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About Raum777

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    United States
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    The Elder Scrolls; "Skyrim".
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    Skyrim, Oblivion, and Fallout 4

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  1. I upgraded my NMM as I was instructed. I still can log in with my password. Do I need to change it or what do I need to do to sign in now? Thank you. Sincerely, Ruam777
  2. Hi; I'm new to this even though I have had an account for awhile now, so please bear with me. There is a guy (cthkclnpc1) who has just been making mods in China and is a real nice guy. However I did download one mod and it was great. When I asked if he had any other mods he said yes and sent me a link. The link of course led to Nexus. I looked at it for all of 30 second when my computers firewall went nuts. I supposedly had viruses and everything else. But I have an outside service besides Microsoft's Security team that watches what I do on my computer. They caught the bug and squashed it before any harm was done. I don't recognize this virus or whatever it is. It started with a PU-something. When I went back into Nexus it was not attached to the mod page anymore. I can only assume that it was attached to the link he sent me and not to Nexus. The mod is called "Victoria Helen". So I believe you may have already cleaned it before going further with it? I know when I downloaded the mod to my computer it is on STOP! Keeping me from activating the mod. So I have no idea what is going on with the mod now? Thank you for reading my Text. Sincerely, Raum777
  3. Hi all; I am not a modder. But I can ask questions to you modders. You don't have to answer them of course as I am not a member of this area of Nexus. This is really to; Mr. Robin Scott. Here is my question. When a modder stops all communication coming in a message form to him/her so that they no longer get these messages; how can you contact them? I have a personal interest in their mod/mods; but I can never get through to them. I am interested in purchasing some or all of their mods. I would really like to make contact with them. Please help me with this if you are willing? Thank you for taking the time to read my question. Sincerely, Raum777 (James)
  4. Internet censorship can and should be used as it is on the phone system. Only key words used in conversations should encourage investigations of people who intend harm to others. As for pirating. Yes; it's wrong. And if proper security is used and maintained; no one should be able to pirate them from any company. That is a bad thing and we all realize it. But that is their responsibility, their problem and not ours! All music and Movies can be blocked from being copied or downloaded. If I made a movie and said you can watch it; that would be fine. You can watch it. But if I say you can't copy it; then I would need to provide that security to prevent it from being downloaded to you. That would be my responsibility! Not passing laws to stop you by providing censorship in everything you do on the net. What's difficult about that? Youtube.com and several others are allowing this by taking on their own accord to allow others to copy or download from their sites. So why bust our chops for the wrongs of others? Nuff said; I don't need to go on.
  5. Two problems. One; SKSE I can't find on-line. I keep getting The Page Can't Be Displayed errors. Second; I'm forced to download Steam's SKSE and I don't get a Menu to choose items from like I once did. In fact there is only Bethesda's Menu. The Original Menu. (Sucks) Anyone have a suggestion as to what I should do with this mess. I had to get rid of everything because some download messed up my game and after I cleared out most of what was downloaded; it still gives bad issues. So I had to begin all over again. Thank you in advance from anyone else who ran into this problem with SKSE.
