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  1. When you click on "mods" in the main menu, the Bethesda "log-on" pops up. Just press "x" when you're there. It should bring up a list of the actual mods that are in your "data" folder. It should list what the "x" button does at the bottom of the screen when you're at the Bethesda "log-on" page.
  2. Description of Bug/Glitch/Issue: After a certain point during a playthrough, whenever I enter or exit a closed area (such as a building or cave), my character will load into the area (inside or outside) 2-3 meters away from the load-in point (door). So if I enter into a tavern, instead of loading in at the entrance, I'll spawn 2-3 meters in-front of the door/entry way. I'm early in my playthrough, so I'm only hanging around Whiterun. But in all the buildings in Whiterun (inlcuding those I break into while sneaking) and in various dungeons and caves surrounding Whiterun (the nearby fort, vampire cave, etc.) this phenomenon occurs. This also happens when I leave an interior space. So when I exit the tavern in Whiterun, I'll spawn half-way or nearly all the way down the stairs, into the middle of the market place. Or half-way across the bridge in Dragon's Reach, etc. When it's only 1 meter or so it's bearable, but anything more becomes quite immersion breaking for me. You can imagine sneaking into someone's home and then loading into the middle of their house (to clarify, I haven't spawned past walls or physical objects). It's jarring to enter into any space and load-in deeper than you're expecting. And while it hasn't screwed me over yet, i can imagine a situation where I enter in a space and I'm too close to an enemy or trap or event trigger, etc. This bug doesn't happen all the time. It usually only starts happening either after a certain time during a session, or at some point during the entire playthrough for a character. The bug will happen for a while and sometimes go away for a bit, and then come back again. How We Got Here: I first noticed this happening after I installed the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch and Violens, manually. Before that installation I had only installed the categorized favourites menu mod following the instruction found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5350/? After installing the Patch and Violens, I eventually began to notice the bug above. Eventually I couldn't stand it and I uninstalled the patch and reloaded a "pre-unofficial patch" save. Then redid my playthro with just the favourites menu and the violens mod. I didn't seem to be suffering from the bug at all, and so I assumed it was related to the unofficial patch being installed after I started my character. Now, I've just recently installed SkyUI 2.2 because the vanilla menu is annoying, and in a short time I get a CTD and then after a lengthier session without a crash I get the bug mentioned above, along with a few other strange things (npc's glitching through their chairs while sitting, and my character stopping their flame spell before the enemy is dead, even tho I have plenty of mana) Mod List: - GAV Categorized Favorites Menu - Violens - SkyUI 2.2 (with edits to remove the warning graphics that pop-up when you don't have SKSE) Ask if any clarification or additional info is needed. I'm curious if anyone else has experienced this before, and of course an insight towards a solution.
  3. @mikwarloe That's pretty much it. I still experience this bug. It's not terribly game-breaking, but it can be annoying, since instead of spamming the train button you have to wait to see if each click works.
  4. @Dark0ne I'm hesitant to try this out, primarily because I'm lazy and don't want to backup everything and try this out yet. However, if you want to give an update in a few days or a week or something, letting us know if you feel like you've received sufficient testers or not, then that would motivate me to help out. Not that I anticipate a lack of testers.
  5. In response to post #10108228. Looks like you either have to reinstall NMM manually and place it in such a way that it doesn't take too much folder opening to access (ala Dark0ne's example), Or you have to open up the mod manually and check the file path to see if there are any unecessary folders. Like if there are 2 or 3 folders that just link to each other, like: Data/Textures/NPC/SuperAwesomeMod/ThisModIsGreat/TheRealModFile/etc.
  6. In response to post #9023830. I'd like a choice for premium members to still get ads. I don't mind them on this site and if it helps bring in money, I'm down.
  7. Hey, I personally have XPMS and DSR installed and working perfectly. I think I have a pretty good grasp on what needs to be done so here's my take: (ALSO I recommend using the complete installers whenever available) First, install XPMS. To do this, you will also need to install Realistic Ragdolls and Force by dDefinder. Since you claimed to have XPMS installed and working already, I won't go into detail. Just be careful to either back up your files before installing these types of mods, or be prepared to reinstall your game if you want to uninstall XPMS, or similar mods. Second, install DSR. Simply follow the install instructions on the mod description page. If you installed a specific version of XPMS (e.g. 1h sword on back), then make sure you install the compatible version of DSR. Finally, Install IA. Again, I recommend installing the "NMM Installer - Complete Pack" version of this mod. The installer should provide you with all of the information to make sure the mod is compatible with XMPS and DSR. If the installer doesn't say anything, then the mod should have a built-in compatibility, and you shouldn't worry. Also, there are optional IA files. Read their descriptions to determine if you want them and if they are compatible with XPMS and DSR. Remember to carefully read the file descriptions before downloading the mods. If the description makes a reference to a mod or a version of a mod that you don't remember specifically installing, don't install it. If you're not sure what version of the XPMS skeleton you installed, you may want to consider uninstalling it and reinstalling it (assuming you backed up your files, otherwise you will need to reinstall Skyrim totally to get the original skeleton files, you can still backup your data files though so you don't have to reinstall all of your mods). Let me know if you need further clarification. The installations should be fairly easy and problem free. The only thing that's annoying is using the reproccer that comes with DSR. EDIT: Spelling & Grammar corrections
  8. Alright, so I'm suffering from a weird occurrence in my game. Basically every so often if there is a dead body along a well travelled path/road, I'll find a variety of NPC's hoarding around the body, crouching, as if looting it. I was just wondering if anyone knows of this issue or mod conflict. It's hard to imagine which mods would be responsible for this behavior. As I said, this affects a variety of NPC's, from guards to bandits to Thalmor, and so on. Below I'll place a link to another post of mine with my load order and boss report. You can ignore everything else in that post. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1048189-periodic-horse-skill-book-and-trainer-bugs/
  9. Welp, I would guess that the only mod that could be responsible for this would be a texture mod. Either you downloaded a texture mod that incorrectly gave ground/road textures to the "bridge wall" mesh, or you've been messing with texture files yourself and messed something up. The solution should be simple: First, totally remove any texture/mesh mods that alter bridges and ground textures (roads, paths, dirt, grass, etc.). Second, start up your game and make sure the bridge looks normal (without any mod textures). If at this point your bridge still looks like above, or does not look normal, you should consider backing up your data folder and re-installing Skyrim. Third, start re-installing each texture mod individually, checking your game after each installation. This way you can find out which mod is responsible for the textures. Hopefully this helps!
