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    Max Payne / Silent Hill Series

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  1. I followed a few tutorials about dialogue, including RandianHero's response here and set it up EXACTLY like that... im still struggling with my npc's dialogue. I've set up a new dialogue quest, ticked "start game enabled" and "allow repeated conversation topics" and set the prio to 55. Then i created a new topic, named it and filled in a response text. I also set the condition (GetIsID MyNPCName == 1). Everything should be fine by now... but my npc wont use the topic i asigned. When looking at other npc's script flag, theres a "INFO Form" set up for the quest dialogue, but not for my npc. Any ideas?
  2. I hope this hasnt been discussed before. I have created some new NPC's, the important ones feature new dialogue, the others are just there... well, to be there. Right now if you talk to those "unimportant" NPC's it'll open the standart dialogue... What i want is them to behave like other bystanders, i dont want a dialogue to open... how would i got abut that? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hey sesom, just wanted to drop by to say that i really like the idea of the mod. I've just sent you a PM, although i dont know if you recieved it. Anyways, i already figured out the things i was asking you in the pm, so never mind. ;) I hope to see some progress and new infos/images soon.
  4. Ah, that was the missing piece! Its working like a charm, thanks! :thumbsup:
  5. Thanks! Some sort of counters, of course. :wallbash: I'll try to implent that, thank you! Just one more thing: Do i have to duplicate and rename the existing switches in GECK (new EditorID), or can i just use the normal ones and just give them a different RefID in my map? [E] When saving my script, i get a syntax error: Invalid reference "insert my button name here"... etc... Is this normal? I've set up everything correctly, the names (RefIDs) match... any ideas?
  6. Hey there, Im in need for a bit of advice. I want the player to get access to a certain -yet locked- door. To get it unlocked, he/she will have to activate 3 or more switches. Only if all 3 (or more) switches are activated, the door will unlock, possibly with an on-screen message and sound, since the locked door is not in the players sight. (The switches should also stay activated, so the player cant deactivate them again - to avoid confusion) If anyone knows how to do that, i'd be very happy! Thanks in advance.
  7. You'd also want to use new hand models and animations for firstperson, and restrict any use of weapons to make it more intense. Sneak/Stealth attacks would also be pretty badass...
  8. I guess he's not that much into modding... and hey, this is the request forum. I think someone (if not the original creator) will do something like this in the future, just be patient.
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