  6. OK; I want to say something here. If I have many Typos it's because I can't see very well. I can still play the games. 1. No Author should post their mod on Nexus until all the bugs, issues, or Problems are worked out. 2 Authors are to tell you how to install their mod and NOT take for granted you know what you are to do with their mods. 3. If a mod is to be installed it should tell you that it is to be installed by Nexus Mod Manager, Manual, or something has to be changed and what to change it to, in the Game's ini. Authors are dropping the ball quite a bit lately on what to do with their mods or how to set up their mods to use. You did a wonderful job of setting up NMM and is easy to use and not lose all your mods trying to open it up to download. I use to lose up to 40 mods at a time for the last 5 years. But not it's not taking my mods away any more. Thank you so much for fixing it. As for the work you have been doing on Nexus; thank you for all you've been doing to make it better for everyone. Sincerely, Raum777
  7. You know something; this much fuss was never a problem for Skyrim. Why does FO4 have to have all this hiccups and B/S just to play the game with mods? What's with changing all these things before you can play the mods in your game? Is this Bethesda's way of making your life a living Hell for making mods to play with? If I knew it was going to be this much trouble; I would never have purchased the game. It's fun; but lacking the benefits of having the ability to download mods to make it better. I believe most of us are not this computer savvy; in order to play a game with mods added to it. I know I am NOT! Changing the ini may be easy for some; but not all. So when does a better version of Fallout 4 come out without all the hog-wash that goes with it? What else goes wrong if the int files are messed with? Plus this English guy they keep using to explain how to make all these changes goes to fast and speaks with a lisp that you can't understand what all he says. He does not tell you where to save to and uses the "save-as" and does not show you where to save so what the Heck? He's useless and they keep having him tell the tales of how easy it is and he is not a good teacher. Someone needs to replace him and give better details of how to explain what to do. Thank you for letting me get that off my chest. Sincerely, Ruam777
  8. I play mostly two games with Nexus mods. One is Skyrim Nexus. The other of course is Fallout 4. Why does one have to totally disable the other? I tried today to download a mod that was in Skyrim and it would not download. The box came up and told me I had to restart Nexus for Skyrim. Why can't we have two Nexus Mod Managers since we only have the two games that are dwelt with? Thank you for your help and consideration on this Topic. Sincerely, Raum777
  9. Hi Paul; Welcome aboard the Nexus. I'm not sure how I should address this problem so I will try to let you know what others are having a problem with as well as myself. So; I will just jump in and hope I don't drown. I brought this problem up with Robin Scott once; but he just told me to put it in the forum. I did and got one person to finally help me after two years of waiting. Now to the point. Paul; why is it that every time I sign out of Nexus Mod Manager and then later sign back in to down load a new mod all the mods already in NMM are pulled out of the Manager and dumped? I have to down load them all over again? I purchased all kinds of note books so I would know what mods were lost. I have been doing this at least four of five years now. Ever since Skyrim came out in !!/!!/!!. My friends helped me set up a game folder on my PC and it helped with some mods; but most of the mods made by Authors use the NMM even with the so called Manual download they are not loaded into the game folder properly with out being pulled out later from opening up NMM again. I may be redundant several times in this text, and I ask that you forgive me. Only with NMM will some mods activate in the game. If I'm speaking a different language here please let me know and I will reword this for you. Mr. Scott did not get what I was trying to tell him. Obviously he did not understand the problem. Every time my PC reboots I lose the NMM Icon from my desk-top. I have to try to bring it up again from Nexus, and when doing so I lose twenty or more mods. This has been going on ever since I joined Nexus. Why does this happen and why can't I load these mods into my Skyrim Game folder manually and they work like they should? I have followed all the steps and only some mods work. When they are loaded into my Game folder they just sit there and take up space. Others will work and are in the game. When I check to see if they are in my loot or Wrye folders they are either there or not there. It makes me crazy when I hear others having this same problem. You're a programmer; please help me and my friends on Nexus with this crazy problem. And as a follower of Nexus why do you not teach us how to set up for Nexus to begin with? Trying to teach some of us without proper guide lines is like having the dumb teach the dumb. Why does NMM have to dump any mods at all when closing or opening it up? Thank you; Paul and I look forward to your helping us. Sincerely, James Roby (raum777)
  10. In response to post #25915459. #25915859, #25923584, #25923614, #25938134, #25938849 are all replies on the same post. Geeze; I'm glad you said something. That is the worse eagle I have ever seen. Thanks for clearing that up. Nice one. LOL
  11. I have been using Nexus for some time now to spice up Skyrim. But I will not pay one cent more to keep these mods. They are good mods; but they are not great mods. I think it's wrong of you to charge for what should be fun; not another means of gaining profit. This just makes me sick! Go ahead and charge your little hearts out for the use of your time spent on these mods. Not as many players are going to pay to rent them as you may think so. I certainly will not be bullied into doing so. That's exactly what it is. Bulling the players to pay the authors and everyone else involved to get a piece of the pie to use a mod. You are just being greedy and I hope you get what you deserve from your actions. You can keep them. I will shut up now before Scott decides to kick me off of Nexus for good.
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