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About Struckur

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  1. Ended up with: WorkshopScript[] Function GetLinkedWorkshops() Location[] linkedLocations = workshopRef.myLocation.GetAllLinkedLocations(WorkshopCaravanKeyword) WorkshopScript[] linkedWorkshops = new WorkshopScript[linkedLocations.Length]; int index = 0 while (index < linkedLocations.Length) linkedWorkshops[index] = WorkshopParent.GetWorkshopFromLocation(linkedLocations[index]) index += 1 endwhile return linkedWorkshops EndFunction Works perfectly
  2. Is there a keyword that links workshops when they have a supply line connecting them? Or any other way to get a list of all workshops in a supply line network? I'm working on a cost enforcement system for my Clipboard mod, I have the list of components and am trying to implement a method for checking the player and the appropriate workshops for the required components. But I don't see how I can get a list of all workshops that are connected. I can of course, get the local workshop reference so I have a starting point. Thanks, Struckur
  3. Never mind, found a workaround using a ActiveMagicEffect script.
  4. Greetings As part of my Clipboard mod I'm using RegisterForHitEvent with a RefCollectionAlias of all workshop objects so I can detect what objects people shoot. But I've noticed that NPCs (Settler, Turrets, Animals, etc...) I include in the RefCollectionAlias do not fire OnHit event when they are shot. Is there a workaround to get OnHit events from them? I've confirmed multiple times that they are in the RefCollectionAlias and they are picked up properly with all my other selection methods, so the issue seems purely around receiving OnHit events. An alternate solution I've explored is using: RegisterForAnimationEvent(PLAYER_REF, "weaponFire") and F4SE to get the crosshair target reference but I haven't been able to find the native address of a ViewCasterUpdateEvent dispatcher. Any ideas? Thanks!
  5. I have a fix that is working for the couple ESL files I've been able to find, and for the on you linked (thanks). It is up in Clipboard's File section as 'Clipboard ESL Fix 2.6.2'. If you could let me know if it works for the creation kit plugins that would great! ESL form ID's are being built as: fullFormId = 0xFE000000 | (pluginIndex << 12) | (lowerFormId & 0xFFF); This should work with any 2.3.0 patterns containing esl records since the plugin index bits are being removed from the lower form id before it is used. Thanks again
  6. One workaround I've found is to destroy the two connected objects and recreate them, then recreate the wire between the new instances of those objects, but this is less the ideal since it means resetting any script attached to those objects and clearing any settler assignments on those objects.
  7. Greetings In adding scale/move/rotate functions to my clipboard mod I'm running into issue handling wires attached to objects being moved. Particularly when I programmatically scale objects it seems to break the wires attached to those objects. Whatever I do the wire won't change to reflect the position of its anchor points, even if the player goes into workshop mode after and manually moves the objects, the wire's appearance doesn't update anyone. I've tried using OnWorkshopObjectGrabbed, OnWorkshopObjectPlaced, and OnWorkshopObjectMoved events to no effect. I've tried Disabling/Enabling the wire object, and the objects the wire is attached to. I've tried Disabling/Deleting the wire and recreating it but the original wire doesn't register as being gone and blocks the new wire being created. Anyone got any ideas? Thanks
  8. Greetings, In my Clipboard mod I'm working on a feature that lets the player move (And much more) selected objects but the SetPosition method doesn't work on objects in the workshop that the player didn't put down but other functions such as SetScale do. Is there something I can do to get them to register the SetPosition function properly? An alternative solution I'm working on is to delete objects that don't react properly then placing down a new copy, anyone have a better solution? Thanks
  9. Greetings, I am trying to display the name of a MiscItem in a message box using ReferenceAlias and Text Replacements tags but am getting nothing but "[...]", can anyway tell me what I might be missing? The tag I'm using is: <Alias=Slot1State> The Message object has its quest owner set to: ClipboardQuest ClipboardQuest has a Quest Alias Named: Slot1State Slot1State has "Stores Text" checked The script file for the quest has a property also named "Slot1State" the script property is set to reference the Quest Alias In the script files, before calling the message the property is being set using the line: Slot1State.ForceRefTo(filledStateLabelRef) filledStateLabelRef points to an instance of a custom MiscItem with a name value of "Filled" My understanding is that this should replace the tag in the message box with the text "Filled", what am I missing? Thanks!
  10. That would be enough to enable copying between characters on the same machine, and that would be a big win. It probably wouldn't be practical to use that for sharing between people tho. Not sure I'd want to encourage people going in there and manually clipping out portions of text from a game ini file on a regular basis. :-/
  11. Greetings I'm trying to import/export data in my Clipboard mod, so settlement objects can be copied between characters and players. To do so I need read/write access to files, does anyone know of an existing way to do this? I can't find any existing F4SE functions that enable it but I haven't been able to find a full API so I can't be sure. It appears I could write a dll to enable what I need but I don't know C++ so that would be a path of last resort. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
  12. Greetings, So I have a list of ObjectReferences and need to hightlight the objects from the script file, but I can't find anything in the related script files that hit at how to do so, any hints? This is for my Clipboard addon, to highlight all objects in the selection area . https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31090 Thanks!
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