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Everything posted by HammaBannana
sounds good to me I just want to see one of my designs help your mod :] is there anything else I can come up with ? like specifically
some of the sketches I doodled up idk what exactly you wanted so I came up with like an old cultural helm new type of arrows + quiver and a owl..sorcerer coif idk also a complete stone sword with a lightning enchantment if you want me to expand any of them items or sets I will and render them if you want ? http://i46.tinypic.com/nvywl2.jpg
Ok I'm coming up with a few sketches of items and stuff I have sketches for a quiver, a legendary sword, a helm, arrows a Mage helm or mask and currently a set of armor called "Entwood Bark Armor" I promise I'll capture as much rugged and cultural nordic theme I can for every piece any specific items you'd like sketches of or renderings ? like give me detail on a few legendary or special items Oh and a set of ancient dova Dragon rider armor for the upcoming mechanics from the Dragon born DLC Btw that mage tier is crazy. awesome!
Ok I'm coming up with a few sketches of items and stuff I have sketches for a quiver, a legendary sword, a helm, arrows a Mage helm or mask and currently a set of armor called "Entwood Bark Armor" I promise I'll capture as much rugged and cultural nordic theme I can for every piece any specific items you'd like sketches of or renderings ? like give me detail on a few legendary or special items Btw that mage tier is crazy. awesome!
Ok Hi I'm back Sorry I kinda left off about the shields its my senior year and I just have a bunch of s*** to do. 1. I recently acquired a Cintiq 12wx so I'm ready for any concepts you wish for me to throw your way 2. your "attempt" of concept art is absolutely incredible mine wont come near that amazing but i might be able to handle 3. your city with the (New architectural models ) looks PERFECT. So How may I help? can I throw ideas your way?
So I installed this mod full of Gothic 2 Arcania weps but in the forge there's 2 of each item so I thought I could load it up in the CK and delete the duplicates but I remember trying this before with Bobs armory and i ended up deleting the weps I didn't want but there were still "slots" or "spaces" for the deleted weps in the forge for crafting. so my base question is: How do I delete in the Creation Kit the duplicated items that came with the mod for good, since right clicking and pressing [delete] doesn't do it ?
Sure wont take long, Salhrim ? im pretty sure that's somewhere in the pages of this topic but could you just pm or just give me a short summary ?
So I sketched these out real quick just to throw out some concepts you could possibly use. you can fill those paces with whatever knotting desgin you like. I came up with Spear - Ronaaz se fin Brom (arrow of the north) kinda a half spear and staff combination Axe - dont really have a name dagger - not much behind it but more like a ritual dagger from the companions ? idk http://i46.tinypic.com/28bslmf.jpg
BRILLIANT. theres not much I can say except maybe a G.O.T look or version. by which I mean have a normal cape but fur trimming at the bottom and a fur mantle like Neds cape that we've all seen http://www.furinsider.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Boromir-now-with-fur-lined-cloak.jpg
http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/119/3/5/norse_lord_by_joapala-d3f5hs9.jpg Possible Jarl desgin ? or high warlord, lord ? Btw this is perhaps a little late but If I came up with a few concept pieces would you mind looking at them and telling me what you would rather prefer ? idk like a possible ref page you could look at when your in Z brush i dont want to halt your creative flow in any way.
