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Everything posted by Leadpipejustice

  1. You get a gold star from me bro! I just learned how to make a merge patch to get all your stuff in the game. Out of anyone modding Skyrim, yours is the reason I still play this game. Like the souls series, monsters are what make the game.
  2. I may have missed something here. I've spent the last month trying to generate object LOD for a custom worldspace. Nowhere on the innernets is this really explained I followed Alexander's youtube tutorial. Which sets up your source folder. Made sense. Of course, nothing worked. At this point, I'd be happy to get rocks and mountains generated. Trees work fine for some reason. I was able to generate terrain ONCE with LODGen using Sheson's suggested settings. Any other configuration does nothing. Luckily, I saved the mesh and texture outputs that were successful.
  3. YES and NO. project parallax avoid. Skyrim HD Terrain Parallax avoid, (Vivid landscapes has parallax and does it better). Roads and bridges are ok. Avoid parallax trees, already done better by SFO which has parallax and more. Noble Skyrim looks really good. (No parallax effect though, and not all mods need parallax, some parallax mods look bad compared to others without.) If you want to go parallax crazy with project parallax then you are on your own. Noble Skyrim will not be compatible with those files. Project Parallax's mod page looks simple enough until you look into it. Seems like there are a lot of things to go wrong with incompatibilities. Simply because those files add parallax effect to existing retexture mods. So always make sure the parallax mod is standalone. Not just an effect added to a pre-existing mod floating around. In conclusion.... big deal project parallax! Now we have to find all those mods and THEEEEEN apply parallax to them. Just my 2 cents here. REMEMBER- If you are using Skyrim Flora Overhaul, parallax will not work with those parallax tree mods as well. Because SFO already has parallax effect and custom tree meshes and therefore custom billboards (AKA tree LODs that are specifically made for Dydolod). ALL Roads and Bridges retex mods are ok to overwrite and replace. UNLESS it says parallax effect is being applied to Noble Skyrim's roads. ALSO, Glaciers and Icebergs are ok. glacierslab- i want this one but i'm too lazy to run Dyndolod again for the 100th time!! https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82157
  4. I use Noble Skyrim cause it covers a lot of retextures in one mod page. The downside is any parallax patch for Noble Skyrim seems to crash. Otherwise any texture mod, including the fancy parallax ones are ok to use before running dyndolod. Your rig should do fine even if you retextured the whole game
  5. In terms of less Skyrim mods... remember the post about programs that enhance the OLDRIM vanilla engine... Windows 7 will utilize ENB memory to the fullest. This past years Fall update for Windows 10 should also... as it didn't before. So if you have windows youre good. Otherwise I'm not sure what you do in order for ENB to utilize your machine's memory. (I think you install the enb for YOUR OS...doy! ) Usually, crashing is from not installing Boris's ENB program right. If INSTALLED RIGHT, you will know becuase things will look good, And "Shift-Enter to bring up enb menu" will be prompted on the title screen. And if it's working, that means the memory settings used in the enblocal.ini are too. Crashing is almost ALWAYS from running out of memory, a mod with badly implemented scripts, or a conflicting mod. -OR- going past the 255 esp plugin limit. Having SKSE installed is mandatory for the stability patch to work. No patch, no stability, and enb memory will still run out. WITH THAT BEING SAID. I have a large, script heavy, and new land heavy load order of 383 active mods and 235 active esp plugins... I am pretty sure both of us use similar high end machines. Only yours is most likely better.. If you are crashing frequently, somethings not right. :smile: I almost always never crash, and I use Bethini to run smooth even with maxed out NVIDIA settings.
