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  1. No problem at all! I'm just happy I made backups of my saves so I could test this stuff out. And as a result, I finally got to finish my playthrough. :D
  2. I don't think what I have left with this current playthrough will reach anywhere close to 100 hours unfortunately. All I have left until the only thing left are radiant quests, some quests I may have missed here, the rest of Legacy of the Dragonborn and Unslaad, and then I'm pretty much done minus messing around in Skyrim and waiting for Glenmoril and Inigo V3. However, I did completely beat Vigilant last night again and I was able to save just fine the entire time I played through it, 33 hours or so since my last save with the CTD on save problem. Aers' SSE Engine Fixes update basically doubles the write limit size for a save (Uncompressed) from 64 MB to 128 MB. My save was above 64 MB uncompressed and it reached that size after beating through pretty much most of the game and then starting on Bruma. If my save happens to reach 128 MB uncompressed and up, the problem will show up once again, but I think that will only happen if I install a bunch of quest mods (More so than I already have anyways) or mods that edit or add a lot of worldspace.
  3. Thanks again so much for (hopefully) fixing this problem. Not just for me, but hopefully for anyone else who's been having and would have had this issue down the road.
  4. Seems like it. Since I still have my old saves from before I started disabling plugins (Thank Wrye Bash for letting me load masters) and have them backed up, I can test whatever fixes aers suggests/creates on here or on Reddit. I know squat about coding as well, but I can do this at least. Hopefully this gets figured out because I really want to finish what quests I have left in my playthrough. As far as I can tell with what limited knowledge I have, it seems like Skyrim SE's LZ4 compression coding just doesn't work well with long playthroughs considering the common theme with all of us here in this thread (Modded playthroughs, installed stuff correctly and no uninstalling until this issue started popping up, pops up after about 100 hours). It's also exclusive to SE it seems. LE/Oldrim isn't having this issue.
  5. I just tested it out, I was able to successfully save in the same area of the game after doing the same stuff no less (Saved outdoors in Bruma. Fast travelled to Western Watchtower, turned in a quest, killed a few enemies, tried saving, and I kept CTDing on save up until trying this). I tested both uiCompression=0 and uiCompression=1 and both of them worked. My save file quadrupled in size with 0 though (16.9 or so MB to 65 something), whereas with 1, my save file actually lowered itself in size (From 16 to 13). I don't know if this is a permanent fix however, so I'll keep playing (With uiCompression=1 anyways) to find out and will edit this post or post accordingly with any updates. EDIT: While I was able to successfully save with these commands, Resaver seems to be unable to read these saves for whatever reason (I have the latest version too). I got these popups when I tried opening them up in Resaver (Save 830 is the save made using uiCompression=0, 831 is for uiCompression=1). https://imgur.com/a/AfWUlGp EDIT 2: Bad news. I CTD whenever I try to load those saves made using uiCompression. So while saving might be successful, loading is another story it seems.
  6. Just a head's up, for that deleting scripts in Resaver last resort option mentioned in the Reddit post, stuff can get broken afterwards besides what is mentioned. Like for me, Serana's animations became kind of wonky, there's a dialogue option for her to "Come with me" whether she's following me or not which doesn't do anything (She CAN follow me thanks to AFT, but still), and followers, if you use AFT's outfit management system, gets broken (They only stick to Standard outfits. I haven't tried restarting Outfit Management for an NPC entirely though). Some MCM data and such and mods got reset as well. It was like starting a new game but without actually starting a new game, complete with mods installing/reinstalling themselves (So if you're using, say, Ordinator, your perks will get reset. Prepare for that beforehand). I was able to save out, in say, the open world afterwards and my save file went from 16-17 MB in size all the way down to 9 (Though that number shot back up to 13 by the time I finished giving myself my perks and such back and finished reconfiguring my stuff in the MCM). I found another post here on the forums with a guy having the same issue (https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6100608-ctd-on-save-research-speculation-included/) and for now, I'm moving my character to UnOwnedCell whenever I have to save.
