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Posts posted by speedynl


    Please do tell me what this secret ending of Railroad and BoS not fighting is :D


    Walk the limbo and carefully avoid certain NPCs, I think.


    go mm men, after getting into inst(don't kill any 1 there yet), do quests for rr and boss till a certain point, pam(at some point), and that bos capt(at some point) will ask you to kill each other so avoid them ( or get the quest but don't do it), after you reach that point go inst kill any named, then go mm again, after killing ins boss/rr are your friends and both alive

  2. well the esm have a error, seems they forgot/changed something wrong


    [00158DF6] < Error: Could not be resolved >


    it don't show if you only load the esm, but i got it when loading the esm with a esp, looked up the id and there it was

  3. In response to post #34082170. #34096340 is also a reply to the same post.

    Nostalgiaheart wrote: This really suck - everytime Bethesda does something - something breaks.......I should have waited before buying.
    Eruadur wrote: Or: should have waited installing mods ( third party software ) . Because I'm sure the game runs perfectly without any mods at all, right ?
    Blame Bethesda all you want....

    game runs fine with latest patch, but then again all my ini edits where done in custom ini + i have only 4 esp with edits that i did myself, even my esp that remove 70% of all crap from game works flawless
  4. Until you answer the question as to whether you're a previously banned user of the sites, RedHarlequin, the conversation is at an end. I have no wish to pay attention to disgruntled ex-members. So let me know what those account(s) were you used back in the TESSource days and I'll happily unhide your latest diatribe :smile:

    yea yea cheap way to win a conversation that you can't win, typical the nexus way, to bad my english is not good enough or i would take his place


    calling you members free users would be fine, but calling them LEECHING users don't sound right, you are the owner you shoud show some more respect towards your members


    The definition of leeching:


    In computing and specifically Internet, a leech is one who benefits, usually deliberately, from others' information or effort but does not offer anything in return, or makes only token offerings in an attempt to avoid being called a leech. In economics, this type of behavior is called "free riding" and is associated with the free rider problem.


    Can you explain why I should show more respect to these individuals?


    you can put up wall of texts, but your answer only shows that you don't have any respect for 70% + - off your (free)members, and thats a fact

  6. You seem to be putting words in my mouth. I said "Downloaders who have installed an adblocker and who aren't Supporters are completely "free", leeching users. They provide absolutely no financial benefit to the upkeep of the sites". Which is an absolutely, 100% irrefutable fact. Can you explain what upset you about this comment?

    calling you members free users would be fine, but calling them LEECHING users don't sound right, you are the owner you shoud show some more respect towards your members


    In response to post #11181561. #11199452 is also a reply to the same post.

    Would that it were true. Downloaders who have installed an adblocker and who aren't Supporters are completely "free", leeching users. They provide absolutely no financial benefit to the upkeep of the sites

    why not making it premium only then ? if you see them that way, btw calling free users the way you do show only that you don't care for free users, but only for members that pay money


    In response to post #10941103. #10941478, #10941994 are all replies on the same post.

    @speedynl lol... a premium membership helps this site to stay free from ads and helps leechers like you to use it for completely free.

    it's easy to say waste of money if you don't pay for anything


    leecher ?, take a look at me green title, then compare it to yours, now who is the leecher here, yea you, don't say anything if you don't now anything

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