  6. Yup, you got it! Do that procedure. Noble Skyrim parallax will crash your game... I just remembered. So stick with what Noble Skyrim does. Below are the parallax mods that work as listed in my NMM. Install AFTER Noble Skyrim and overwrite when prompted by NMM. Parallax Fix Project - Meshes - PFP - Hectrol CAVES DELUXE Northfire's Mountains with parallax 2K - Northfire's Mountains with parallax 2K Granite Markarth and Dwemer Ruins - parallax - Granite Markarth and Dwemer Ruins - Parallax Granite Markarth and Dwemer Ruins - parallax - Granite Markarth 1.3 Gildergreen 4K Parallax - Gildergreen 4K Parallax 4K Parallax High Hrothgar by Pfuscher - Update1 Pfuscher 4K Parallax High Hrothgar by Pfuscher - High Hrothgar those 4ks are ok. Becuase high hrothgar is just a building and an interior. Totally recommended as they work and are not as complicated as others that do the same thing. yea... there are others that are more complicated. Might as well go all the way in landscapes before running Dyndolod. PLEASE READDDDD ENBLOCAL.INI ---------------------------------->>>>>>>>Make sure you copy and paste those Enblocal.ini settings under [MEMORY] from the previous post ---------------------------------->>>>>>>>TO MAKE PARALLAX NOT LOOK MESSED UP COPY THIS UNDER [Fix] also in your Enblocal.ini file. [FIX]FixPhysics=trueFixGameBugs=trueFixParallaxBugs=trueIgnoreInventory=trueFixSsaoHairTransparency=trueFixSsaoHairTransparency=TrueRemoveBlur=trueFixSubSurfaceScattering=trueFixCursorVisibility=falseIgnoreLoadingScreen=trueFixAliasedTextures=falseFixTintGamma=falseFixSkyReflection=trueFixParallaxTerrain=trueFixLag=false ONE LAST THING WITH NOBLE SKYRIM: Here are the noble skyrim files from the mod page i used as listed in NMM: DO NOT install the "All-in-One" on the modpage" I'm pretty sure something gets messed up by the parallax mods or vivd landscapes if you do NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - NSM - SMIM Patch NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - 22. NSM - DLC DRAGONBORN ONLY NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - 21. NSM - DLC DAWNGUARD ONLY NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - 20. CAMPING SET ONLY NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - 18. NSM - 4K-ALCHEMY-WORKBENCH NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - 17. NSM - NORMAL AND NOBLE FURNITURE ONLY NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - 15. NSM - BLACKSMITH SET ONLY NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - 14. NSM - SHIPS ONLY NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - 13. NSM - RATWAYS ONLY NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - 12. NSM - MINES ONLY NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - 08.NSM - HIGHHROTHGAR ONLY NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - 07. NSM - WINTERHOLD COLLEGE ONLY NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - 05. NSM - RIFTEN ONLY NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - 04. NSM - WINDHELM ONLY NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - 03. NSM - SOLITUDE ONLY_4K NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - 02. NSM - WHITERUN-ONLY Yea, modding sucks... and is complicated.
  7. @youresnotsupposedtobeinhere Yea most likely at my tipping point. (Was at 236 plugins and heavy load order) I use Mihail's flesh atronach's that are added to the college. Probably edits the same records as Summerset in that area, who knows... I noticed some longer load times then crashed going through the dorm door during Mirabelle's tour. This is just one of those heavy mods man... I really like all my other mods too much to go through and troubleshoot one by one just to get it to work. Maybe for a rainy day...
  8. hmm....... I'll have to try it again. Sooooo glad LODs are included, Dyndolod takes forever. I'll pm if all goes well. Could also be I went over the plugin limit last time (233 is already pretty high).
  9. @Yourenotsupposedtobeinhere I'm a mod junky.... I went too far dude. Here's what it would take just to get Summerset Isle to work for me. 1. Ditch veydosebrom grass (what I was using at the time) for your recommended one and run Dyndolod a second time in order for the required grass to work with the rest of the game... 2.run through wryebash and re-patch the mods I use that conflict after. 3. Can't cheat through the mage's guild quest using setstage or else scripts won't work. SPOILER--> After getting questioned and searched at the gate, now I can experience that MANDATORY College tour again with Mirabelle Irvine telling me the rulez. Better hopeTolfdir throws that spell at me during lecture, otherwise I get to hear his amazing speech on wardens again lol. (it is by pure luck when the script fires) Then we can crash going through the door at Saarthal. 4. No cool flying mods allowed or else the quest marker will break. So walking everywhere is required for Summerset Isle to work. Once on Summerset, Fight trees with legs (those were actually pretty cool), and skeevers with shrooms on them and health pools larger than Alduin. (grummites were cool) Crash on same part of the map. probably because I cheated and somehow broke a quest via using toggle no clip or tgm. FINAL WORD The mod is beautiful and I wanted to see more. The architecture and set up is amazing. The voice acting was impressive. All things to be a dlc are there. You just have so many conditions that have to be met in order for it to actually be enjoyed. The mages guild requirement, grass mod, and no cheats are what kill it for me, otherwise it would be up there as the best. Maybe one day I will slow down and get lost again in the giant mages guild story it was meant to be. Good luck, and truly you are a genius to have made it that far doing most of it yourself.