  7. No problem at all! I have that link bookmarked myself in case things go wrong again. And if things go wrong again, I'll probably try the nuclear option in the post as a last resort. After I deleted all the excess saves in my folder, I can save normally again, at least for now. Just to be doubly safe, I'm mostly saving in interior cells (My latest save, for instance, is in that one small inn north of Bruma in Beyond Skyrim - Bruma). So far, this has been successful. The first time things went wrong with me, it probably was that, a script going mad. Though at that time, it was by my own doing (Lamae's Pyre from Sacrosanct. Don't go into a building/load screen until it finishes firing) and loading a slightly earlier save from before I did that let me continue as usual up until the problem popped up again this time. Ah okay. I hope that 65,535 string limit isn't applicable for SE then. And I hope SSE Engine Fixes or whatever fixes that if so. I do have that downloaded. Yeah, I have those old saves for now at least. Here's an Imgur link with two of my saves (https://imgur.com/a/aIErW7I). The first picture is the most recent one, Save 813, made after I deleted all my excess saves and such. As you can see, no undefined elements. The two pictures below that is the old save or one of them anyways, Save 774, with the undefined elements/instances. It seems like those belong to 3PCO (3rd Person Camera Overhaul), which I uninstalled the other day to upgrade to the newest version, as per the exact instructions of the mod creator for that mod. EDIT: Problem popped up again. Tried saving in Cathedral of St. Martin in Bruma, crashed again. I guess I'll try that nuclear option now from that Reddit post.
  8. Hello Squire. Thanks for the relatively quick reply! I don't have any unattached instances and such in my save according to Resaver, so unfortunately not. There were around 2-3 in some earlier saves, which I cleaned and used/played from that point on the other day. I did encounter this issue beforehand, but that time was of my own doing I believe (Casting Lamae's Pyre and going into a loading screen by entering a building right after it fired, causing a sort of looping script til the game overloaded and creating artificial save bloat). This time, I haven't really done anything and since Resaver shows no unattached instances and such, I have no idea which specific mod is causing issues other than maybe Song of the Green (Which, after I downloaded, did cause some of my plugins, namely Wintersun and RLO Exteriors, to suddenly become dirty and require cleaning with SSEEdit). I've also seen some players on Reddit playing SE (At least I think it's SE) with saves with even more strings and script instances than mine so is it a specific mod causing me headaches? If so, I'm guessing I should start uninstalling some of the heavier mods and/or mods with a lot of script instances and cleaning the save afterwards? This is pretty much the last resort since, you know, cardinal sin of modding and all, but if I have no choice... EDIT: I found this Reddit post just now (https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/crpjw9/about_ctds_on_save/) and apparently, if a script goes mad, my save will have suspended stacks and a lot of active scripts going on in the save. I think we can cross that off the list as a problem for my save considering the number of active scripts and suspended stacks in my current save is either 0 or a really low number. EDIT 2: I decided to delete all save files in my save folder minus the ones for my current playthrough, including the ones normally invisible when "Show All Saves" is toggled off. I think this fixed my issue, but I'll only know for sure by continuing to play.
  9. I'm pretty much in the same situation as the original post right now. Already made a post on Reddit, but I'll repost it/the details here as well. I'm currently about 157 hours in on my playthrough and started having this issue where I'll CTD when saving. I've been pretty meticulous this time around. I haven't uninstalled any mods this playthrough, minus 3PCO to update to the newest version that came out a few days ago, always keep my load order sorted with LOOT, all plugins cleaned with SSEEdit (Except for Inigo, Palaces and Castles Enhanced and I believe one other mod which are already "cleaned"), no orphaned scripts/instances according to Resaver, etc. I've also only hard saved this time around (No Quick Saves and only Auto Saves in places like Apocrypha where I can't stop them), making a new hard save whenever I need to save, deleting all but the 6-8 most recent saves every 100-200 saves as well as a few "virgin" saves (Such as the last save from before installing a new mod). I have SKSE clearing invalid registrations as well. I admittedly did install a few new mods as I went, but they're nothing too major I believe, usually custom followers without any new questlines and such. The only exception is Song of the Green Auri (Who has her own questline and such and I downloaded compatibility patches for mods like Wintersun), which I installed last night, and Raven Castle awhile ago. This is my current mod load order (I have 248 active plugins). I currently have Frostfall and iNeed disabled in the MCM: https://modwat.ch/u/SevereArtisan/plugins This is the number of strings, scripts, etc. according to Resaver from my most recent save (File size, 16.9 MB): https://imgur.com/a/y48zzWo I am, for now, able to save in interior cells which are mostly empty such as Proudspire Manor, but I need to find out what's causing this whole CTD on Saving thing lest it pops up again down the road. I noticed there is a save file that is made when I attempt to save and it fails, but it shows up as a .tmp file with 0 KB rather than a .ess. Does Skyrim SE still have the hard string limit of 65,535 like Oldrim did and is this why I'm crashing when saving? Or is it because I have too many script instances and such?
