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Everything posted by spyro1201

  1. Without any time to waist,Spyro quickly goes to a inner wall and starts digging a stairway to underground altar room.After 30 mins of digging with his supercharge power-up,he was finally done.The young dragon puts his tome on the altar and started skipping pages.He got to a page where it wrote "Extinct creatures of Avalar,by Bazil the explorer".The next pages contained paintings of strange creatures each with angel wings,as well and runes written in dragon language under the paintings.He then began quietly reading the writings slowly and calmly.After an hour of reading a constant magical flash began to shine in the middle of the altar room.It formed into a portal,from which came the same beings that were seen in the "guide book". "Ahh excellent,the Endless ones.i have summoned you to this land to help me in a great battle.Fight everything you see except Lisnpuppy the goddess and the one called Halororor." OT:Halororor,what type of character do you have.I am a dragon,Lisnpuppy is a goddesss,and Marcus is a....wolf i guess. :biggrin:
  2. As Spyro entered Lisnpuppy's fort he thanked her: "Thanks for the save my goddess,i owe you one." He then went back to his room and started reading his "guide book".He turned to some of the last pages,there were some very odd pictures of different creatures.They all had the look of angels. "Hmm they should do the job nicely.Hey Lisnpuppy mind if i build an altar room under the fort,i need to summon the "endless ones".They greatly increase our chances of winning the Snow Arena" P.S.Marcus i read your comics shortly after i joined the Arena.And i have admit they were pretty funny.
  3. As marcus was getting his wookie back,he herd a familiar voice behind him. "hey Marcus you dummy did you forget my dragon statues,they revive me :P " The look on Marcus' face was priceless.Spyro quickly dispatched him to the nearest steel cage and his wookie tooo but on the other side of the planet so they never see each other again.Afterwards he uses his "guide book" to open a portal to Oblivion to help Lisnpuppy out.He then walked calmly to the new "snow gladiator" Halororor and greets him. "hello nice to meet you,I'm Spyro this is Sparx my dragonfly friend,over there is Lisnpuppy the goddess,by the way sorry about marcus he sometimes gets out of hand.Anyway i hope we could be allies someday." :thumbsup:
  4. As Spyro saw the great and all mighty Buddah he immediately bows down before him. "Thank you buddah." OT:by the way buddah feel free to add your own character in the snow arena and Rp with us.That is if you wish to do so.
  5. The young dragon laughed greatly at marcus' pictures but remembers that isn't why he's here.He's here to fight with snow.So he quickly gathered up a large pile of snow balls enhanced with the power of the emerald orbs.(it should be pretty obvious who Spyro fired at)He the laughed harder than when he saw the "not so insulting,but actually funny" pics
  6. As Spyro giggled at Marcus' situation he handed the goddess a snow cone. "hmm wait here Lisnpuppy i got an idea" He deploys his supercharge and vanishes quickly with sparx folowing.After several minutes he arrives with a snow cone machine and installs it in the frosty hallway.Several hours and 50 brain freezes the young dragon decides to warm up.But no only himself but wolfie's wookie buddy.Spyro uses the combo powerup so he can not only fire fireballs but fly as well(his wings are a too small to fly on his own yet)He flames up the wookie and also melts half of the snow cone cannon of doom :banana: Long live Spyro Moderator note: Image removed.
  7. As Spyro was resting,he slowly woke up and wanted to get back to the battle.Too bad his right leg and his tail are in castings.with the help of Sparx,the young dragon started to get up slowly and then melted the ice casts with his fire(he was feeling ok by now)Spro went to look out the window to see whats happening and saw no battle... OT:that last line was because very little people post here.Only me,Lisnpuppy,Marcus and nosinab made one post.And Marcus no offence but why arent you fighting all you do is your stuff but you hardly fight.I wonder what happened to those days when everyone was posting like mad
  8. Spyro slowly opened his eyes and slowly made a smile,but he could not talk.The dragon looked at his injured leg and tail,they were in casts made of ice and then looked away.Sparx the dragonfly flew in threw the window.When he saw Spyro consious he smiled as well.The dragon lifted his finger and Sparx landed on it.Sparx led out a golden glow because of his happines.Afterward Spyro went back to sleep.He'll need all the rest he can get to survive the arena.