  10. THERE IS a lot HERE MAN. But it is the truth. First you need LOOT. This program will sort your load order for you. You absolutely need it or else the game will crash. Your load order is all jacked up. LOOT https://loot.github.io/ that's the site I remember getting it from. Once installed click the first icon (near the magnifying glass icon) on the top right corner of the program window. (should pop up as "sort plugins" with your mouse hovered over it) Looks like bars. then hit "Apply" when done. EVERYTIME you add a mod to the game you have to run LOOT after. Just a part of the process for advanced modding. Clear Skyrim is from 2011. I'd say uninstall and avoid. Pick something else. Mods BEFORE 2012 avoid due to existing BEFORE the Skyrim Creation kit. Trust on that one Enhanced landscapes will most likely conflict with grass mods and Skyrim Flora Overhaul. Looks like they added grasses in there and trees. Not good if using SFO or a grass mod. ONE AT A TIME and whatnot. I did SFO with the right billboard options for Dyndolod. and of course no grass option to allow for veydosebrom. THE BEST grass replacer lol. gotta fit the puzzle pieces together. Project parallax remaster conflicts with Noble SKyrim. Been there done that. It looks freakin awesome though! I decided I liked how Noble Skyrim hit almost everything with buildings and then installed Vivid landscapes on top of everything else. (no grass in here or anything SFO does so vivid landscapes is safe. Again, Enhanced landscapes does waay too much. can't use a grass mod or SFO with it. Skyrim is a delicate puzzle. make sure all landmods fit together nicely. usually they overwite eachother accept for trees and grasses. This crap is why it's called "advanced modding" becuase after landscapes are done it is required for you to run dyndolod. Or else you will crash becuase no landscape billboards will be made. Dyndolod is a requirement after every landscape change. Bare with me here: Skyrim is a delicate game. Texture and landscape overhauls, "advanced modding" requires Enboost, Skyrim Stability Guide Skyrim Stability Guide https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50244?tab=files (enable the skse patch file. look in files section always in mods) Enboost https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38649?tab=files Select the ENBlocal file for YOUR system. most likely the 6 mb for now then change your memory settings in the enblocal.ini to this: (just copy the settings, not the explanation next to it) [MEMORY]ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false - if set to "True" memory blocks will NOT be set up by ENB and you run the game on shitty vanilla memory that crashes.ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=true - True= memory blocks will do their job. reduces memory to blocks instead of all at once which crashes your game DisableDriverMemoryManager=false - keep it false, unless you see in google that your system uses this. most DO NOT.DisablePreloadToVRAM=true - Keep True or else you can seriously mess your computer up. Your computer might not start up again if set to false. NEVER preload to VRAM be warned.EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=true - True =smooth gameplay might crash after an hour. False= never crash but a bit stuttery gameplayReservedMemorySizeMb=64 - the amount of memory buffer in megabytes, can increase to 128, 264, 512. For now, just keep at 64 because ENB is optimized for a very small buffer.VideoMemorySizeMb=16256 - your total memory block size in mbEnableCompression=true - True= smooth performance. False = more smooth performance, possible crash though. Depends on the power of your machine. For now, keep True.AutodetectVideoMemorySize=false - Keep false or else VideoMemorySizeMb block will be shitty vanilla of 0 mb. which means you crash. If that doesn't work set EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=true instead of false. The beginning is a very delicate time. New chars sometimes crash the game in the char creation. I have a large load order so I can no longer start a new char. INSTEAD I suggest using a vanilla save from the nexus. They skip past the boring dialogue and just cut to riverwood. NOW TO DO CHARACTER CREATION. USE Race menu or Enhanced Character Edit. Although RM is waaaay better with more options. With Race menu you can type "~" to bring up in-game console and type "showracemenu" where you can edit your char anytime, anywhere. Vanilla save game https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31650?tab=files this save should be ok too, remeber stay away from mods from BEFORE 2012 https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78891?tab=files Racemenu https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624 Also needs precache killer to prevent crash https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33526 TOO LONG DID NOT READ. it looks like you played for 10 minutes and then crashed. Remember the microsoft visual C fix????? VERY IMPORTANT. TRY THIS: type ~ to bring up console and type "setstage dlc1vqsaint 200", the game will crash EVERY damn 10 minutes if you have Dawnguard or Legendary Edition installed (all the official DLCs.) must do this command for EVERY new character started. WHAT'S IT DO? Doing this command in console makes you autocomplete a little side-quest that causes this bug. Worth it to cheat and miss out on this lame easter egg fetch quest by NPC Jiub (Morrowind fans), than to crash every ten minutes! Again good luck.
  11. BTW That "To DO" list is really good and worth a mod file post for other noobs. Maybe send them to this topic forum for "additional info" We were all noobs once!