  10. I'm currently playing on Skyrim SE with a bunch of mods (240 or so, give or take. I'm not over the 255 esp limit), about 100+ hours in. I've started crashing on saves and I'm wondering what's going on, especially since I haven't uninstalled any mods, installed any super major new ones since starting, or used Quick Saves at all this playthrough. I checked my most recent save with ReSaver and I have a high string count (Attached to the post). Does anyone know if SE has the hard string limit of 65,535 like Oldrim does without Crash Fixes and if the high strings is the cause of the crashing? And if so, is there a mod out there for SE that can fix that a la Crash Fixes does for Oldrim (Like SSEFixes? I have that atm)? Does waiting in qasmoke for 30 days lower the string limit by resetting the world? EDIT: My problem seems to be the same/similar to this. Currently reading the forum thread now for possible solutions, but I definitely would not say no to any sort of help or finding out the cause. Been getting TMP files just like the OP in the thread. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5415515-sse-ctd-on-save-after-hours-of-gameplay/page-1 EDIT 2: I think I figured out the issue. I don't know how to explain it in exact technical terms, but I think it was a looping script of sorts caused by my own accidental doing in game by casting a powerful spell (Lamae's Pyre from Sacrosanct) and going into a loading screen (Entering a building) right as it fired off, causing artificial save bloat and script engine overload.
  11. EDIT: Posted in wrong forum I think.
  12. Yeah, I found out about the Clear Invalid Registrations thing just yesterday. Added it to my SKSE.ini file. I'll try out the pcb and qasmoke thing later/when I can. So far, I've been going to qasmoke and saving there as a temporary solution whenever I decide to save and it works without any issues thus far. I did not have those issues until I installed those mods. I've tried the player.kill thing several times but no luck there unfortunately. I have 255 esps at the moment. I would have even more if I hadn't uninstalled several mods already. I know about the 255 hard limit hence why I have a Bashed Patch in the first place. The CTD issue doesn't happen to me on a completely fresh game (With mods on) so yeah, probably a save game problem. I agree with this and would also add - Did you start a new game w/out the mods turned on and does it CTD? I've got a feeling you have some scripted mods that do NOT like each other ... but you would have to engage the P.I.T.A. Protocol to find out which mods are causing this. What is the P.I.T.A Protocol exactly? Also, I started up a new game just now with mods on and there's no CTD. EDIT: Considering I've beaten the game and there's only radiant quest stuff for me to do, I might just uninstall mods I don't need and install mods I do want (Like Legacy of the Dragonborn, which requires me to start a new game anyhow since I have Open Cities) before starting a New Game Plus.
  13. If there's a way to reduce a save file's size, I don't know of it. There a mod or a program I can use for that? The only time I've really removed mods is just earlier tonight to try and fix the problem (And the minor mods are stuff like changing Destruction perks which would conflict with Ordinator). Other than that, I haven't for this playthrough. I have, however, installed a few new mods a few days ago namely Lucien, Hoth, the Notice Board mod, and OBIS. What I mean with the Bashed Patch note is plugins showing "0" instead of "1" means they're in the Bashed Patch itself. Should I uninstall the Modern Brawl Bug Fix mod/plugin then?