  9. OT:Marcus will stop destroying everything with one move.If you ask me thats cheating.To all who agree with me will ignore that destruction of the universe post.can't you just bring yourself back with a space ship or a portal or something like that. The young dragon was carried to his room and put on the bed.Unfortunately he he was still in a coma.Since Spyro was in a coma and not dead the dragon statues couldn't do anything.Not even Sparx's magic couldn't help.The golden colored dragonfly constantly flew over Spyro waiting for some kind of response ,but alas nothing.Too bad wolfie isn't here because Sparx will give him a piece of his mind. :verymad: "tzat wzolfz bzetzeh szays whzes hez isz"(translation:that wolf better stay where he is)Said Sparx with anger. http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg193/photo-kid_2008/toughsparx.jpg < thats Sparx (yay i managed to post a pic)
  10. Our little dragon hero was not that much of a fool to just stand there and wait for ICBM's projectile to hit him.Using his guide book he unleashes the super charge power up that makes him very fast.But just as he began to sprint the ICBM strikes and Spyro's left leg and tail are both heavily injured and from the blast hes launched in the air but he's a bit unconsious he couldn't glide well enough to at least soften his landing a bit.He falls with great speed directly into Lisnpuppy's ice fort and makes a small crater. "Spyro,...Spyro..can you hear me...Spyro!" Said Lisnpuppy with sadness in her voice Our hero opened his eyes halfway,slowly but he saw everything blurry.All he could make out was the faintly face of the goddess above his own "L..Lisn...Lisnpuppy?Is that you?I dont feel so bold anymore" With those last words our hero fell into a deep coma.Spyro's friend Sparx shed a tear and landed with softness on the young dragon's front right claw. In the distance Lisnpuppy could hear the evil laughter of Marcus Wolfie "Buwahahahahaha" :devil:
  11. Spyro giggled for a while,watching Marcus and his buddy get owned.He also noticed the shiny gems in the snow balls so he tried it as well but this time he used them on evilkoal.but he didnt just throw them or hit them with his tail like a baseball bat.He used the guide book's magic powers on them and the launched as fast as nuclear missiles and just as deadly.He then remembers the story of the snow arena and how many have used actual ones and even how they destroyed Earth.Then someone used a magic portal to bring it all back... OT:hey guys i changed my avatar.what do you think,should i keep it like this or bring back the previous one
  12. After Spyro cleans his room from all of the gems he quickly grabs the guide book and goes on top of the fort walls. "hmm i doubt it if fire will do the job" He uses the snowball power up which for an amount of time gives him the ability to launch snow instead of fire.And to make the situation a bit funny he dashes to marcus' fort,breaks the window with his horns and fires a mini blizzard in the bedroom where wolfie and the wookie have been hiding. "Hey marcus are you going to sleep through the whole season(not that there is another season since Its winter forever :D ) Marcus shows his head above the ice and just before he could say a word he gets hit in the face with another snowball :whistling:
  13. Spyro put on the color that Lisnpuppy made for him: "thanks Lisnpuppy.Oh check this out" Our hero puts out a strange looking chest that kinda looked like it was made of Spyro's dragon scales.And it suddenly opened itself and from inside it a pair of eyes showed.They looked like Spyro's eyes too. "Whats that Spyro" said Lisnpuppy "Well in this container i store some of the most valuable gems in the universe.Let me explain:" Spyro pulled out a small statue of a dragon but the head looked like his. "Remember when i first came into the Arena.Marcus killed me and I quickly revived myself.How?!I used one of these.They hold magical power that can revive any pure blooded dragon from any death situation,except from old age.Here you can have one as a suveneir(i know,i spelled it wrong) OT:could someone PM and tell me how to post pics on posts or my signature.That way i can show you guys what i am usin in the arena like the guide book,the gems Lisnpuppy made a necklace of and those statues that i store in that purple scaled chet.You know just to let you know what they exactly look like
  14. While Lisnpuppy was walking around the courtyard of her snow fort,she herd a small crash coming from Spyro's room.She quickly ran to see what's going on.In the hallway the goddess saw a pile of multi colored gems and the "guide book".She took a look inside and saw Spyro in a giant pile of different types of gems:rubies,emeralds,sapphires,golden as well as strange light purple colored ones,but they were all shaped the same way even the ones made of gold. "Hey Lisnpuppy could you hand me the book so that i can clean up the mess i made,oh and if you want take some of the gems if you like the purple one are the most valuable and dont worry i got an unlimited supply"
  15. Spyro smiles: "wooohoo!Thanks guys for a day or two i though the snow arena had died and stuff " :thanks: OT i got finals as well but they are almost over,i also have a BIG exam on the 16th(well thats what they said)but until then expect me to be on from 11:00 CET(im CET +2 though) From all the excitement our hero dances to his favourite song!!! :banana: P.S. i love that banana
  16. Guys please don't let the snow arena die.I beg you :(
  17. OT:hey guys why isn't anyone posting anymore
  18. Spyro holds his thumb up and uses the supercharge power-up giving him speed.He then gathers snow from everyone else's forts :whistling: to use it to fortify Lisnpuppy's fortress.Afterwards he combines his current power-up with the super jump power up,making jump high over the wall(with sparx following of course) "phew that was tiring." Without warning he loads the snow cannons,with a little smirk on his face :devil: . "firing at your command goddess"
  19. In the center of the battlefield a small unnoticed portal opened from it came Spyro (who else) but not alone.With him is his dragonfly friend from his little dream.Seeing the nobody is wasting time he quickly runs to Lisnpuppy's snow fort. "Hey Lisnpuppy can me and Sparx join you as allies,please" A quick snowball launches at Spyro but he dodges it by ducking next to Lisnpuppy's front gate.While waiting for a reply our hero and his friend make some snow ammo for tempoarry protection.