  12. READ UP MAN LOLOL The list is perfect, more on that later. Yes, that's true with ENBs. All based on what the author says to use Either way, you will be installing a lighting mod and THEEEN a weather mod BEFORE installing an ENB. can only use ONE weather and one lighting mod at a time. No mixing two of the same mods together. (already tried that) two weather. Two lighting. doesn't work The best looking ENBs require a weather mod and a lighting mod. No doubt about it. but thats just me... maybe try some vanilla weather and lighting enbs first for ha has. The performance will be like butter for sure becuase of less resources being used. (Reshades are already included in an ENB. You have a good computer so no need to skimp out. ENB is the new standard.) The best lighting is ELFX. The best Weather is Natural Lighting Vivid Atmospherics Yes, they are the most complicated because they need patches. AKA more files to download on their mod pages. but, other mods will have compatibility files for them due to their popularity. Yes, there are only a few ENBs that use it. Which also sucks because we want to try different ENBs out ----------> but Truth is:Sure you get more options with the other lighting and weather mods, but no doubt they are mediocre, or run bad due to using outdated code. Relighting Skyrim Realistic Lighting Overhaul are just waay to bright. Most enbs can adjust the lighting intesity anyways in their menu, but ELFX has sound, particles, and realistic lighting shodows that make a big difference to overall polish THE "TO DO" LIST. "where in this list should I put weather, gameplay overhaul, effects ( spells etc.), water (waterfalls etc.), new lands ( Falskaar ), body-face-textures, mechanics, followers-armor-weapons, audio, animations ?" Effects (blood/spells) body-face-textures followers-armor-weapons- anykind of retex for these, or re-mesh- (AVOID anything by Jaysus, or Jet's mods that made changes to the leveled list) Animations These are highly compatible and can be added or removed at anytime. They will be overwitten or enhanced by better mods of your choosing as you go along. Game mechanics -should be done AT THE VERY END. They add scripting. Like Dyndolod, make sure you are COMPLETELY satisfied with the ones you got and KNOW for a fact that they will be compatible as said in their mod description. Changing Perk trees, anything that changes how the game works beware and do at the end. Read up on what they are compatible with on their modpage. Combat Mechanics - are OK to add and overwrite. Water is landscape. Thus, part of Dyndolod New lands are complicated, Most work great with Dyndolod, Others will get messed up by Dyndolod: New Lands that get messed up by Dyndolod and have their own custom LOD that works as is. AKA New Lands that work outta the box as is. -----------------> Summerset Isle- (avoid this one anyways, most likely will mess up your save game) or backup your save if you try to get it to work >World of Rudra by Bee9999 (not on Nexus) >Rochester by Breti (get the german 100% done version) >Shumer and the fall of Allagard by agerweb - Falskaar on steroids >Maslea - a large tropical province like Summerset Isle These New Lands need Dyndolod Falskaar Wyrmstooth- if you can find it on the internet Beyond Bruma Beyond Reach by razorkid (you go to High Rock Tameriel province) Darkend I use all those New Lands listed at the same time, except for Summerset Isle. So just a heads up. You can use a lot of New Land mods but they have to be done as suggested above. Audio is also ok to add or remove. EXCEPT Audio for Skyrim overhaul 2 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43773 this is an optional but immersive polish. it is my advice to do this AFTER any New land mods. It just takes a long time for NMM to install. So you want to be happy with the new lands you have before doing so. Enjoy :smile:
  13. To answer that last one. NMM is easy to use. Just click to install. All mods on Nexus site use it. (Not sure what you do to install with MO) Mod Organizer- is complicated but has more options. You would have to learn to use it. NMM is self explainatory. The new version should be fine despite people saying they don't like it. Make sure you let the mod install ONE at a time. And all functions are done ONE AT A TIME. Or else it will freeze up. For instance, don't download a mod from the Nexus and try to install another already downloaded mod all at once. NMM does things ONE AT A TIME. Mod Organizer I have never used due to it being a bit complicated. There are a ton of options with it though. I think you set flags to de-level enemies. Allowing the boss -tier ones to show up early in the game. There is already so much to learn as it is, so i never used MO. There are mods to do that too on the Nexus AKA Rogue-like Encounters, Wryebash lets you do that too. FINAL WORD Honestly, when it comes down to a mod manager. The more options, the more ways the game can crash. So I either manually install or use NMM.
