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About Arlith83

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    Skyrim, Fallout 3, Borderlands 2, Deux Ex 2
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  1. Shadow Star is gonna be "YUUUUUGE!!!"... sorry, I had to. Okay joking aside, what these guys are doing is incredibly cool! I hope they get faster so I don't have to wait until 2030 to play their games! Either way, keep up the good work and best wishes for y'all. *confetti*
  2. Since I don't use SkyeRe I can only hope my two cents can help here, but I have about 250+ mods all working perfectly (except for one annoying warpaint mod lol) so i do know a thing or two about MO. On the left side of MO, right click on SkyeRe, select "information", and look to see what is overwriting it's files under the "conflicts" tab. Once you find the file overwriting SkyeRe place that mod after SkyeRe on both the left side and right side where the plugins are in MO. Some info on MO that may be helpful in the future if you don't already know this: -if a mod has a lightning symbol with a green + symbol, then it means it is overwriting files -if a mod has a lightning symbol with a red - symbol, then it means some of its files are being overwritten -if a mod has a gray lightning symbol then it means all if it's files are being completely overwritten
  3. You have to run skyrim from Mod Organizer or you will load with no mods. So load MO, in the top right there is a drop down list. Click it, make sure there is an "SKSE", (if there isn't then you have to add it.) Select SKSE then hit "run". That is the way to run skyrim with MO. If SKSE isn't on the drop-down list: hit drop down list, select "edit", type SKSE in the title, in the binary copy paste the filename path for skse_loader.exe Make sure you click on the "add" button or it won't save. Enjoy.
  4. +1 Have been getting this issue on NMM since Saturday as well. Hope it gets fixed soon... *edit: that's with almost every single mod I try to download, NMM only. (Manual instals working fine but sometimes with manual installs it doesn;t show the appropriate name. So you might get a file that only looks like "Skyrim Flora Overhal" 6 times in a row and you won't be able to tell which file it is; ie main file, etc)
  5. Will there be a UNP compatibility? Love you guys for doing this, woooo!
  6. This is the mod I am using: RealVision ENB (it's on Nexus!) the author for that mod does an amazing job at telling you what to install first and instructions on how to install the ENB mod. It gives Skyrim, for me at least, a beautiful re-do without changing the Skryim feel. Aside from that, you could just Realistic Lighting Overhaul (love this mod) if you don't want any changes at all to the water/trees/resolution.
  7. Would be so nice to find a way to mod those potato children! haha. @zeemo71; there is actually a khajiit girl you can adopt from a mod as well, but I am looking for a way to mod the current in-game children so they don't look like clones/boys with wigs. :D @mellophonist: Thank you for the bump! I wish I had joined the forums when it was more active :( as I think that's part of the reason no one has stepped up to the question. Maybe one day I will figure it out.
  8. Haha, fun idea! You know what would be cool is if you could follow different parts of the story depending on which "King" you choose to side with :biggrin:
  9. Sadness, no one knows a thing about this? :( Boo :(
  10. Well... if you're playing a male you can get one called Better Males and after you DL it you can select the underwear option. I didn't for mine the first time I installed it, then I killed a dude and looted his corpse... AWKWARD. lol. One thing though... don't install the hair replacer unless you like guys walking around with long flowing tresses. It's a total preference thing, so if you are into that look, then install the optional hair mod it comes with of course! I am not sure one exists for females that has underwear always on when they're looted! I could be wrong, but I haven't found one. However, there is a mod called Mature Skin and it's probably the best skin texture mod I have ever seen. So, if you can get over the nudity for the female, I highly recommend it. Here are the mods I suggested. Better Males: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2488 Mature Skin: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/32986
  11. Goodness YES! This is a brilliant idea. I'd be happy to lend my voice and I know my boyfriend would too. I looked over and read some of the books listed on the page of the first link, but is there a list or something of books that have already been voiced? Many thanks in advance, and looking forward to your mod. <3
  12. Obviously didn't know the author set it to hidden. Figured it was a problem on my end. No need to jump to conclusions.
  13. I remember seeing this mod not too long ago on the Nexxus: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20627 It's the best Khajiit mod I have seen to date. I think the Khajiit race was poorly done in Vanilla Skyrim, they just put a cat's head on a human body, covered it with fur, and then called it a day, lol. Anyway, Has this mod been removed? Can anyone else view the link? Also, if it has been removed does anyone mind sharing it with me? Thanks everyone! :D
  14. So I don't know about everyone else, but I find those children in Skyrim to be so incredibly ugly. Who knows, maybe it's because they have the exact same face and to see it over and over again makes them uglier than they really are, who knows! I have been playing around modding existing NPCs (I wanted more barbarian looking Ralof, Hadvar, etc.) and so far it has worked out well for me, with the occasional dark face bug (>.<). Unfortunately, you can't edit the kids in Skyrim. So they are all stuck with brown hair/ brown eyes/tan skin. I can edit all the adults in Skyrim to my heart's content, but I can't make different looking kids. I know about the children mod someone else made but I found them to be too "final fantasy-ish" for me. I was hoping to create more races like little Khajiits, Argonians, Dunmers, and other elf kids as well as make the existing ones more varied in appearance. I might have overlooked something (I'm very new to modding, so this might be the case) in my online searches, but I can't find any help regarding how to mod these little humans! So if anyone can help me with this, I would greatly appreciate it. Like I said earlier, I tried searching for answers online but all I found were killable children mods (disturbing, lol) and the final-fantasy looking children mod (the modder is a genius, but I found it too glamorous for Nord country :P ) I try and seek answers on google first before bugging any of you with my questions. :) Thanks everyone! Arlith
  15. Hey everyone, thank you so much for your suggestions! You guys were absolutely right, I disabled my SkyHair (Apachii Hair) and it stopped crashing at the CC. The only thing I didn't do was to clean to mods as I have no idea how to! I'll search the forums and see if I can find a noob-friendly tutorial on cleaning dirty mods. Again, thank you SO much everyone!
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