Hi! the important is the software can do and can do for me grat for dev to make Vortex great job,one desings or one other to me its not important if you can work with it in easy way and i like what Vortex do with plugins orders ( dependencie load afther/before ) and its just for a few one to do in special occasion not big deal but i have one question exemple: i am MO modder what Vortex do for the right pane plugin for me is great like i say above but in left pan ( mod loader ) i have question i downloaded a mod with texture/meshes for potato,apple,and tomato but they no plugin with it and install some other mods after and play the game for a couple of weeks and i go on nexus site and i found another mod with lot of texture for items,ingrediens,and potato,apple and tomato in it this one as no plugin to but i like more the texture for the potato,apple and tomato from few weeks ago my question is how to put my old one below the new one in the load order how to get right one in my game? if i got to uninstall the old one and purge it and reinstall it after the new one to see itin my game that make me some time for each test i whant to make for all my texture/meshes or just texture i whant to the game if i have 20-30 of them to have the look i whant how do you do that with Vortex? sorry for my english and im 60 old woman playing game so im very slow to learning tanks for your god work all of you!