  14. YUP. For exterior textures only. Interiors/ caves/mines/ you can replace without worrying about Dyndolod. Dyndolod only affects OUTSIDE stuff. (Exteriors) So make sure that you retexture absolutely everything that you want for outside FIRST. Make sure you are absolutely sure you are satisfied with how it will look (going off of the modpage pics!) Because the process of Dyndolod is a b_itch. The process of Dyndolod is: Make sure your char is saved in an interior cell. Load up that interior cell save with Dyndolod's OLD esp active in NMM, go to the mod menu in-game (MCM) and deactivate Dyndolod Then, generate the NEW esp using Dyndolod's program. ----------------->Textures first (texgen.exe) ------------------>Then meshes,scripts, and the esp (all done when you click Dyndolod.exe) Delete the OLD dyndolod esp inside of your Skyrim Data folder Load the save (the one in the interior cell) with the NEW esp checked in NMM. Go to exterior cell outside, then back inside and save in a new slot. Done. that esp is set in stone. All other saves before it are corrupted and should be deleted. Once again all due to scripts. So like i said, MAKE SURE you get all the landscape mods you want, because Dyndolod finalizes everything and you can only do this ONCE per New Character save slot. Or scripting will f*** things up if done multiple times per playthrough. BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING I HIGHLY suggest you get Static Mesh Improvement Mod aka SMIM https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8655 This one makes a huge difference to visuals. HUGE. Also other landscape textures will then overwrite these files smoothly with nexus mod manager. This will save you a big headache later as You DO NOT want to decide to install SMIM AFTER doing landscape changes. Things will get fuc_ked up. :smile: WHY IS DYNDOLOAD SUCH A *censored*??? Exteriors usually contain textures ANNND meshes. Landscape mod meshes are usually a different shape from the vanilla game's meshes (i.e rock formations) being replaced. So Dyndolod will be buggy as Hell trying to load the previous landscape then popping in the new landscape you downloaded. Not good, as i have done this. To keep awesome performance and quality just run Dyndolod when you are COMPLETELY SATISFIED with how you retextured Skyrim. After SMIM TRY THESE to get most of skyrim retextured quickly. I personally run Noble Skyrim in 2K resolution https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45807/?tab=description Then, overwrite the files with a Noble Skyrim parallax patch, search for "Noble Skyrim parallax" Parallax effect adds depth to textures giving it a 3D pop effect. Man! So worth it if you want to go the extra mile. Otherwise, you may find some retexture mods look better than the ones made with parallax. To each their own. but worth checking out anyways as an option. THEEENN INSTALL Vivid Landscapes- all in one- https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49344?tab=files I personally run these file choices, as there are a lot of them that could potentially steer you wrong in the mod page's list: Vivid Landscapes- BSA Archive 2048 - Get 2K, avoid 4K All in one- SMIM farmhouse stuff- once again, make sure Static Mesh Improvement Mod (SMIM) is installed first Enhanced lights and FX compatibility patch- Make sure you have Enhanced Lights and FX installed before adding this one in. Tundra Ground from Skyrim HD 2K- makes the LOD ground green. Blends in A LOT better than brown, which is the mod's default LOD color (2048 means 2K resolution) That's high quality and without a performance hit like with 4K, especially when using it for landscapes. That's too much for the game engine to load. REMEMBER, even with all these programs to enhance the old engine. As far as memory goes...Oldrim and neither Skyrim special edition can utilize a fraction of what a beefy PC can do. So 4k textures will bog things down fast. W O W MAN WHO HAS TIME TO READ THIS!!!!? I talk too much. Good luck man. This is like months of me f***ing up in Dydolod and landscape. SO READ. AGAIN make sure that you retexture absolutely everything that you see outside that you want before finalizing with Dyndolod. You get one ESP generated per NEW Character game playthrough.
  15. No sweat. Hopefully others will be able to google a problem and this page will come up... TRY THIS. not sure how far you got. Any of these suggestions should work either way. As I have done them ALL lol. For ALL grass mods (grass replacers) including veydosebrom there are compatibility issues with Skyrim Flora Overhaul. To make compatible make sure you selected Skyrim Flora Overhaul 2.5b- no grass file. that's "if" you went ahead and tried installing SFO (Skyrim Flora Overhaul) These are the files I used: "no grass", just means any grass mod will be compatible since SFO's grass is not clipping on top of another grass mod. Skyrim Flora Overhaul - SFO Billboards for v2.5b Skyrim Flora Overhaul - SFO on Steroids Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Skyrim Flora Overhaul 2.5b - No grass Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Skyrim Flora Overhaul v2.5b Solstheim Genesis - Solstheim Genesis for Skyrim Flora Overhaul - colored pines by mobius belmont (Check out mobiusbelmont's Solstheim genesis if you want to replace the islands landscape too. ) The reason i am suggesting this... basically ANY landscape change you make (SFO is only one of many nexus mods that change land) you do first before going through the process of Dyndolod. SO whatever mod that changes landscape you want do that first. THEN you go through the process of Dyndolod. or else the game will crash or stutter a lot. Just how dydolods programming