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Posts posted by Crosstieger

  1. Personal opinion!


    I think that's a bit too extreme. Maybe a redesign of the pipe weapons will be enough. Yes, I think you are right that someone with absolutely no skills in weapon smithing should not really be able to create an automatic pipe-pistol. However: how difficult can it be to put a new barrel or grip to an existing pistol?!


    The way I would redesign the pipe-guns, is that the people find some pre-war guns (m1911, m9 etc.) but only the trigger mechanism is fine. The barrel and maybe the stock are broken. So they are going to replace the barrel and or the grip to get a "good" weapon.


    You'll end up with a “pipe”-gun with a pre-war firing mechanism.

  2. Hey guys,


    It would be awesome if you could fold up the front part of the power armor helmet. I think it's very wired if you have a conversation with a friendly NPC but you're always wearing your helmet. If you could fold it up, those conversation would be less wired, because you and the NPC could actualy see your face.


    Like this:



    Now, I have some questions about this:


    Is it possible to add an animation to a weapon or armor?

    I don’t want to just switch to an open face helmet. I rather like a little (quick) animation that does the job. It's more immersive ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


    If it's possible to add an animation, you would still need to switch the equipped item to get rid of the "robotic" voice?!


    If you equip a full cover helmet, your head seems to disappear. That would mean you have to adjust the size of the helmet in order to see your face when folding up the visor?!



    + No "robotic" voice

    + Your face is visible

    - More radiation damage (Because you are not breathing through the power armor rebreather)

    - Less armor? (Because your face is not protected)

  3. Hey guys,


    how about an amor / suit "inspired" by the ASUS ROG SWIFT advertising campaign?


    Take a look:




    (The guy on the right, left one looks awesome too :D)


    I dont know, if there is a official name for the (artwork?) that ASUS created.









  4. Well, the Fallout 4 "Artillery" is more like a "big" mortar... I made a quick map with the locations I think are the best spots to place artillery to cover up most parts of the map. And yes it’s quite a lot.




    Optional, you can place one at Covenant and Croup Manor.


    In my opinion the range it somewhat ok, however the time it takes to fire one round should be reduced. I sometimes wait 30sec for the callout on the radio. If you really want to increase the range, maybe someone could add an upgraded version, which requires two or three people to operate and has double? the range.

  5. Okay, funny. Just as I wanted to make you some screenshots with the NVIDIA installed, the effect was gone. So it basically went like this:


    NVIDIA card: foggy dream effect

    purged NVIDIA drivers and settings, removed NVIDIA card

    AMD card: normal, expected ENB behavior

    purged AMD drivers and settings, replaced NVIDIA card

    NVIDIA card: normal, expected ENB behavior


    LoL, haha :laugh: fastest troubleshoot ever! :laugh:


    glad to hear it works, enb 113 and 119 work perfectly with it :D

    The latest enb 214 murders fps with Realike enb because it's not optimised with it.



    I installed the latest version (214) and i got like 40 - 60 FPS with Reallike ENB and i have to say it looks fantastic! Thanks buddy you really helpt me! :laugh:

  7. hm.


    totally delete all enb files from your skyrim directory, then go to Steam and verify integrity of game cache, you might have accidently deleted a file or something.


    Try enb binary 119 http://www.enbdev.com/mod_tesskyrim_v0119.htm or 113 http://www.enbdev.com/mod_tesskyrim_v0113.htm

    Give this enb a go: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22056/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D22056&pUp=1 It uses 113 or 119 and looks really nice :smile:


    Don't forget to delete renderinfo.txt each time you swap enbs.


    I deleted all enb files + the shader folder. After Steam checked my files it says that 5 files need to be redownloaded. After that i tested my Skyrim if everything works and yes i got no problem. Exept fot my follower. He was completle invisible but not his head :laugh: . But after a restart of the game it was fixed.


    I installed the enb 119 with the RealLike ENB and it WORKS!! :laugh:


    But i got a frame drop from over 40 :pinch: . I will try the latest version of ENB (0.214) maybe it will work. Otherwise i have to stay with the 119 or 113.



    Oops. I have the same problem (ENB vision looking like my char smoked bad pot). A few hours ago, a friend brought his AMD card, because he wanted to know, if his board is dead or his card. The card is fine, I tested it with Skyrim, then I tested ENB and there was no nasty foggy blur. Check your driver settings again for conflicting stuff, especially AF/AA settings.


