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About KaylaKaze

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  1. Right now, people are just putting save games in any category they feel like, making filtering impossible. If you're going to continue to collect their garbage, at least allow us to filter it out.
  2. It seems that the game hides your hair and hat when in first-person mode so they don't block your vision (you can see this when you get on a motorcycle and have 3rd person camera on, you'll be bald for a split second before your hair and hat pop in). The issue is that they don't put them back when you look in a mirror. I cannot even begin to fathom how CDPR didn't notice that or felt it wasn't worth fixing.
  3. I was quite annoyed to find no decent, simple ponytails as hair options for my female V. Then, I get to Afterlife and Claire's hair is PERFECT. I want that hair!
  4. For some stupid reason, you use a perk point to be able to throw knives only for the knives to vanish into thin air once they hit (or miss) their target.
  5. Thanks for the help. It pointed me in the right direction. Turns out the properties hadn't linked properly when I loaded and I had to relink them. THEN I had to revert back to a save from before I loaded the mod in the first place because the broken links seem to have been part of the save. All working now. Thanks.
  6. The GetGold works, but it seems that none of the properties being loaded are working, so the SummonedBuyerMSG never comes up, and I'm guessing the summon doesn't work because it's not loading SummonedBuyerActor.
  7. I'm trying to convert my Merchant Contract mod from Oldrim to SE but it's not working. The contract shows up where it should, but when the script runs, Int Gold = Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(Gold001) always equals 0 (I have gold). When I skip the gold check out and try to summon the NPC, it doesn't work either. It calls the Summon function, but no summon happens. I used coc to go to TestTony (where the NPC starts) and she's there hanging out so it seems to be a script problem entirely. Any ideas? Full code: Scriptname SummonedBuyerContract extends ObjectReference Actor Property SummonedBuyerActor Auto Message Property SummonedBuyerMSG Auto Book Property SummonBuyerContractBook Auto MiscObject Property Gold001 Auto Event OnEquipped(Actor player) Int Response = -1 Bool ExitMenu = False Int Gold = Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(Gold001) While !ExitMenu Response = SummonedBuyerMSG.Show() If Response == 0 If Gold < 1000 Debug.MessageBox("You don't have enough gold.") ExitMenu=True Else Game.DisablePlayerControls(false, false, false, false, false, true, false) utility.wait(0.1) Game.EnablePlayerControls(false, false, false, false, false, true, false) Summon(Game.GetPlayer(),SummonedBuyerActor) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(Gold001,1000) ExitMenu = True EndIf Else ExitMenu = True EndIf EndWhile ;SummonedBuyerActor.MoveTo(Game.GetPlayer(),120 * Math.Sin(Game.GetPlayer().GetAngleZ()), 120 * Math.Cos(Game.GetPlayer().GetAngleZ()),0, false) EndEvent Function Summon(ObjectReference akSummoner = None, ObjectReference akSummon = None, Float afDistance = 150.0, Float afZOffset = 0.0, ObjectReference arPortal = None, Int aiStage = 0) While aiStage < 6 aiStage += 1 If aiStage == 1 ; Shroud summon with portal arPortal = akSummon.PlaceAtMe(Game.GetForm(0x0007CD55)) ; SummonTargetFXActivator disables and deletes itself ElseIf aiStage == 2 ; Disable Summon akSummon.Disable() ElseIf aiStage == 3 ; Move portal in front of summoner arPortal.MoveTo(akSummoner, Math.Sin(akSummoner.GetAngleZ()) * afDistance, Math.Cos(akSummoner.GetAngleZ()) * afDistance, afZOffset) ElseIf aiStage == 4 ; Move summon to portal akSummon.MoveTo(arPortal) akSummon.SetAngle(0.0,0.0,akSummoner.GetAngleZ()+180.0) ElseIf aiStage == 5 ; Enable summon as the portal dissipates akSummon.Enable() EndIf Utility.Wait(0.6) EndWhile EndFunction
  8. In response to post #24735309. #24735399, #24735679 are all replies on the same post. I have no issue with them coming from the beginning with a new game. That game will die within a year and everyone will go back to Skyrim or New Vegas. I always felt the main issue was what it did to the existing community.
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