works... You will have to start a new char again in order for the changes made by Dyndolod to reset (if there is crazy stutter and crashing.) (if ya fuc_ked up) to avoid this from happening ALWAYS disable Dyndolod ingame with the MCM (Mod Configuration Menu). BEFORE you go through the Dyndolod process of deleting and creating a new dyndolod esp with the program. (shown in the vid) The MCM is found in the games quest menu says "mod something" can't miss it... A key note- only ONE grass replacer can be installed or else problems will happen Grass on Steriods however just makes more of the grass replacer you are using. I believe it is a requirement too for grass replacer mods like Veydosebrom. Grass On Steroids https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33582?tab=description IF ALL ELSE FAILS.... copy and paste the settings HERE >>>> http://forum.step-project.com/topic/8780-grass-optimization/ in your Skyrim.ini and Skyrimprefs.ini file. What are ini's? Where are they?? ini's are just notepad files. Skyrim.ini and Skyrimprefs.ini are found in documents/mygames/Skyrim folder The settings are all listed on the page. They are good settings to help with pop in. Otherwise, I believe in my original post Bethini on the nexus does this all with one click TOO DAMN LONG DID NOT READ Bethini https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69787?tab=description So the easiest thing to do would be to try Bethini. All above things here should work. Basically outlined a tutorial on Dyndolod. If you master dyndolod you are an advanced modder and can install anything lol Grass is a pain in the ass. But once done right it will work for all things. All grass settings carry over to new land mods so you don't have to worry about incompatibility. Basically, then grass mods will enhance all landscapes added by mods. That is the magic
  16. Good man, like I said get ready to buckle down and download a bunch of requirement files for the mods you want. THE STABILITIY PATCH THAT WORKSvvvv https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50244?tab=files Skyrim Stability Guide by firefreak111 Forgot what it was called in original post. Trust, that is the one you want,in my experience other patches did not work as well for some reason BELOW ARE MORE USEFUL REQUIREMENTS (some game changers that are built to augment skyrims dated engineVVVVVV) SKSE- Skyrim Script Extender - hacks the engine to make it a next gen game. Very useful and a requirement for the "advanced" mods Skyui- another requirement for a lot of mods Dyndolod- for distant LODs (Level of Detail) AKA distant object fade. for the screens FNIS- Fores New Idles In Skyrim- the base program for cool animation mods, the good combat mods too use this as a requirement FNIS PCEA2- Player Exclusive Animations 2 -- Allows custom animations for ONLY your character as well as custom ones for male and female npcs in the game. You can look straight out of Devil May Cry or a cool action game instead of an angry gorilla Caliente's Bodyslide- custom female char body types, UnifiedUNP type or CBBE body HDT - for bouncing boobs and bootybuttcheeks, adds realism to female armor, for creating waifu's Racemenu- to make a character's face not look like a block, AKA smooth next gen customization of chars ----->RM is better than that enhanced char edit, reddit says this and imo ECE just crashes my game and is incompatible with other mods these are the cards on the table for advance modding, goodluuck and happy to help. P.S. Some more 2 cents......... i wish I knew when I started modding all I can say is crashing and freezing is normal when running out of VRAM. Repeated crashing and freezing in the SAME spot on the map means mod incompatibility. So uninstall the last mod you added and return to an earlier save. otherwise you have to use a save game cleaner program to get the save file to work properly. This is due to skyrim's engine baking information into saves permanently as you go along. So do a hard save a couple times BEFORE you install a mod so you can always revert back incase the mod you wanted is a bummer. TURN OFF autosaves and just manually save. Autosave messes stuff up with advanced mods. so pay attention to mod descriptions and compatibility. ENB is a great way to actually boost performance with advanced modding. ENBs come with an enblocal file (enblocal.ini). make sure you set EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=true in the enblocal.ini notepad file. It helps smooth out gameplay with systems that use beefy VRAM (like yours), if EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=FALSE, you will most likely NEVER crash but have a very stuttery game. I say better to just run out of VRAM and have a smooth game than to have an infinite stuttery one. Stay clear of adding cities to the game, or turning skyrim's cities into "open cities" (they don't have load doors), just go with new land mods instead. HOWEVER beware of the New Land mod Summerset Isle by yournotsupposedtobeinhere. Ironically, that one messes your game up bad due to complicated compatibility issues and overscripting. Don't overscript your game. Things like footprints in the snow, or wet and cold effects on char slow the base engine down. no way around it... Reblooded mod is cool, adds blood to char from combat, that is the only cloaking spell scripting mod that works.... creature mods like Rogue-like Encounters by ArwingXL is the most detailed and up to date working creature replacer. Adds variety, the others excpet for Mihail's will mess your game up. OK I'm done :smile: All this text wall is seriously a nut shell of what you would be looking at in google. this is 1000 plus hours of knowledge so read up!
