix that ^^
  5. Thanks a lot, just so much more matching ^^
  6. Thinking of it, a replacement that changes the Quiver to that of deadric Arrows would do great as well ^^ GHreetings, DarkkDave
  7. Hey guys, Could someone please make a darker retexture for the Quiver of Dragonbone Arrows (Dawnguard)? The Quiver itself doesnt look bad at all, but its brownish hunter theme simply doesnt match my Dark Archer assassin (you know, dark armor, dark weapons, but a damn brown piece of leather on my back). Something simple like an overall darkening, especialy of the brown part of it would be enough, i dont need an entirely new or super Evil version, just a basic retexture to make the best Arrows in the game match the style of a Dark Brotherhood Assassin a little more. Sorry if something like that already exists, coudlnt find it on the Nexus. If it does please send me the link and close this thread. Greetings, DarkkDave
  8. Hey guys, sorry for asking that stupid question (im sure some of have already answered it somewehre else), but do NPC´s in Fallout respawn sometime? I´ve played the game for about 30 hours now, but i start doubting that they do. I´ve read that enemies in the capital wasteland respawn over time, but what about enemies in facilities? Besides of that enemies in the Wasteland didnt seem to respawn to me... the dead chinese commando still lies in front of the super duper mart and i can still find beheadet mole rats all over the wastes around megaton, also slowly the game starts to feel really empty in the areas i have already been in. Do Enemies really respawn in the capital wasteland or will the day come that every Raider and Super Mutant has been slaughtered by me? Also what about encleave soldiers? Im eager to get myself encleave power armor, but will those guys respawn some day so i can repair it or how does this work? Sry for those noob questions... Darkkdave
  9. The problem about it is that there is NO "Yes to all" option. I can only press "yes" or cancel the whole thing, and pressing yes of course only counts to one message each.
  10. Hi, Im having a problem with the creation kit of skyrim. First of all: I am gernan and even though my steam settings are english my computer itself operates in german language. So, the problem i have is the following: When trying to open files with the creation kit i am (what i heard is normal) getting several error messages like this: " MASTERFILE: NavmeshInfo 00028e37 has no parent space, Ignoring "Yes to all" will disable all Warnings for this context. " Normaly one could simply press the yes to all button and there would be no problem, but my problem is that for me there is no "Yes to all" button. I have "Ja", "Nein" and "Abbrechen", what in english is "Yes", "No" and "cancel". When i continue to press yes im getting through it all as well, but there are sometimes dozens of these messages, so even the smallest bit of modding takes a huge amout of time what mostly simply isnt worth it. So, please, if anybody nows how to get rid of this problem i would appreciate every answer. greetings, Darkkdave
  11. Hey guys, I accidently screwed something up in my skyrim datafiles, what causes a crash when i load my games. As i have no idea what exactly i have broken i will simply try to reinstall the game, my only question about it is: When i uninstall the game, and install it afterwards again, can i load all mods i had installed automaticly? I use the nexus mod manager, does it save the mod files somewhere so that when i have the game installed again i can simply reactivate them or do i have to write down every mod i have and re-download it from the nexus again afterwards? Answers are much appreciated, If this topic already exists: Sorry, but i havent found it via search (mybe wrong tags), a link will ba appreciated as well. Regards, Darkkdave
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