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Status Replies posted by leliane

  1. "What is the most resilient parasite?"
    1. leliane


      Have you seen Blood Diamond? In my opinion an awesome movie.^^
    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  2. Never expected Bayern München to loose. xD
  3. "What is the most resilient parasite?"
    1. leliane


      the movie was really good^^ but i like comedies more.

      for example dodgeball. stupidest movie i have ever seen ....

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  4. "What is the most resilient parasite?"
  5. "What is the most resilient parasite?"
    1. leliane


      no i believe that it is another movie ;)

      isn't the movie all about sleeping? ;)

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  6. "What is the most resilient parasite?"
    1. leliane


      lol would have never guessed that it was this movie xD
    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  7. Never expected Bayern München to loose. xD
  8. Never expected Bayern München to loose. xD
  9. When does caution becomes cowardice?
  10. When does caution becomes cowardice?
  11. When does caution becomes cowardice?
    1. leliane


      In agree completely with vvk78 that caution and cowardice are the same.^^


      just wondering why would sneak up on someone in the first place? xD It is not really an act of caution or am I wrong?^^

    2. (See 45 other replies to this status update)

  12. There is nothing better than sitting with a coffee and read a good book
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