  14. I've been CTD'ing most of the time whenever I save for some reason, whether it's out in the open world or in interior cells and whether I overwrite a save or try to make a new one. I can sometimes save successfully in either in the open world or in interior cells, but most of the time, it's a CTD and I need help fixing this problem. I've tried a lot of different things to try to fix this thus far, including downloading BethINI, uninstalling some mods (Minor ones that are relatively safe to uninstall that might have been conflicting with other mods, and two major ones (OBIS and Wet and Cold. This was happening even before these mods were uninstalled)) and cleaning the save of orphan scripts/instances with Skyrim Resaver/FallrimTools. LOOT isn't reporting any issues either and my mod order is set up correctly as far as I can tell. My current save file is about 18.2 MB in size. My Skyrim version is 1.5.73 with the corresponding/correct SKSE64. Besides this save issue, my game runs perfectly fine and I'll otherwise CTD maybe once a blue moon. Here is my current load order (0 ofc. meaning the mod is in the Bashed Patch): Skyrim.esm=1Update.esm=1Dawnguard.esm=1HearthFires.esm=1Dragonborn.esm=1RSkyrimChildren.esm=1Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp=1BSAssets.esm=1BSHeartland.esm=1BS_DLC_patch.esp=1ApachiiHair.esm=1Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm=1Ecotone Dual Sheath.esl=1BBLuxurySuite.esm=1Campfire.esm=1FlowerGirls SE.esm=1Vigilant.esm=1FISS.esp=1WM_WidgetMod.esl=1ApachiiHairFemales.esm=1SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp=1Qw_BeyondSkyrimBruma_USSEP Hotfix Patch.esp=1Immersive Wenches.esp=1UnlimitedBookshelves.esp=1SkyUI_SE.esp=1iNeed.esp=1iNeed - Extended.esp=1Joy of Perspective.esp=1Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp=1Qw_ISC_USSEP Patch.esp=0dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp=1RLO - Interiors.esp=1Helgen Reborn.esp=1RLO - Exteriors.esp=1TW3MO.esp=1icepenguinworldmapclassic.esp=1FNIS.esp=1RaceMenu.esp=1RaceMenuPlugin.esp=1Player Size Adjuster.esp=1OpulentThievesGuild.esp=1Particle Patch for ENB SSE.esp=1SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp=1Sjel Blad Castle_SE.esp=1MrissiTailOfTroubles.esp=1HearthfireMultiKid.esp=1Schlongs of Skyrim.esp=1Bruma - Less Item Weight.esp=0Aurlyn.esp=1Point The Way.esp=1Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim.esp=1Immersive Encounters.esp=1DaggerCraft.esp=1BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp=1WeightLessTrueAll.esp=0WeightLessTrueCrafting.esp=0WeightLessTrueGems.esp=0WeightLessTrueIngredients.esp=0WeightLessTrueScrolls.esp=0WeightLessTrueSoulGems.esp=0Insanity's Sorrow.esp=1LonelyKarliah.esp=1Companions No Werewolf Option.esp=1AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp=1SleepTight.esp=1FaraamOutfit.esp=1ABT SE - Faster Arrows Improved.esp=0ABT SE - Faster Bolts Improved.esp=0ABT SE - Increased Bolts Damage.esp=1ABT SE - Increased Progressive Damage.esp=0ABT SE - Loot Ammo.esp=0ABT SE - Merchants Arrows.esp=0ABT SE - Recover Ammo.esp=1GoToBed.esp=1VioLens SE.esp=1DS Unead Legion.esp=1DS Firelink Armor.esp=1DS Wolf Knight.esp=1DS Leonhard Armor.esp=1DS Desert Pyromancer.esp=1DS3 Weapon Pack.esp=1UUNP Vanilla Outfits.esp=1Perfect Legionnaire - Troops Re-equipment.esp=1Tribunal Robes for SSE.esp=1DS Elite Knight Armor.esp=1DS Faraam Armor.esp=1BB Pack by Team TAL.esp=1CiriHair.esp=1Brows.esp=1SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp=1BetterStaffofMagnus.esp=0Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp=1CiriOutfit.esp=1Realistic-Voice.esp=1FastTravelSpeedMultiplier.esp=1Brighter toggleable Candlelight and Torches.esp=1StojaMakeupPack.esp=1KS Hairdo's.esp=1Carry Weight x2.esp=1TGNoToNocturnal.esp=1XPMSE.esp=1SOSRaceMenu.esp=1SGEyebrows.esp=1SOS - B3lisario UNP Addon.esp=1MiniBikini.esp=1LadyMiraak.esp=1FlowerGirls SE - IW Patch.esp=1Kai's