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Everything posted by witcherlake

  1. I don't understand the Start in "D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SkyProc Patchers\Dual Sheath Redux Patch" Whenever I run the patch with this "Start In" it executes the patcher, patches but then later says I do not have the required Dual Sheath Redux.esp error prompt. I looked everywhere and gave up on Mod Organizer 2 as well because it has the same error.
  2. hi, I get very slow download (like 5-9kb/s, sometimes 0kb/s) only from this server, be it via NMM or manual download, and at first I thought it was my ISP, I wrongfully lambasted them about it but it turns out my ISP can bump up to 512 kb/s (steam update proved that). Been having this trouble since 2nd week of January. I did all tweakings I could resort to, software upgrades, cache cleaning, improving pc performances, DNS configurations, all sorts of stuff but nothing worked. Experiencing slow connection only to this server. Any thoughts or solution I can do? Thanks
  3. I had a weird experience 3 hours ago. When I run NMM, it prompted me some updates from the mods I installed, so I agreed to some of them. It installed for about 20 minutes and some requiring my approval to overwrite and some simply installed themselves without prompting me. The installation occurred during the Nexus Mod Manager is loading. When NMM finally finishes its installations, to my surprise there are new mods installed into my Data folders, some were doubly installed (one were installed 21 times Tytan's Multiple Follower and Trainer, I never approved of this). When I loaded the game, it told me some files or data are no longer installed, some of my installed mods were removed or altered, some mods I did not approve of were installed. For nearly 2 hours I tried my very best to reinstall or restore all my mods, but I've given up and had to uninstall all my mods for it was having confusions, missing files/meshes/textures/scripts, some body mods, presets, hairs, eyes, eyebrows, environment mods were altered and or removed or replaced. I hope there's an explanation as to how this happened. Thanks.
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