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Everything posted by Ziegslavric

  1. Ill do that now and change the photo with the changes so I am not making a ton of posts with updates.
  2. The multiplayer mod does not support armor and such yet. If you have a nude mod that would explain why everyone is running around naked.
  3. So I saw a post on the mod request for a Succubus, so I started one. The basic race stuff can be done with the editor but some parts would need to be modeled, such as the tail and wings, maybe even the horns. I finished the tail and want some opinions on how it looks and if I did it right. Constructive feedback is appreciated. I am new to modeling but have made other things before so. Someone wanted to see the reference picture I was basing my design of the succubus after. Ill post it but not sure if it's too graphic for the forum. If it is let me know and I will take it down. Some images NSFW Models
  4. I would stop trying... last time someone tried making Morrowind in Oblivion, Bethesda shut them down. Just a friendly warning that legal fights could ensue. Don't get me wrong but I love the idea.
  5. That is a load off my shoulders then. Right now I have them 4 sided because as you said they are easier to work with. I will update with some screens of stuff I have finished, still need to find someone willing to texture them and make ready for the game. I love playing as an assassin but it felt no different then a character who is sneaking so I came up with these mods to bring out some immersive ninja play. Another problem is figuring out exactly how big to make them so they look right in the players hand, don't want to make it so small it looks like a pocket knife or so large it dwarfs the characters hands.
  6. I am a amateur 3d modeler, but I have done some work for others in other games. My specialty is weapons, I cant texture but I can do the models. I was wondering if Skyrim weapons have to be polygons or that other one, 3 sided vertices or 4 sided. I have a few weapons I made for a Ninja inspired pack and needed to know so they can be handed over to a person who can texture and import into the game for me. Of course the info is helpful and the person who helps would receive full credit for there assistance when I release it. Depending on which type I have to make them I might have to redo them. Also if anyone has some ideas for ninja weapons I can make that would be awesome. I have kunai daggers and kamas done so far. They are not fancy or anything but I am sure with textures they will be awesome. I will update this post when I have stuff to show off as I finish them.
  7. I think bumping threads is against the rules here.
  8. You can make a crossbow pistol and use the staff attack animation for it, instead of shooting a spell it fires an arrow. Would be sweet to DW one handed xbows and pepper a target with bolts. Wish you can craft arrows at a forge though.
  9. Well based on lore the first Succubus was Lilith who was the woman god created before eve, she refused to be dominated by Adam so she left the garden and refused to go back so god cursed her. He then created another woman from Adams rib so she would be more submissive.
  10. I like this idea. For wings they would have to be made small since it would justify why he/she can't fly. I was wondering if you could make the hands Argonian, it would have claws and would give it the scales. They would have to be textured as skin though. I could possible look up some lore on succubus to see what they would be like. Seems since they consumed the souls of there victim, maybe make a power to drain health and maybe magicka/stamina and give it to the succubus.
  11. I have tons of weapons I created in 3ds max but have no idea how to get them in the game. Can someone point me to a place I can learn how to import into the game?
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