Ok You have done SUCH an amazing job like you need a reward when you finish. but as for the Mail sleeves it seems.. idk too tight upon the arms perhaps maybe a desgin in which studded leather or long half sleeve mail could do ? I know your incorporating historical looking features which I totally agree with but yeah. http://www.confrerie-des-traducteurs.fr/forum/upload/1282163547_WarriorPriest02_02.jpg Or
http://i45.tinypic.com/21b80pk.png Origins - The "White Lion" is an Elven hunter of Chrace in Warhammer fiction. These are elven huntsmen and huntresses that kill and raise white war lions as companions and weapons for the eve of battle. wielding cunning wit and melee raised skill these elven warriors will not be seen behind the fortitude of a party keeping range with bow and arrow but instead destroying enemies in the vanguard of battle. Lore - I'm not entirely sure how I would yet fit this into Skyrim Lore :\ Why ? - I simply love the concept so I thought why not bring it to Skyrim so I whipped up a quick mock up and concept chart all done in Photoshop, the reason why I placed it in request is because I have no modding knowledge what so ever and I'm trying to learn, but I placed this here to see if anyone wouldn't mind taking up the task of creating this armor set ? The Armor http://i50.tinypic.com/2vl5nrq.jpg Orientation of the lion pauldron http://images.mmosite.com/warhammer/images/races/aow_whitelion_5.jpg The Components on how I thought it could work master robes chain mail re texture steel plate breastplate under the robed sides white snow saber cat pauldron (resourced from a helmet off nexus?) white bear pelt claws one short one long (resourced from WIC cloaks?) and part of steel plate armor steel plate boots steel plate gauntlets (removed hands, made into bracers) So what do you guys think ? I wasn't able to find a way to portray the helm but I thought maybe the "Ancient Nord" helm could work ? perhaps stretch the upper part of it and remove the horns/antlers ? idk how it works :T I would gladly make this myself but I have no idea how to use Blender, Zbrush or 3Dmax. If any of you do decide to take up the task of this set I would be more than honored to help in any way possible, and when it comes to credit Idc just as long as my names in small font somewhere
This. This is how its done. GREAT JOB! I can not wait for this release I'm so excited! I mean damn this is awesome
Alright then thanks for positing the way for me totally appreciate it :]
yeah I found it right in there but thx anyway xP
So I'm Extremely new to modding for skyrim, all I really know how to do at this point is re-texture. But I want to make a custom set series of armors using Vanilla Skyrim objects by just putting them together along with a few re-textures kind of like how Swamrim did his mod War Quiver but with armor. It may not be as simple as I explain it but I'm willing to take the time to learn how My goal is to basically take Madcat221's Robed Steel plate [with permission of course] and add things like fur, a battle horn, pouches, potions, tankard vanilla objects etc.. along with a chain mail retex on certain parts of the robe and continue the same with other clothes and armors creating a light but skyrim placed LOTR feel. But do I need like a certain program to do this all in? or can I do it in the creation kit? where do I start. and thanks for your time guys
I unpacked "Skyrim mesh.bas" but I cant find the mesh the guard shields use. I'm trying to use Armed to the teeth on TrebTrebs Custom sigil mod and Im stuck in the creation kit cause I cant find the mesh TrebTreb used. anyone know ?
Pretty explanatory, just suggesting it.. More stave's are needed ingame Lotr staves, dragon age blade staff, theres a bunch that come to mind
He's not, He's the beast who kills Odin during Ragnarok I just thought Fenrir would make a nice addition for the casual exploring Skyrim vibe adds more of a variety and its pretty cool, a Skyrim version of Fenrir would be nice could be called "Prodah Oblaan" (In dragon means Foretold End) just adds a cool mob and battle and unique enemy too the game
Fenrir http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1c06aGOqn1rs8eufo1_500.jpg Nordic mythology: "the monster of the river Ván")[4] is a monstrous wolf. Fenrir is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda and Heimskringla, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson. In both the Poetic Edda and Prose Edda, Fenrir is the father of the wolves Sköll and Hati Hróðvitnisson, is a son of Loki, and is foretold to kill the god Odin during the events of Ragnarök, but will in turn be killed by Odin's son Víðarr. Mini huge wolf boss, roaming a part of Skyrim kinda like a dragon in a way. I have nothing else to say. Be creative and have fun
Yes please It would add too the epic nordic feel
Character Display Inventory A while back I saw a request for a mod that wished to display multiple items on a character, I was highly interested with this mod because I believed this added a rather authentic or "packed for the ready" look, which unlike the "Skyrim bag (realistic weight carrying)" mod adds more of a adventures look. Here's A picture of a Skyrim concept piece that somewhat carries my thought across. http://i39.tinypic.com/2uqdwua.jpg All Ideas are open which is why I guess I suggested it instead of a request . The mod would possibly come into the idea of displaying -Shields -3rd placed 1h weps -more bags ? -potions -quiver with arrows -back sheathed staves - back sheathed 2h weps all of this with convenient and sensible look like belt buckles harnesses etc.. thank you for taking your time to read all of this and possibly accepting the act of doing this
I Agree on all of the following OGRES, GOBLINS, GOLEMS, PIGS/HOGS/BOARS, ETTINS, GOATMEN, WARGS, Increase the wildlife and ad much more variety to the Game, thus making adventures 10x times fun
YUP Awesome It worked thank you, I see the "Update.esm" file in there now hopefully the "Cloaks of Skyrim" and the "LOTR sword collection" mods work
o_O I SWEAR! I didn't pirate it!! I bought the game for my 360 and my comp wtf is up with the assumptions -_-