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Everything posted by incon1

  1. Hey y'all, I'm looking for one of three things either - an SE port of the LL mod "Family Ties" or - someone who would be interested in this idea and picking it up with full creative control OR - a team of modders who would want to help write/script/design a large mod which adds MULTIPLE custom voiced NPCs (AI generated and how siblings speak / argue) and possibly an overhaul/replacement to the intro quest (via alternate start maybe?) specifically what I have in mind (if I have to make the mod): - custom voiced followers such as brother, sister, cousin, or twin (I have no idea how to make an NPC that mirrors the player appearance but I've seen it done on Skyrim Unhinged) - a range of options to choose from to fit the multiple races of skyrim - hoping to script the starts with dialogue and short intro quests, such as; - farmer family -- you start at a family owned farm, you and your sibling(s) go to the city to buy supplies, return and find you've been orphaned by a bandit attack - stolen at birth -- you are recognized by someone who leads you to learn that you were kidnapped from a noble family -- possibly later learn you're Elisif's sister or brother? - siblings from Cyrodil -- you and your brother and/or sister just arrived at the solitude docks (could be an LOTD start or just a start for new adventurers) - etc. I have more ideas but they look dumb/messy/unfinished when I type them out, lol. more thoughts/questions: - I'm torn between the idea of editing vanilla NPC/locations to have relative relationships/ownership, but that risks a lot of compatibility issues. Are custom or vanilla preferred by the people reading this? There's a lot of locations that could be utilized with this, such as ruined farmhouses, unmarked locations, etc, but I'm just not sure yet which would be better... - Would you guys rather something super short and lightweight like how Alternate Start already is, with just custom NPCs that are voiced to interact uniquely with the dragonborn, or would you appreciate a full intro (5 minutes maximum) with custom dialogue and scenarios that lead the player to main quests?
  2. I went to school for writing and I want to get into video game writing, so if anybody wants help writing dialogue in their mods, feel free to message me!
  3. I saw a combat animation video where the player did some crazy sprinting forward dodge right into a tree, and it gave me an idea. What if players (and possibly npcs) could crash or wipe out when full forcedly running into an 'immovable' object? Main Feature Ideas - high chance to ragdoll when sprinting or whirlwind jumping into walls (or general architecture and large or 'heavy' static objects) and take damage, maybe dependent on if armor or a helmet is worn? - player can stagger or fall when sprinting into an npc. I'd like to have it so that NPCs aren't the only ones who stagger now when ran into. On this note, I'm hoping that the mod can have a chance for both actors to fall or stagger, or just the one who was ran into depending on the weights of the actors (I'm thinking body weight, but maybe CATA can be used to help the game know who has more heavy armor?) - maybe a heavy armor perk could be used to make the player less likely or immune from damage/falling when sprinting into an actor of higher weight\scale, or a static object. Implementation Notes -Due to how JS Immersive Rugs' tripping is implemented, I feel like this could be done similarly. (maybe I should be talking to that mod creator...lol) - I feel like this could be done somewhat similar to a combat bash attack, but making it non-hostile might not be a possible thing? Unsure. *might add more as I come up with ideas + ways that mods have achieved similar results.* Are there any talented modders here that would like to make this mod idea come true? Comment if this is a mod you want to use, and message me directly if you want to take control of this mod, or if you'd just like to help me make it! :smile:
  4. Hi, does anybody think it would be possible to create a mod that would allow unique players or else specific races to use their own makeup/tintmasks? Or is there already a mod that does this, and I've somehow missed it? I really want to use BnP for NPCs and Bijin for my character, but these mods have completely different makeup tint masks.
  5. Hey there, I was wondering if anyone knows of any mods that adds an NPC, or location such as barber shop or salon, for the player to go to and pay for a change of hair or beard style? (similar to vanilla's face sculptor in Riften) Thanks. Also, if any modders want to use this idea, please do! I have no idea how to create mods, lol.
  6. Anyone else having problems with Nexus when ads are allowed, where you're suddenly and without clicking anything, taken to a different site for an ad? I always allowed nexus to play ads so that I could download faster/in bulk, but finally I removed nexus from my whitelist and the issue is solved
  7. Hey, y'all. Just wondering if anybody knows how to make an animation mod built for nemesis into anims that work in FNIS? I have a mod list of 1450+ mods, many of which require FNIS, so I won't use nemesis. Please let me know or else link any resources/tutorials you may have come across if you know how to do this, thanks! <3
  8. Hey y'all, does anybody know if this is ported? Or else if you have time/know how to, could you please port this Carryable Props mod from LE? Thank you in advance! https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53884/?tab=posts
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