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Everything posted by kitsuneshoujo

  1. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/1...-1211129378.jpg - the staff, does it come with the butterflies? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/1...-1211129281.jpg - the flower and buttefly accessories.
  2. Your link is broken, can you provide a new picture? I will do my best to help :) Its the link you listed in your query. but apparently its the in the Gizmodian omod over on eyecandy. ^.^ Thanks anyway.
  3. And then the girl gets offended because you didnt look... we're strange like that. hehe Yeah, but then again, they show it off so you look. I looked when my fiance did it. :'( She had to break up with me =( What the hell? What type of girl shows herself off and then breaks up with you? Or was this for completely different reasons? >.>
  4. And then the girl gets offended because you didnt look... we're strange like that. hehe
  5. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/...-1213572162.jpg I want the outfit Chloe has one please!
  6. Good job! Put them in their places. lol I agree though that an mmo would kill the sandbox/dressup-ability of the game... but if they could include some sort of lan-type thingy like Diablo games had, or the persistent world ability of NWN series that would be really neat I think. But no on the mmo part.
  7. Oh! I would absolutely *love* a Japanese style house set out on a tranquil lake, surrounded my sakura trees in bloom. I would want it completely decorated in Japanese style with a tea ceremony set in an appropriate room. Those wood screens that divide rooms up for privacy. I would want a huge garden I could actually grow stuff in. A kotatsu (the table with the heater underneath it) to keep warm, as well as a fireplace somwehre. Kitchen and bathroom of course - I find it silly online games with housing dont include bathrooms lol. And somewhere on the island... I would like a hotsprings. There could also be a Buddhist shrine with the shinto arches out front. And a miko tending it. :3 She could train in restoration or mysticism. And sell archery equipment. :D A koi fish pond would also be neat, but not totally necessary, maybe have the koi out in the lake. Put a fishing boat on the shore with a rack of smoked fish somewhere. Thats my dream Oblivion house. ^.^ Shadowace is a person after my own heart! I love foxes too, I have ever since I was little... my forum name is even Fox Girl (in Japanese). :D So I would like to see foxes around my house too, especially near the shrine. A fox pet would indeed be cool.
  8. To the OP: What you seem to be misunderstanding with Oblivion is that its not really a hack and slash game. Sure it has that facet to it. It has all the wonderful RPG elements you know and love. But its not Baldurs Gate or any of the DnD games for comps... So what is it? Well to answer that we have to examine a few things. 1. Who plays it? The common knowledge says that mainly guys play video games with girls being the oddball when they do play. Or they get the tired and annoying maxim that they are really GIRLs (guys in real life), unless the prove it with youtube or pictures or something. And there by opening up the giant Pandora's Box of Worms (hmm theres a mod idea xD ) and have to endure the endless stream of pathetic pickup lines and whatever other indignities the basement mouthbreathers can come up with... this of course does not mean that all guys are like that. Anyway, I got side-tracked... sorry. So, we have the target audience of the game. 2. Its unfortunately single player (game would be awesome if it was multiplayer). So that means that the guys dont have to worry about loosing their "man-cards" if their sexually insecure friends see them playing a girl. Side-topic: whoever thought up the expression man-card should be shot. >.< 3. Oblivion is pretty much the giant sandbox that modders love. Just about everything can be altered or rescripted. I wouldnt be surprised if you could remake the entire game. Also the fact that theres no multiplayer means that you dont have to worry about whiney brats screaming about class imbalance and complaining about cheaters. 4. With a little work, the character models for the characters can be down right sexy... yeah yeah I know, they are just pixels... hate to break it to you, but that picture of your favourite model? That's pixels too. Dont believe me? Zoom in really far. Alright now that we have examined the points, lets add them together. Mostly Male-based population of gamers + single-player only + heavily mod-able + potentially sexy PC's = a very high-tech version of playing with dolls. *hides*
  9. Im wondering, is there a way to edit save games? Say I used a mod that leveled me up (which I did), but then I guess luck jumped up my stats and skills too high... so is there away to edit the info? >.> Im using Lem's no player leveling... Its pretty neat, but kinda clunky.
  10. Im just curious to know what the "strangers" are, and why Ren wont release it anymore. :| If someone would like to send me the ear's mod I promise not to upload it anywhere. ^.^
  11. Ive got three requests! The Chocolate Elves mod. The main screenie has an ear mod, earrings, and a dress I would really like to have. Here is the dress: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/1...-1215350744.jpg Ears and earrings: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/1...-1215832789.jpg The ears are Lineage2-like, but I dont see them in the Lineage 2 Elf mod. No idea where to get the dress or the jewelry though. The armour I know is the Draconic set... Ive contacted the author s/he is not able to get to their computer as they are away til September... so... anyone else know?
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