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  1. Would it be possible for someone to make the "Better Males" mod (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2488) compatible with bodyslide from CBBE (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2666)? It would be nice to have some customization on the male side, for a change, i.e. shoulder width, calf height, pec size, etc. I'd give it a try myself, but I don't think I have the modding know how to accomplish it... Just my thoughts, thanks!
  2. I was having issues a few days ago with NMM. Every time I tried to run NMM, I would get the "Nexus Mod Manager has stopped working, windows is checking for a solution" error message. I decided to uninstall/ reinstall NMM and that fixed the problem, but then my mod list in NMM is empty. I then decided to foget NMM (after multiple attempts to recover my mod list) and move to using Wrye Bash as my only mod manager. I uninstalled NMM yet again and went to begin redownloading mods off Nexus. Now after I manually download mods, I am unable to open them. The mods appear as a blank piece of paper on the download bar ( as opposed to having the Nexus symbol on them when using NMM) and I get the error: C:\Users\Robert\Downloads\(Mod name here) Application not found I tried reinstalling NMM once more, and the mods download just fine into my empty mods folder. This has been extremely frustrating and I'd appricate some insight. Anyone have any ideas why I can't download without NMM? Thanks
  3. Anyone else having a problem where NMM won't open at all? I click on my shortcut and just get the windows error message "Nexus Mod Manager has stopped working." I just started happening within the last few hours... I'm thinking of posting on the bug forum, but the problem isn't generating a trace log or anything...
  4. @ hlvrn I'm also having both those same issues, and I'm eagering awaiting a fix/solution as well...
  5. I've been having the same problem, but got no replies to my own thread :( I seem to hit this "invisible wall" all around Karthspire/ Sky Haven Temple. Tried disabling mods, running from different directions, everything and nothing works. Just did a clean install to make sure of no misc. sripts from disabled mods in my saves, and still no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I've yet to ever finish the main quest due to this :(
  6. I've been having a major issue trying to do the main quest: Alduin's Wall. Every time I go anywhere in the general vacinity of Karthspire, I get the windows pop up "Skyrim has quit working, windows looking for a solution." It happens now matter how I try to get there, whether its running from Markarth, Rorikstead, Karthwasten, or even using the COC command in the console. It also doesnt matter which character or save file I use as I still can't port there with a COC command. I noticed the problem both before and after the recent update to 1.6. I've tried disabling all my ESP/ESM based mods to no avail, I just end up running around mostly naked with crappy visuals. The game plays fine as long as I don't go anywhere near said area (ie: able to do thieves guild or DB quests, and explore other areas and towns.) I have tons of mods, but as far as I know, none that specifically affect that area or around Sky Haven Temple. Also, recently installed "Skyrim Unplugged" and disabled auto updates (to 1.6) shortly before noticing said problem. I tried re-enabling the auto updates (thinking it was maybe a bug with 1.5) but was unable to, due to an issue with "Skyrim Unplugged." I'm currently communicating with the author to remedy the issue. I ended up manually updating Skyrim through Steam, after a drawn out process. So, to sum up my question, does anyone have any ideas on what might be causing my problem and how to correct it? Short of a clean install again ( the first being due to some faulty scripts from an unnamed mod), I'm running out of ideas. Any help would be appreciated!
  7. Hey guys! Im new here but I just saw this music video and was wondering if someone could make an intro music/soul absorb replacer with it: Hopefully I'm not the only one that feels this way, since it does have tons of likes on youtube... Im pretty new to modding, otherwise I'd give it a shot myself.
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