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Posts posted by deadlyillness

  1. What are you PC specs? That would help. As far as lighting goes, I would recommend Climates of Tamriel, Enhanced Lights and Effects, and Quietcool ENB preset. I would recommend that you use http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6/? BOSS, get your basic load order and move around certain mods into the places they should be. You always place Enhanced lights and effects to load after your other mods, when BOSS places it to run before some of the CoT plugins. As for other mods, I would recommend W.A.T.E.R. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13268/?, which always goes last. Green water fix, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14007/?, to go with ENB. It loads after the first W.A.T.E.R plugin. Static Mesh Improvement Mod, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8655/?, Which should go after the first CoT plugin and DLC patches. There are quite a few HD mods such as the Skyrim 2k HD. I would mix and match and try them. They are all better than the Official HD textures. Also, if you have the official HD pack, uncheck the plugins to keep them from loading, then open you Skyrim.ini file in Documents/MyGames/Skyrim and under [Archive], after Skyrim-Textures.bsa, type HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa, HighResTexturePack03.bsa.
  2. Horse suck in Skyrim. Of course, but you know what would make them better, if you couldn't get the horse to back up when you ride it and to be able to turn without having to follow the camera. I can't do it. I don't know anything about scripts or anything that could do that. But I know it could be done because the horse has the built in animations to back up, it's just the controls suck and you can't do it when you are riding it. So I would be looking forward to this simple mod that would make horses in the game 100 times better if someone would be willing to do it.

  3. Ulfric is more like a William Wallace character than anything else. He is very educated, born from, and wants his homeland to be independent from another nation, has strong patriotism to his culture and country (which Skyrim's culture seems more like Scotland to me than a Scandinavian culture, especially the Nord race's lore and fighting style). If we ignore Braveheart, as there are things that Hollywood changes... In addition, Wallace likely would have wanted to compete for Scotland's throne. However, we know that Wallace didn't limit himself to the "rules" of warfare at the time. At the battle of Stirling Bridge, Wallace exploit the narrow bridge to the Englishmen's dismay and attacked them before they crossed the bridge.

  4. Now that the patch has been officially released post beta. I noticed how the legendary skills worked. However, I don't understand how it works, other than letting you start over from square one on the legendary skill each time you get to 100, repeat as many times as you want, essentially destroying part of the role-playing aspect of specialization and character talents, and further unbalancing the game. Though you could argue that it aids roleplaying, it's not the case. Essentially you can get enough perks to have every perk in the game. What would be the point? Wouldn't an uncapper that just let you get 200 in the skill like the Elys uncapper be better and less buggy because it wasn't released by bethesda, and it's optional? Do they actually require more experience each time or is just some poorly made, poorly optimized patch by Bethesda (mounted combat controls anyone?)? Another thing unclear, is what exactly is the manner that legendary difficulty actually changes difficulty, is there improved AI or is it just a new set of damage multipliers? As far as that goes, difficulty in the form of damage multipliers aren't difficulty, that can be easy to compensate for with some careful perk use and combat multipliers, or exploit the poor vanilla AI to avoid damage. If they didn't do anything to actually improve difficulty with anything other than a new multiplier, what is the point of this patch other than the bug fixes?

  5. So I decided to run Boss today because I installed a few mods and I actually looked at the mod order list on the boss page, and it turns out that the Official content has all dirty edits. Lol.



  6. I had recently installed morrowind to my pc. And the launcher is not recognizing any resolution other than 640x480. If it helps, I have a gtx 680 gpu and I'm running Ornicopter's Morrowind Overhaul. The resolution set in the Overhaul patcher was 1920x1080 but when the game is launched it does recognize it. Is there any way I can fix this?
  7. Can someone make a mod that completely removes all killmoves from the game? I mean, they are rather annoying and the ranged and magic ones don't work most of the time. As cool as they allegedly look, they are just a nuisance for me.
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