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Everything posted by Funkstille

  1. All ccreatures show hostile but don´t move. I had that problem years ago but have forgotten how to fix it. FNIS doesn´t work. No creature mod installed..Any hints? Regards Walter
  2. Hi everyone, i uninstalled campfire, frostfall and vilja and had no problems since april 2019 don´t know if unstalling all of these was necessary but it worked yesterday my script instance went over 200.000 Thanks to all
  3. My System Win 10 /Skyrim 1.5.62 / Skse 2.0.12 / 124 active Mods I got CTDs on SAVE reaching 75.000 script instances in my saves. Often when i start a new Mod like VILJA or RIGMOR or a Scriptheavy Quest I allways find a tmp file with 0 kb in my SAVE Folder after CTD Does your system make AutoSaves entering something? Now i´m testing my system by uninstalling some heavy mods. (I have a Version with the same mods running without any trouble - Win 7 / Skyrim 1.5.39 / Skse 2.0.7 / 105.000 Script instances)
  4. I looked at my old partition with windows 7 / skyrim 1.5.39 / skse 2.0.7 Over 124 Mods - over all script instances 105.000. This Version runs without any trouble I think i go back to .39 and look how windows 10 handles that.
  5. I checked my save skyrim - 39652 ScriptInstances update - 264 ScriptInstance dawnguard - 4107 ScriptInstances hearthfires - 4390 ScriptInstances dragonborn - 6241 ScriptInstances How can you get 1785?
  6. Hi, i started the Vilja Quest. After leaving the Tavern the AutoSave went up from 4900 KB to 7900 KB I got 22 undefined elements with XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect from EMCompViljaSkyrim.esp (451 ChangeForms - 1256 ScriptInstances) The next Auto Save crashed.
  7. Hi squireoivanhoe, no unnattached or undefined elements in my new game i have a picture of my script instances attached
  8. I started a new game because the old saves crashed even after using Resaver (Strg/1 and Strg/2). There are 75000 Script Instances in the new save. 25000 like that What does Strg/5 do?
  9. I updated my skyrim se from .39 to .62 At that time my troubles started. Never had any trouble with .39 and 124 mods Now i deleted campfire, frostfall, wet and cold and convinient horses We will see what happen. Regards
  10. and the fix is? I´ve read a lot of ideas but no finally fix.
  11. You find not converted mods in the Skyrim SE section???? Some Mods will work others not. more... You can write the modder. You can wait. You can find someone who helps You can try it yourself. If you find a mod that is not converted and it has only a esp-file in archive, you can open it with the Creation Kid and save it again more.... If it has also a bsa-file, you can extract the bsa and pack it again with the Archive.exe in the Folder TOOLS (....\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Tools\Archive) If there are much more files in the archive, you can start reading about building mods for games more... If you are scared about this or don´t like to install skyrim again, when nothing works anymore, keep your hands in your pockets and only install mods that have been endorsed often and a lot of comments like "wonderfull mod...."
  12. Pirates on C64 - crashing with 999.999 Gold short before daybreak after playing 16 hours Monkey Island on Amiga 500 With the automatic Setup of Voodoo Memory Manager for Ultima 7 I started my new carrier - persuade Computers to do what they are expected to
  13. Hi, i want to reanimate my old account "bugscout". Problem is, the Emailadress does not exist anymore. Regards
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