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  1. That arrangement gets complicated when the only guy who makes you any money can get up, leave, and have any game company of his choosing to go to.
  2. Considering that the T-60 Power Armor was modelled and rigged back in 2009, that kind of disproves your hypothesis. Not to mention VA was started in 2013... It's unlikely Zenimax can push around the only studio that makes a profit for them around. This isn't like Ubisoft, or EA, who have leverage over studios, that they finger-clicked into existence, and can just as likely finger-click them out of existence again. It's pretty clear Todd Howard had not only final say on the release date, but final say on the marketing window as well, as the Fallout 4 schedule, from reveal to release is unprecedented for a Triple-A game.
  3. It's a given if you're interested. Yeah.
  4. Hey someguy - Is it possible if I can be a tester?
  5. There is only one Bink in the entire game, and that's the intro.
  6. You are not going to get this done. It is unlikely anyone will join you, and if they do, they couldn't help you. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/45278/? Take your favorite character from the mod. Make a companion out of him. This tutorial will also get you familiar with the GECK. Fallout: Lonestar wanted to create an entire landmass the size of the Mojave, and fill it with dozens of quests, NPCs, characters, etc. They started two years ago, and haven't gotten anywhere since. Do you want to sit around for two years trying to get people to make your massive mod, or do you want to put something out there in a matter of weeks, even less, and have people impressed by what you have done? Choice is yours.
  7. Result scripts aren't the friendliest to conditional statements, and I don't believe they even work. Best make it a Quest script, and merely make the Result script change the variable which would trigger the Quest script. If you need a more concrete example, PM me and I'll be able to help.
  8. The Companion Wheel is in the New Vegas sourcecode, and is associated with the SetPlayerTeammate command for your reference. For example, within your script, if you write the instruction "YourCompanionREF."SetPlayerTeammate, it will not only cause the actor to simulate the combat behaviour of the player, fight the enemies that you attack and attack you and so on, but it will also call upon the Companion Wheel upon activating that reference, (when you talk to them.) Note however, that this will not make the companion follow you. That can only be done separately through an A.I. package, that will usually relate to the variables in your scripts. However, the Companion Wheel is useless outside the talking command and the way to allow the commands on the companion wheel to work will be to add your companion to the FollowerTopics, which, unlike the 'b' preface for your variables, is important, as unlike Fallout 3, these topics now have source code related to the commands on the Companion Wheel. For example, adding your companion to FollowerSwitchAggressive topic will allow the Aggressive/Passive option to be accessible to the companion wheel, which otherwise, would be useless.
  9. It's not important in itself. It's just a traditional way for the modder to distinguish the different variables of a quest script and an object script. In truth, a variable can be anything you want it to be. It's just a term to identify a variable state(such as 0, 1, etc) that will be used by the game. And what do you mean when you ask if there is a trick to accompany packages?
  10. Sometimes it's hard to separate useful criticism from comments that are just generally destructive and ignorant. From my point of view, your latest mod is far better than your last effort, and you are the prime example of someone that gets better with practice. There was nothing wrong with the structure, story or general appearance of your mod. Where I think the commenters might have a slight point, is that some of the voice acting didn't leave the best impression, and you are really at a point now where you can start attracting some more established VAs (Al is a miracle in that regard, as your mods will have thousands of views attached to them, which can be attractive to even professional VAs.) One last point about the commenters though, most of them don't really have the best judgement, and are primarily there to see Al. So while some points you should take onboard, I wouldn't take it personally. In the end, they are not there for the mod.
  11. Some group chat client will be cool. Maybe like a Google Doc?
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