  20. As spyro slept he dreamt of the dragon worlds.A small purple winged reptile slept near a small water fall and next to him was a golden coloured dragonfly.His name was Sprakx ,he was spyro's life long friend and protector.Why?Because our hero rescued his life when he was a larva(but thats another story).As the young dragon rested the dragonfly said (in his own language) "gzeik zups zpiru"(translated means :wake up spyro) "huh what.Sparx what's going on" "zu gnokz auhz atztkyngz usz.Uz gotz tuhz haydsz"(the gnorcs are attacking.We gotta hide) "Sparx i may be 5000 years old(5 dragon years)but im no coward im going to fight i dont care if im weak" Then spyro charged forward and Sparx folowed behind...SPARX,OH NO (our hero woke up in shock)he rushed to the captain's cabinGuys i gotta go away but i'll be back though.So our hero created a small portal,entered it and it closed...
  21. As Spyro (with great anger) ran to marcus and marcus looked like he would s**t his pants any second,Spyro received a quick flashback.A flashback that showed him as a hatchling and his father talking to him: "Spyro,you have a great destiny ahead of you.Me and the other dragons know that you will be the one to stop Gnasty Gnorc one day.But know this,if you let your anger take over you,those around you even the innocent and yourself will be destroyed.If that happens it is possible that you might even become worse that Gnasty Gnorc himself." [flashback end] Our hero turned his head and walked away.As he left the room he ,calmly with a bit of anger, said to marcus wolfie" "Marcus if we meet on the snow planet you wont be so lucky!" The young dragon went into his room and went to sleep...
  22. "MARCUUUS YOU AREEE GONNAAA GEET IIIIIIIT":yelled Spyro while flying away in space in the pod.While floating in there he saw a charging device luckly he had collected his orbs before being sent away so 1 by 1 he put the gems into the machine as the device was ready to charge our hero put the guide book in it.I blinding light shined.Afterwards the young dragon picked the tome and as he was going to crash he opened the book and put his claw on it.Suddenly he was gone.As everyone was on the ship they saw a circular dimentional door open and out of it came..You guest it...Spyro. "Alright where is that wolf .Don't hold me back Lisnpuppy I've had enough of him." He stomped his way into the ships dining area.There he saw wolfie eating meatloaf and potato chips. "MARCUUUS" He looked at him with smoke coming from his nose and fire in his eyes."YOU ARE SO DEAD..." :verymad:
  23. Well i got nothing to do here and back home we didn't have snow ball fights so yeah i coming with you guys.Who knows i might use the old ice power-up again :banana: but i gotta ask 2 things first: 1 Is there a technological portal around here i need to use is to further increase the power of my guide book with my 60 magical orbs(this is the fourth time im asking this and this time please answer) and 2 can anyone get marcus over here i gotta bone to pick with him.He said we're going to the junk food planet and we aren't.I said if he was lying i'll burn him so much he'll never be cold in his life :devil: OT i said i was as tall as a 15 year old's leg i doubt thats "tiny" just say "young" or "small"
  24. After barely managing to say something Spyro shouts: "Hey lay off you rust bucket i was not attacking her.Lisnpuppy could you please tell this goon to let me go.As if the twilight gnorcs weren't enough" Our hero tried to use one of his power-ups but evilkoal's grip was too strong for him to active it.
  25. "well Lisnpuppy i am going to use this orb and other 59 in my room to power my guide book to an unlimited charge so that i can use it anytime i want..." As Spyro explained to Lisnpuppy he handed her a snow cone. "oh by the way does this ship have any technological portal.I need to use it to do the process with the orbs?"
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