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About Scarecrow23

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  1. Something that has always kind of irritated me about Skyrim is the lack of variety in good un-leveler mods. They're also all usually plagued with incompatibility to new-content mods and require lots of painful manual edits. Lastly, most of them are basically the same, they just set levels based on zone. I liked how Requiem does it where enemies are level 'by type'; so you'll never see a dragon less than 50, or a bandit over 20, or a drauger less than 15 etc (pulled numbers out of my ass). So my question authors, how difficult would it be to create a plugin that you can basically easily define and change the different level'd settings for NPCs via the INI? My thought would be able to modify them by race and encounter zone, probably allow faction and region restrictions as well. And then obviously have specific NPC overrides. Guess I ask because I'm not sure what exactly SUM/ASIS is capable of and how extensible it is.
  2. Any rough estimates on progress? Like everyone else, I find Requiems perks boring after coming from (trying) SkyRe, but everything else about Requiem I find superior. The best of both worlds would be wonderful!
  3. Is there a Papyrus command to do this (SKSE or otherwise)? I know you could in Oblivion. Otherwise what would be the best way to get specific Actors, without actually knowing ahead of time (Followers)? Basically want to do something when you look at someone and press a button, but the someone isn't necessarily known at compile time. Edit: SKSE - Event OnCrosshairRefChange(ObjectReference ref)
  4. This is all pseudo code but... based on what I am guessing your mod is doing, something along the lines of this. ; On game update, find out if we are close enough to our eligible items ObjectReference itemRef = Game.FindClosestReferenceOfAnyTypeInList(itemList, PlayerRef.X, PlayerRef.Y, PlayerRef.Z, DISTANCE_VALUE) If itemRef != null ;can't remember papyrus null checking, but basically make sure FindClosestReference... found something ; Store the last 'eligible item' reference so we aren't constantly running the script and updating around the same object If itemRef != LastItemRef ; itemRef is different from the last one, so update it LastItemRef = itemRef ; We are close enough to our eligible item, determine if we are already near the marker so we don't need to update it's position constantly. ; Double our initial distance value to search, since we are already anchored by itemRef, player could be edge of radius around itemRef and MARKER_A could be opposite of itemRef at DISTANCE_VALUE ; So double our search radius to give some wiggle room. float markerDistance = PlayerRef.GetDistance(MarkerRef) ; Again, verify marker is within 2x the DISTANCE_VALUE from player. ; Additionally might need to first check that the player and the marker ref are in the same cell, not 100% what GetDistance() does if the refs are in different cells If markerDistance > DISTANCE_VALUE * 2 ; Update MarkerRefs position and heading to the players current location MarkerRef.MoveTo(PlayerRef) EndIf EndIf EndIf I'm including what, presumably, I think you are doing to get when the player is close enough to a fire or bed, because we need to use whatever fire or bed the player is closest to as an anchor point for our marker distance checks. So the first (or two) checks possibly not necessary, modify it as necessary (and to compile :) )
  5. Please use the shift key if you're gonna write a dissertation every post.
  6. Can we get a method to save our settings across files (IE to our account)? I can't imagine peoples opinion on their distribution permissions changing for every mod they upload and :effort:. Would really help for older mods because I know I'm not the only one who isn't going to bother going through all my old mods adding the same stuff.
  7. Annoying Ad #3 (Actually it's great, get a free iPhone!): http://data.liquidmedianetworks.com/applications/output/devlp.php?v=11&data=aHR0cDovL2Fkc2VydmUuYnJhbmRnaXZld2F5Y2VudHJlLmNvbS9EZWZhdWx0UGFnZS5hc3B4P2M9MjEzMyZzPUxHMjAxQEBGcmVlIEFwcGxlIGlQaG9uZUBAQDE=
  8. Remember? I just heard it again for like the 30th time :wallbash:. And apparently the US gets the shaft with Ads or something if you don't see very many :blink: Annoying Ad #1: http://data.liquidmedianetworks.com/applications/output/devlp.php?v=11&data=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5oeXBlcnRyYWNrZXIuY29tL2dvL3JlZGxpbmVpbnNpZGVyL1ZDd2FsbWFydC9AQEZyZWUgJDEwMDAgV2FsbWFydCBHaWZ0IENhcmQhQEBAMQ== Annoying Ad #2: http://data.liquidmedianetworks.com/applications/output/devlp.php?v=11&data=aHR0cDovL29ubGluZXJld2FyZGNlbnRlci5jb20vcmRfcD9wPTE4NjgyNiZ0PTk1NDImYz0mYT0xMDY1QEAyIEZyZWUgaVBvZCBOYW5vcyFAQDEwNjVAMQ==
  9. I'm not talking about malicious ads. Er... all right, sure. I'd rather not recommend them though, since those effectively destroy profits the site could otherwise be gaining towards maintaining the site. The poll here is pretty much a dud; it's presence isn't going to accomplish anything. Instead, consider using this thread as a spot for you to point out the specific ads you are referring to, either through screenshots, gathering the url, or both. That way Dark0ne can be aware of the ad and better consider a potential replacement in the future. I'm not sure what you're saying with your first statement, I guess you misunderstood me since you're saying the exact same thing. As to the poll its to see if I am wasting my time or not and... get ready for it... gauge peoples opinions. I'm not trying to start a petition or anything. If Dark0ne say's he'll use the topic as a some sort of annoying ad report then I'd be happy to report them, and hopefully others would as well. If not, then again I am wasting my and everyone else's time.
  10. To bite the first responses in the butt, no do NOT use AdBlock or any of that garbage. It causes more problems then it's worth and this isn't the topic to discuss it; like Google has said, annoying/obtrusive ads are the problem, not online ads. Plus it defeats the purpose for this site. Anyway, recently the Ads on this site have been getting worse and worse to the point that I think 2/3s of the pages I visit have annoying as hell, loud ass talking ads. I know quite a few sites I visit have rules for that and they tell their users to report any so they can tell their content publishers or whatever to get rid of them. Now I'm not sure what the costs for the site are or any of that logistical stuff and it may be tight around here and if thats the case then I guess we'll have to just suck it up; but if at all possible please look into making it a policy to getting rid of the crap like we have now. Nothing makes me want to click an ad less then this crap.
  11. I would at the least give us the option to have all the bars on the right moved over to the left, since you clearly dont want to do it for the default site.
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