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  1. In response to post #73640028. #73640723, #73641888 are all replies on the same post. I second M0ro's suggestion. The icons look nice with the theme, but they aren't as helpful compared to the images themselves. Being able to see what exactly I was being notified about aside from just the text alone saved time and extra clicks (which is something the new UI has been able to do for other features, at least). I hope a medium can be found soon. :)
  2. In response to post #57608766. #57611296 is also a reply to the same post. You can edit the theme to change the colors, fonts, and font size. Just hit the Clone button in settings for the Theme tab. If you know CSS, you can manually edit it more in-depth.
  3. In response to post #57423931. ...but why? Just wait for the public release. They're trying to get it together and push it out in a few days, anyways. Sure, it was worth a shot (and you may have just been s**tposting to just be s**tposting) ..... but I've actually come across people insisting this should've been released to us or that we should've had first claims. This mentality is kinda' silly. I may throw a few bucks their way for the month, but it doesn't make me someone more important with higher valued opinions over a basic/free user when it comes to testing out a new mod manager that all types of accounts will be using in the end anwyays. Someone with a basic free account can easily give equal -- or even better -- input/feedback about Vortex in comparison to those of us with a premium account, and let's not kid ourselves, the little green text doesn't indicate whether we're more knowledgeable or experienced when it comes to these things. The way it was handled gave everyone an equal chance. If you missed it, oh well ... just wait it out.
  4. In response to post #57409106. Eh, I think Vortex is more like NMM in terms of being easy to figure out considering it's a NMM replacement. Setting everything up was a breeze, and coming from someone who needed several tutorials just to get MO2 going (what a headache it was for me at first), I found Vortex to be a cake walk when first installing. It's not a manager like MO in the ways you're thinking ... at least, not in my opinion it isn't. Tannin may have brought Mod Organizer to light, but Vortex isn't a manager created in it's image nor is it meant to replace it. It's not going to have every feature that MO/2 has and more. It's going to be the user-friendly manager like NMM is/was, just with a different layout. The majority of the negativity that Vortex has been receiving has been over not being able to manage the load order with drag and drop, the installation path, no ability to overwrite individual files, and I am sure there are a few more things ... but a good number of them are in motion to be implemented soon -- except for manual drag and drop with the load order, of course, which Tannin is pretty firm on keeping it where it's at. It's a bummer, but the way Vortex handles everything hasn't been that hard to get used to on my end. The most you will switch around with things will be clicking which game you want to manage or clicking on the "Mods" and "Plugins" tabs, but even then, you can hold CTRL while clicking one of the tabs to create a split to where it will show both to save you from going back and forth. All the settings you need to manage are in plain view -- no digging for anything. It loads up quickly, hasn't stalled out on me a lot like NMM does on the regular, and I haven't experienced any major errors that would cause it to crash (then again, I haven't been pushing it to its limits, just been poking here and there while treading lightly with minor errors). To be honest, it has its flaws, but nothing that has brought me to a halt to where I need to uninstall it. Its UI is ugly, but at least I can edit it. I'm still going through things and getting some mods in order, but for the most part, it hasn't been all that bad. What mods I have are there, they're in-game, and my game runs fine when launched through Vortex .... I don't love it, but I don't hate it, either. I'm not a casual modder nor am I near being new to it, but I am also not a super advanced user or mod creator ... I am just somewhere in the middle. I download a lot, switch things up a lot, and edit some mods for personal use a lot. Vortex can easily be a mod manager I see myself using as long as the bugs continue to be ironed out and the "to-do" list becomes shorter, so I am personally going to wait and see how it pans out (as well as see what extensions can possibly be made) before decide it's not worth having on my PC. I still use NMM as my main, but I am okay to give Vortex a shot. Continue using NMM until the end if it's what you prefer, but at least give Vortex a try before writing it off and hating it just based on what you read, though.
  5. In response to post #57376021. #57377796 is also a reply to the same post. Wait, did you uninstall NMM itself because you were trying Vortex, or NMM just won't handle the links? I had no problem switching back and forth between the two. For Firefox, I just had to clear history for the browser (all of it), then reopened it and it allowed me to work that way. Then for Chrome, there's an option in NMM's settings that allows you to fix how it handles the download links (requires admin privileges and the browser closed). Worked on my end as I'm not fully committing to Vortex just yet, but can still still switch between the way either handles links without a problem....
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