  17. cue epic weeb music* Y'ALL BEEN CUCKIN' IT!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK6qyOJV4nk&list=PLPLqqoq7vS766qIywNWp_-_ltuIiGSZVA&index=85 Beginning of 2017 January was the year I got help from my lil' bro to build a beast gaming PC It was the year I got to FINALLY mod Skyrim into the ultimate game the same way I did with Morrowind and Oblivion way back when. So this past year was an amazing year for modding. Thank you modders for your wizardry and black magic. I too will try to figure out the programs soon... T H A N K Y O U :) :) :) :) It is people like you that make this old ass game better than the garbage mmos and games people make these days that give you nothing and expect you to pay for every little thing. You keep gaming and its artform alive. YOU are a special individual. A genius that gives and asks for nothing There is so much potential in the media of gaming. It is an interactive novel. A movie that YOU star in. Music, art, sculpture, story telling all wrapped up into one. Thank you for the worlds that you create, and the little that you do and add each day :)
  18. yes, it is on the nexus somewhere I think it only works with cbbe body replacer UNP body is good too, but there are no sliders for it there are mods to texblend muscle maps to the body so you can have beast legs but softer arms all custom s#*!, unfortunately all vanilla females will have their bodies look the same as the player unless using th bijin mod which replaces many important female npcs, this adds variety and kind of fixes the same body problem. there is a more advanced method described on the mod pages but it requires you to hand load custom bodies for every female npc more boredom simulator lol
  19. Yooo Those screens look amazing. To attain the look of those screens you want its gonna take sometime. You need to install a ton of s***. For Skyrims engine to even handle the graphics you need programs that augment its dated engine. HERE IT IS MAN, the text wall you asked for. This is 1000 plus hours of modding knowledge condensed T H E b a s i c s::::::::: Google these: LOOT- program that sorts your mod load order, essential for having mods and for the game to load and not crash on startup. it tricks the game engine into being able to load a little at a time. again memory Skyrim stability patch- absolutely necessary to allow the game to utilize memory or else crash Enboost- no enb required (but you should get ENB utility from Boris's site), ENBoost will load texture overhauls quickly, which your screenshots have. it stablizes fps Bethini- run this program when you are absolutely finished with modding. it smooths out performance and sorts ini files which effect how enbs work. otherwise you got to set the inis yourself and that is boredom simulator. ~ bring up console in game,type setstage dlc1vqsaint 200 should stop any crash related to microsoft visual c errors. need to do every new character. ENB Enb by boris voronsov - make sure you download the latest version for Skyrim. Click the version link on page not the green download button that gives you maleware like me :smile: then get an ENB from the nexus, manual download. Just extract the files into your skyrim folder. (NOT the skyrim/data folder) but just the skyrim folder. The ENB depends on weather mods, so if your lazy like me make sure the description of the one you like says its for vanilla weathers, otherwise, the really cool enbs use Climates of Tamriel, or Vivid Weathers, or Natural Lighting Vivid Atmosherics. The last one being the most majestic in my opinion. Although it is hard to find an ENB that works with NLVA. I suggest Kwanon by Hhaley if you decide to go with NLVA, both are on the nexus. shift enter allows you to tweak enb settings, change lighting, if you computer is strong enough you can make the graphics look insane by maxing out quality settings and enabling all the effects. A PAIN IN THE ASS Google best setting for enblocal file. this notepad file needs to be set up correctly in order for enb to not crash. usually this file is already included with the enb you download from the nexus- my advice is stick with newer enbs the older ones run like s*** and are badly optimized enblocal file is important to allowing skyrim to utilize your computers memory. again google the ini settings to copy and paste those settings into the notepad document which tells the enb how to run. Lighting- enhanced lighting and fx- the best imo ONLY install the interior and any enb settings when prompted by the nmm (nexus mod manager) weather mods and the enb take care of outside lighting TEXTURES realistic water two- huge improvement - overwrite everything from enhanced lighting and fx when prompted. water color enb and realistic water two- very important for those screenshots Vivid landscapes all in one file- a complete one click texture overhaul for skyrim a game changer bro aMidianborn book of silence- all his texture replacers for armor. Allows any armor (including modded armor) to appear shiny and crispy. Very important real snow- beautiful realistic snow those are the basics. you will eventually replace everything though Skyrim flora overhaul- adds trees, shrubs, makes them larger, effects any new land mod, looks great, add realism downside is there are too many options. Choose only ONE file option veydosebrom- the best looking grass, absolutely necessary for screens Dynadolod - is the biggest game changer provides long distant accurate LODS for those long shots of the mountains. A total *censored* to use and install unfortunately. You NEED to watch a long shitty youtube video honestly, that video just shows you what to do using nmm gamerpoets video is boredom simulator TL;DR LOOT- program that sorts your mod load order or else game will crash with tons of mods that load up out of order by default Stick with texture suggestions Skyrim stablity patch ENBoost the pain in the ass but necessarry- Dyndolod absolutely learn Dyndolod Good luck, modding really sucks. but overtime you WILL make the ultimate game that exceeds all other games. You have to read and google up and down the internet, thoroughly read installation instruction on nexus mod pages mod incompatibilty is a nightmare and takes time to figure out LOOT - this program is necessary for skyrim to run mods and sorts out incompatibility wryebash is another program that helps sort out incompatibilty, but is more advanced. You can merge incompatible mods together with it to work together. it sucks, but the pay off is literally the best game ever.
