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About shudakiLP

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  1. well to be specfic what i plan to do is see i am a lets player who is making a fallout 3 lets play and my viewers voted to destroy megaton and i was sad about that so i am going to spawn the npc's of megaton in ten penytower then tell them to live there
  2. dose any one know a good mod to make an npc follow you (like with the follow script package) then stay where you leave them (like with the wait script package) so you can take npc's from other areas like say i want to take harkness form rivet city and bring him to tenpenny tower a similar mod that you can use for reference is http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/3980 (and no i cant use this one because it is unstable and makes the game crash when you go inside but if you want to fix this mod i would thank you very much also) ***********= for moders=************ if you are a moder who could make this mod for me i would be more then happy to make you a video advertising your other mods and post it on my popular lets play channel so your mods get some spotlight i don't care how the mod is done console commands, a hat or something you where that adds speech options, any thing as long as i can make an npc follow me then STAY where i leave them until i tell them to go home and you have to be able to have many npc's waiting around at once a similar mod that you can use for reference is http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/3980
  3. The mod in need of bug fixing is the Doctor Enezars Amazing Mind Control Device mod which is a truly amazing mod that allows to you relocate, change the personality of, and open the inventory of any (and i mean ANY ) npc in the game it is truly great the only problem is it has some stability issues because once you pick up the helmet that lets you control people if you enter or leave a building the game will crash and this is the issue that needs to be fixed the moder has not been on this sight for more then 2 years so the mod is basically dead and i would hate to see a mod with such potential fall to the way side and in his description he says that others may use his code as long as they credit him so there is no problem there this mod would be invaluable to me and if you get this mod to work with out crashing and if you can fix this mod (specifically on a windows 7 pc) i run a moderately successful lets play channel whit a steady growing audience on you tube and i would be more then happy to make you your own video plunging both you and any other mods you have made the mod can be found here http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/3980 -shudaki
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