Lipstick.esp=1YMMP.esp=1Sotteta Necromancer Outfit.esp=1Northgirl.esp=1Legendary Shouts.esp=1Vortikais Dragon Aspect.esp=1StormWrathLightning.esp=0AnimatedEatingRedux.esp=13PCOFull.esp=1ShieldWard.esp=1FortifyDestructionDamage.esp=1JBMod.esp=1FNISSexyMove.esp=1dD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp=0SimplyKnock.esp=1RSChildren.esp=1RSChildren Patch - BS Bruma.esp=0BS_Campfire.esp=1Bruma - iNeed Patch.esp=0Jop - BrumaPatch.esp=0Heart Breaker SE.esp=1UE_Royal_Vampire_Armor.esp=0RLO - Effects.esp=1RLO - Illuminated Spells.esp=0Jewelry limiter.esp=1Immersive Encounters - RS Children Patch.esp=1Thrallmaker.esp=1Visible Favorited Gear.esp=1RSC HR Patch.esp=0adoptAventusAretino.esp=1HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp=1RSC_USSEP_AventusFix.esp=0adoptAventusAretino_RSChildrenUSSEP.esp=0MoreVampireEyes.esp=1CharmingHighHeels.esp=1arvak_replace.esp=0Quel'Delar SE - Johnskyrim.esp=1sithlightning.esp=1Magicka Sabers Unique.esp=1AFT_ManagedFollowerBoost.esp=1AFT_NoFriendlySpellDamage.esp=0BBLS_SKSE64_Patch.esp=1Keep It Clean.esp=1SnowElfPalace.esp=1RiversideLodge.esp=1Inigo.esp=1MoonstoneCastle.esp=1Frostfall.esp=1SofiaFollower.esp=1SexLab-AmorousAdventures.esp=1MiraakFollower.esp=1mihaildaedroth.esp=1White River Cottage.esp=1Deus Mons.esp=1mihailzombies.esp=1EliteKnightArmor.esp=1BSHeartland - Unofficial Patch.esp=1mihailesobonecolossus.esp=1Rayeks_End_SSE_1.0.esp=1FlowerGirls SE - Adventures.esp=1mihailwatcher.esp=1mihailharvestereso.esp=1Marry Me Serana.esp=1HothFollower.esp=1Solar.esp=1Geralt.esp=1LV_Cirilla.esp=1NoldorArmor.esp=1DivinePunishmentForArrowsToTheKnee.esp=1dovahkiinrelax.esp=1Rayeks_End_SSE_1.0 - Keep It Clean.esp=0notice board.esp=1mmagrievoustwilight.esp=1blackreachrailroadnew.esp=1SOS - Shop.esp=1mihailmmasithis.esp=1The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp=1PinecrestEstate.esp=1artotiasabysswalkerlagrie.esp=1mihaillich.esp=1mihailxivilai.esp=1Lucien.esp=1Shindara.esp=1isilNarsil.esp=1ZenitharWorkshop.esp=1LevelersTower.esp=1ornsteinlagrie.esp=1NewArmoury.esp=1Dr_Bandolier.esp=1DS3 Weapon Pack New Armoury Patch.esp=0My Home Is Your Home.esp=1bm_SimpleAction.esp=1CiceroFemaleSE.esp=1mihailstormgolem.esp=1MonnoBikini.esp=1Yashira.esp=1Ecotone Dual Sheath Patch.esp=1Merta Black Rose Armor.esp=1Nerida.esp=1BBLuxurySuiteENM.esp=1TW3Weaponry.esp=1StrangeRunes.esp=1ESO Altmer Armor by NewrMind43.esp=1TheEyesOfBeauty.esp=1FlowerGirls SE - Bathing Beauties Patch.esp=1ShindaraHeelsOutfit.esp=0BecomeABard.esp=1Vigilant Outfits.esp=0TKDodge.esp=1TakeNotes.esp=1AMatterOfTime.esp=1SkyHUD.esp=1WM_WidgetMod.esp=1Shieldmaidens Beastmaidens muscle slider.esp=1OpulentThievesGuildPatch.esp=1TGBC.esp=1Immersive Wenches -Apachii hairs- Patch.esp=0Volkihar Knight.esp=1Serana.esp=1Valerica.esp=1Qw_BarenziahQuestMarkers_USSEP Patch.esp=0Qw_SofiaFollower_USSEP Patch.esp=1TW3_femaleArmors_zzjay.esp=1Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp=1Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp=1Ordinator - Beyond Skyrim Bruma Patch.esp=1Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp=1Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim.esp=1Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp=1Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp=1RDO - AFT v1.66 Patch.esp=1RDO - USSEP Patch.esp=1Immersive Wenches -Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul Patch-.esp=1Castle Volkihar Rebuilt.esp=1CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp=1Serana Dialogue Edit.esp=1RLO - IC Patch.esp=1Dawnguard Vampire - SDE.esp=1Qw_SofiaFollower_RDO Patch.esp=1Open Cities Skyrim.esp=1Immersive Citizens - OCS patch.esp=1Immersive Encounters - Open Cities Patch.esp=1CWIOCSSEPatch.esp=1notice board - open cities patch.esp=1BrelynaMaryon.esp=1nightcloak.esp=1Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp=1Bashed Patch, 0.esp=1
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