  20. Yea it takes alot of work. Can't imagine scripting or even making weapons and armor. Lots of 3rd party programs and whatnot too. ---Unfortunately, that Worldspace tab is useless without the ability to move child worldspaces around within their parent worldspace.
  21. I have a decent rig, and I read somewhere the "CK has limitless power" but depends on your machine... Too bad the CK is not really fun or intuitive to use.... HUGE LEARNING CURVE If I were successful, I would need to ask a bunch of the mod authors to release it. Or even better, I could just release a file that tells others how to mix and match worldspaces. Give it a try if you want. I will look into TES5Edit. The top bar of the CK is labeled "worldspace", click that and you will see a list of worldspaces. For instance, you can select Darkend. A menu will pop up for it when selected. Choose its parent worldspace. ie. Falskaar There are a bunch of check boxes in darkend's menu to allow it (the child worldspace) to inherit land and LOD data from its parent worldspace. Any new land that has LOD should work with this method, I merged another giant Hammerfell new land mod called "World of Rudra" by Bee9999 with Breti's "Rochester" land I selected Breti's "Rochester" and let "World of Rudra" be its parent worldspace. After you do all this in the CK you save it as an esp and you can try it out in game! Everything in game looked good. Both world spaces where present and you could coc around to other places. You would even see LOD for both the child space and giant worldspace. (hammerfell way out in the distance while standing in the City of Camelot by the castle) Unfortunately, the two spaces overlapped and were clipping badly around most of the landscape. I'm hoping I can shift land coordinates in TES5Edit. Who knows what wizardry that would take???? After you do all this in the CK you save it as an esp and you can try it out in game! AGAIN, if released, I would ask all mod author's involved permission, OR I would just release a small text file explaining how to do it so that others can just mix and match worldspaces for personal use. TL;DR - it works!!!!, but to make it work better I will investigate TES5Edit Trust, I identify with your sig bro :smile:
  22. MODDING the game requires college schooling. To be a modder requires a Doctorate. ~ to bring up console setstage dlc1vqsaint 200 This fixes the microsoft c+ runtime library bug. Which will make you crash every 10 mins. Can do this anywhere after a new game. The other thing to do is get ENBoost and Skyrim Stability Patch. Both are necessary to have large mods and prevent crashes due to Vanilla game engine handling memory badly. BETHini is somewhere on the nexus or internet. BETHini is a program that you press one click and it organizes ini files to make your shitty hardrive find things faster. All of the above worked for me! Mod incompatibilities and bad scripts will mess things up when you add or remove mods too much during a play through. Search for scriptcleaner for skyrim. The iconshortcut should look like a sword called savetool.exe
  23. Skyrim Creation Kit noob looking for some veteran tips... Lately, I've been trying to find a way to lessen up loading screens by editing worldspaces with the CK AKA. Merging worlds into one playable area... the immersion is cool too. Incredibly, we can actually do this with the CK by clicking on "worldspaces" and selecting the world you want to merge. For example, I click Darkend and mark Falskaar as its parent worldspace. I can merge in Darkend's map, LODs, navmeshes, etc. (literally DARKEND in its entirety) into Falskaar's world map. All with a few clicks... While in game, Darkend's LOD and areamap shows up as part of Falskaars map. Everything works along with the NPCs moving around. The problem???? Darkend is clipping and overlapped into Falskaar's worldspace. With the CK, is it possible for me to position a worldspace (Darkend) inside of its parent world space Falskaar? ie. move the island of Darkend off the coast of Falskaar.
  24. Thanks for the replies guys. I'll need to start my online pHD course soon on TESVEdit! yea basically saves on esp space. And it would be cool to have both lands in the same world space. I would need Author's permission of course if posting the result here on the Nexus.
  25. I use Wryebash and it allows you to have a TON of mods work together at once smoothly. It works magic. BUT Wryebash needs a doctorate to use. So your question is a risky move. My 2 cents here....Other modders have merged files before. And I have used those merged files with the bashed patch with no problems I would put my money on merging the weapons BEFORE the bashed patch. Otherwise, LOOT will most likely say the original weapon esp's are missing from the bashed patch (due to merging the weapon esps after Wryebash did its magic with them) That is my logic hahah I do know if you use FNIS, RS Children overhaul, and Dual Sheath redux you need to deactivate the files in NMM. before running Wryebash, because the magic that program works will mess things up with FNIS being active. - DO NOT uninstall, but double click to deactivate the files in NMM. -Run wryebash. -then reactivate the FNIS files and RS children in NMM by double clicking them again. -Then run LOOT to get the load order all right. hope this helps lol
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