Hello! If you have been having very slow unexplained downloads from the Nexus whether its manually downloaded or by using any of the many download alternatives I have finally found a possible solution for most. In the SOME of the most recent Window 10 updates Windows has accidentally disabled an auto tuning feature that regulates download speeds of actually downloading files. So your speedtest may look great but your downloads are very slow. This feature effects All realtek PCIe drivers and many others. The fix is this: Open command prompt in Admin mode. (type cmd in start, right click it and select run as administrator) type netsh interface tcp show global then hit enter You should see a line that reads: Receive Window Auto-Tuning Level Next to that if it says DISABLED then you do in fact have this problem! If it says NORMAL then your slow downloads are another problem, sorry. :( To enable this type netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal then hit enter. check your download speeds via https://testmy.net/download I went from 1.7MB/s download on Nexus to 30MB/s and 9MB/s to 180MB/s on https://testmy.net/download Admins I wasn't sure where to post this and had no intention of breaking any rules please let me know if I've done anything wrong.