    Can you post a screenshot? I think i have the same issiu on my notebook but there it was created by a mod and i was able to fix it.

  8. is it like that everywhere? What about at night?


    Might be an idea to start a new save and see what happens, CoT might have left some kind of weather scripting behind in your current save.


    Delete the renderinfo.txt from your \document\my games\ skyrim folder AND delete the enb files and reinstal them :smile:


    I tryed it but still the same. The night seems very bright and blue. Its like there is no light in the sky...


    Screenshot afternoon



    Screenshot night


  9. Do you use windowed mode? If so, can you try fullscreen and report back?


    Nope, i play on fullscreen.


    looks pretty normal to me.

    enb's tend to exaggerate certain effects to get a desired effect. Some of them use fog to portray better lighting, distance etc


    I dont think its normal because even if i install an enb like sharpshooter or unreal cinema the effect is still the same - nothing change.

  10. Heyho,


    first of all - i'm german so dont mess with me if my english is not perfect - thanks :blush:



    I tryed to update the enb for skyrim on my system but now it seems that the whole world is foggy if the enb-mod is enabled. I tryed it with the default .dll's. I also tryed it with the unreal cinema enb but nothing changed. I installed the enb like in the description and also edided the SkyrimPrefs.ini.




    Sky lighting to work correctly require rendering objects to shadow, so edit manually following lines in file SkyrimPrefs.ini:


    Here a screenshot...


    I hope you understand my problem



    I tested it with the wrapper and injector version of the enb-mod but nothing changed. With the old version of enb i dont had that problem but i had to update it because skyrim often crashed if the enb was enabled. At the moment i only have mods installed that change armor, textures of weapons or gameplay effects but nothing that change light or weather. A few times ago i tryed COT but i didn't get it to work :laugh: . I also tryed some few fixes for enb like the Skyrim particle patch or other dll's but with the same result.


    Please tell it to me if you want a complete mod list of my Skyrim.



    My system - just for the info


    CPU: Intel core i7-2600 @ 3,4 GHz


    OS: Win 7 Prof. 64x



    Thanks for any help

  11. Try to find out the id of the amulets. Try the consol command
    help [name of the armulet]

    It may show you the id of the armulet. Now type in

    player.additem [id of the armulet]

    If the quest ist still bugged after adding the armulet try to use this command. Important: You should only activat this quest!. This command teleports you to the next questmarker.


    Or you can try this command.

    setstage [Quest Id] [status]

    This command finish the quest.

  12. Hello everybody,


    i finished dawnguard yesterday evening. This morning I started to play skyrim and wondered that I spawned in this little pub in Riverwood where you met Delphine. The interesting thing is that I created the last save at Paarthurnax's place. If I try to leave the pub, the loadscree appears and after a few seconds the screen is black and I'm back in the pub again...


    I loaded an older save before I killed the vampire-lord. Everything works fine until I killed Serana's dad. After I leaved the castle and do a fast-travel to Whiterun I spawned after a black screen back at the castle. If I try to use the little boat, the same happen. I hope this little movie can explain it better than me :)




    At 00:46 there are two load screens. I didn't edit anything.

    The following mods are installed at the moment:


    • The Black Sacrament Armor V4-1
    • Bleach - Ichigos Vasta Lorde Transformation
    • Calientes Female Body -CBBE-
    • Deadric Reaver Armor
    • Equipmet of eternal shine
    • Ring of change
    • Shadown Ranger Gear
    • Silver Dragon Armor
    • Wicked Blade


    Steam Workshop

    • Dovagonian Races
    • Hero's Respite Home
    • Demonic Race
    • The Vendred Epidemic
    • Enchanted Visual Effects
    • Ice Elf Weapon and Armor Set
    • Craftable Arrows
    • Morrowind Armor for Skyrim
    • Dragon Form Standalone


    I don't use every mod. I never had a problem with the mods before. Only after killing Serana's dad.

    For more details just ask :)


    Best Regards


  13. Hey everyone,


    for a long time I played as an Argonian but I don't like it anymore...

    So I tried to change the race into a Nord or Imperial. I used the console comand player.setrace nord and showracemenu. But it only change the body and not the head of my character. I've heared of an face glitch that caused by the argonian race. There are many solution for this glitch but no one seems to work for me. At the moment my character look like this...




    pretty screwed :D


    Is there a mod or anything I can do to fix this? I don't want to start a new game...


    PS: I'm German, so please excuse my english.


    Best Regards

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