  10. UPDATE: So I've managed to get a better idea regarding the bug with trainers. It seems that the trainer will give me experience, but won't level me up if I'm already very close to leveling up that specific skill. So if the skill bar is around 95% full for a particular skill, the trainer won't level me up. Regardless of how much I train with them. UPDATE #2: I've found an additional problem in my game. For some reason npc's on the roads of Skyrim are found crouching near dead bodies and are playing the "loot the corpse" animation. Depending on the npc (sometimes they are unique) if I can talk to them they will stop, get up, respond to me and then continue on the road as if they never stopped in the first place. Weird.
  11. Can't seem to edit my post. Anyway, just a small adjustment. I don't actually have 150mods. It's probably closer to a bit over 100. Compulsive need to correct myself. Also, I should probably clarify that the new mods I installed before my most recent playthrough were vastly quest mods. Wyrmsooth, Falskar, etc. My thinking is that these are probably somehow interfering with my other mods and are the cause of my "bugs".
  12. So, I have recently started a new game and installed a few new mods that I've been meaning to try out for a while. I have over 600 hours played in Skyrim and the vast majority of that (400hrs+) has been with a modded game. Now I am about 10hrs into the game (from this point whenever I refer to my Skyrim experience it shall be in reference to my most recent 10hr playthrough/save), and I have noticed a few minor problems along the way: The first thing I noticed was that I wasn't getting any experience from skill books when I read them. The second thing I noticed was that I wasn't leveling up after paying trainers for a level. The third thing I noticed was that at one point in the outside (outdoors) of Skyrim, I wasn't able to interact with Horses. (I could kill them and loot them afterwards, but I could not ride them) It should be noted that all of these bugs have not been persistent in my recent game. At the very beginning of the game I wasn't getting experience from skill books, but after a point I seemingly randomly was able to level my skills from books again. With trainers, I was using them normally at the start but mid game (5ish hrs in) I noticed the experience bug. I haven't been able to yet determine if I received any experience at all during those periods. Finally, I was able to ride horses mid game, but later at one point I didn't get any activation indicator (no "press E to ride" on screen) when I approached two different horses. Neither horse was owned by me, but the earlier in the game I had successfully ridden a stolen horse. I believe the most likely problem is a mod conflict. I'm running about 150 mods (a lot of weapon, armor and quest mods) and while I'm familiar with load order rules, BOSS and TES5EDIT, I have not been able to solve the problem through simple deduction (guessing which mod would be the culprit). Now I haven't actually troubleshooted my problems fully yet. I haven't gone through the process of deactivating and activating mods one by one to see which cause the problems. I haven't done this because I am lazy. I have lots of mods and this process could potentially take quite a while. This brings me here. I have decided to post my load order and BOSS report to see if anyone can spot some obvious (game breaking) conflict that I have missed. Or if any simple suggestions can be made. Keep in mind that I have looked at the mods in TES5EDIT and am aware of merged patches. I am simply lazy and don't want to go through a lot of the hassle. However, if merged patches could potentially solve these bugs, I would be open to making them. Additionally, I am not an expert on modding or being a user. I consider myself reasonably informed, but am totally open to learning some lessons (i.e. being called an idiot and consequently being enlightened) Load Order: BOSS Report: P.S. I have attached my load order file and BOSS log file for convenience. Let me know if I should provide any further info.
  13. @Valridagan I was thinking about this recently, and I thought about the "joy of perspective" mod. I'm going to get in touch with the mod author to let him/her know about this idea. Maybe you could as well/look at their mod to get a sense of if it could help towards developing this mod idea. Here's the mod link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6002/?
  14. Great description. Having it's own thread allows for it, so good job! Looking at your idea here, it made me think of a few mods that seem relevant. XP32 Maximum Skeleton - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26800//? This mod is just one of many custom skeleton replacers. It's the one I use. But contacting the mod authors about your "helmet on belt/body" idea could be potentially productive. Also, I thought of SkyUI's latest feature, the equipment slots - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3863//? I haven't tried out the feature yet, but depending on how it looks, using this feature to switch between an armor set with and without a helmet would achieve exactly what you wanted. It just depends on how the switch looks. As for animations, it would seem that creating custom animations in Skyrim is rather difficult/a rare capability to find in modders. I know that there are tons of mods that would benefit greatly from custom animations, but even after many years those animations have not come. However, out of the mods I'm currently tracking this one seems most likely to be able to handle your request - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34950/? It's called Immersive animations. Good luck to your mod request!
  15. @KaptenN There are some mods that achieve this via scripts. One example that jumps to mind is the vanguard armor in the Immersive Armors mod. There is of course also the "auto remove helmet" mod that equips specific head gear automatically when a weapon is drawn, and unequips the helmet when the weapon is sheathed. For what you're requesting however, I would recommend starting a separate mod request. Or suggesting your animation idea to the mod author of the auto remove helmet mod. (Not sure if it's called exactly that, but you can find it super easily with those key words on google)
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