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About Aintnofriendofmine

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    United States

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  1. Hey thanks for this! That troubleshooting page actually listed my *exact* problem and now everything's working properly. All your other advice is great too, I just need to stop being lazy and get around to merging and cleaning everything. In case anyone else has a similar issue and stumbles across this, look up "Issue: ENB Transparency/Translucency problem"
  2. Uhhhh sorry if this is something thats been asked about before, I just... have no idea what I should be looking up. whenever I'm in a mod worldspace(in these screencaps its AWOP, but it happened with beyond boulder dome and new california as well) if there's a water texture I can see it from everywhere. Screencaps along with mod list: https://imgur.com/a/YkVFp2E (gcosunny is a patch for sunny smiles companion mod and FCO) I did recently uninstall fnvlodgen but, this doesn't happen anywhere else in the main game or DLCs. I did a clean reinstall of the game and reinstalled every mod but this still happens. What the heck
  3. I think it's really stupid that the railroad didnt know about teleportation. It would be nice if someone altered desdemona's dialogue to make it so they already knew about teleportation but had no idea how it worked. My thought was her line where shes describing patriot as 'our most closely guarded secret' could be used specifically but I dont actually know what would work best for sure.
  4. I'm making custom clothing and would like to make the dresses work for veronica's quest. Do I have to add something to the items themselves, or change something related to the quest/veronica herself?
  5. For whatever reason, every single time i go through Lonesome Road I *always* get the NCR duster regardless of what options I choose or even my actual reputation. I tried a game where i went straight to the divide without interacting with Any factions, and legion, yesman, and house runs with a vilified NCR reputation. Same duster. What's especially weird is I'll get the proper Ulysses dialogue and endings, but not the duster I should be getting. Mods I'm using:
  6. Hey, I'm not having any real problems with my current mod setup, but I'd like to clear up space. I just have a hard time figuring out whats safe to merge or whats redundant enough to safely overwrite/delete. Tbh I usually just back everything up and do trial and error, but it'd be nice to get advice and save some time. So! at a glance what can i safely merge, overwrite, delete etc? load order feedback would be appreciated as well, usually I just run LOOT and call it good.
  7. WOW I'm an idiot, its caused by Companion Overhaul and the 'bug' is actually a feature listed RIGHT THERE in the mod description. No wonder I was having so much trouble I wasted a bunch of time because I forgot aaaargh
  8. I get the pink aura effect even when starting a new game without ever using chems, power armor or having any companions. It works like normal, with the aura leaving once an NPC is killed or during dialogue but otherwise I can't shake it off. Not sure what else to add, sorry! Mod list: https://pastebin.com/raw/AeaxKMGK
  9. Title speaks for itself, I guess. I always find acadia so depressing, everyone just sits around bored out of their skulls and constantly worried about getting killed. It'd be nice if there were an indoor workshop similar to home plate so you can hang up a few paintings or something, I don't know.
  10. Title speaks for itself, I guess. I always find acadia so depressing, everyone just sits around bored out of their skulls and constantly worried about getting killed. It'd be nice if there were an indoor workshop similar to home plate so you can hang up a few paintings or something, I don't know.
  11. Yeah yeah, its only a second long, but after seeing it a million times (especially with mods that use holotapes for configuration) it gets more than a little old, haha. I would like to freely switch between tapes without having to wait for my character to go through the same motions over and over and oooover to be honest the player character moves reeeeeally slowly in every animation (sitting down then standing up, opening vaults, using stimpacks) so anything that removes or speeds up other animations would also be great.
  12. I love getting dogs but I hate seeing how heartbroken gene is when saying goodbye. Any chance someone could make an option for him to move onto a settlement himself? Then he can stay with his friend and not have to worry about making a living :smile:
  13. What about a teenaged kid companion? Old and independent enough to handle themselves, but still needing you for guidance and general protection. It would be interesting if they could eventually develop different skills and perks based on how you raise them, possibly which factions you help the most or even what companions you keep around as role models (for example, arcade could influence them to study medicine and make better chems, while veronica might encourage them to get better at crafting and stronger melee attacks) The big issue I see is that, Regardless of your situation you'd have to be a pretty irresponsible parent to drag your kid into casinos or fiend strongholds. or leave them waiting in bumblef*#@ nowhere unsupervised for days on end. Hm.
  14. So, the "nothin but a hound dog" quest never made much sense to me. I don't see the point in killing a perfectly healthy dog to save another, and if Rex just goes back to whatever life the previous brain had before, did you really save Rex, or just swap a dog's body out for no practical reason?? My main idea for a workaround isn't that creative- rewording the courier's dialogue a bit so that you're actually replacing the brain juice(or...whatever) and once that's done the brain itself will rapidly recover to normal health. If it worked for the think tank then it can work for Rex!! You'd need to get a good, healthy sample of cerebrospinal fluid so that Doc Henry can produce the replacement gel. Don't even need to change his dialogue, just now he means you need a dog with a healthy brain. So you find the dogs, convince their owners to let you perform a potentially dangerous procedure, then bring a vial back to Jacobstown and save Rex's brain. Happy end! ...ofc this is a pretty lazy idea, and full of "THAT DOESNT WORK THAT WAY" logic so, I'm sure literally anyone reading can think of something better lmao
  15. Looks like it was being set off by the EM perk in this mod. Disabled everything related to project nevada and that was all I needed to do apparently!
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